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8 Apr 2024



Last night I dreamt that I was at a surf festival and I was judging all the surfers πŸ˜…




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

8 Apr 2024



I was dating two men, one was a policeman very attractive black guy and one a very attractive white man, I arranged a day for both of them ti come to my house which was a place I used to live years ago, my best friend crashed her car outside my house into another friends green car, they where arguing, the white guy was in my house as the other guy turned up, I told my house mate to keep him in the house as I went out to see the other guy, and take him away from the house, I was dressed in an old shirt and nothing else, I was walking the through lots of shops with him to get us out of sight and we ended up in a cocktail bar and he asked me where my friend got her car from as he had seen it at his work and knew it was a stollen car? I said I didn’t know. We ordered cocktails and then I was trying to climb some really steep steps to go to the toilet, but there was obsticles everywhere, I finally found a toilet that was tiny, like that for a child, and it was really dirty! I just wanted to text the other guy so he could go home and I would call him later as something had come up! - I wanted to go home with the policeman to bed after we had cocktails. But didn’t want to cut the other guy off completely.

8 Apr 2024

New Job


The year after my grandpa passed away, in 2022, we were in our new trailer, me and my grandma, because we basically had to move out of our house that I grew up in forever by January. I had a dream. I was laying on my blow-up mattress, because that was my bed at the time, in my new room in my trailer. I was sleeping on my blow-up mattress. Then suddenly, I was asleep. I remember in my dream, I was at my grandfather's sister's house, in the back room where my grandfather would always sleep and stay when we visited there. That room that he stayed in, I have always been afraid of that room. For some reason, I have no idea why, but I always was. The fear. I never felt safe in that room. So, in my dream, I was in that room he used to sleep in. The room I was scared to be in. I remember the door being open, wide open. It was nighttime. I always watched TV at nighttime. Since the door was open, there's a hallway. One side of that wall, of that hallway, is a huge closet. The closet doors was a huge mirror. So, it's pitch black in that hallway. I cannot see anything. It's dark. It's black. It's scary. Then, I remember the whole room going dark. The TV was not working. I was trying to change the channel or something on my TV. It was not working. The TV went to TV static. I don't remember if the bedroom door was closed or open when the whole room went black and the TV was not working. Then, I remember my whole body. I don't know if it was in a blanket or not, but since I sleep on my back, my whole body was turning. Slowly turning. Slowly turning into a full circle. Slowly turning. Halfway before, whatever it was, I was going to see. I don't know if it was going to be a demon or whatever, but I woke up. I woke straight up from that. I woke up gasping. I wake up and to the left of me in the bed, a swoop of black. Like a swish of a black spirit or something black flew by me and disappeared in the room. I remember still not being able to move because I was paralyzed. I felt like I was paralyzed. I was not able to move, speak, nothing. Completely in terror and fear. I finally was able to move maybe after 15 to 20 minutes. Then, I was crying. I was bawling my eyes out. Completely scared, shitless because I had a night terror a year ago in my old room. Now, a year later in my new room, I am having a night terror again. I have no idea if a horrible spirit was following me from my old house that just happened to follow to my new house. I do not know what it was, but that was a very scary time for me. Thank God, now, in the year 2024, in my own place that I own, my own apartment, night terrors are not happening anymore. Thank God. I do not know if it was a trauma from back then or what, but it was very scary. Very scary.

8 Apr 2024



Two or three months after my grandfather passed away in 2021 of November, I had, well, his family was in town, and his wake, his funeral, everything, them basically destroying my house and taking my home from us was horrible after he passed away, and a family friend of ours that is very close to me, she has special gifts, she hugged my aunt, that is my grandfather's sister, and she said she felt darkness, she felt cold when she hugged her, and it kind of shocked her, and then after that, after hearing that, I don't know if it was the night of or the following night, after they all left town, his whole family left town, I had a night terror, I was in my old bedroom, laying on my bed, I felt like I was awake, actually, a black cat came into my room, which is odd, because I don't have a cat, so, that was pretty odd, because it literally felt like I was awake, like I was just, you know, my whole room looked exactly the way it was, like I felt like I was in my bed watching TV, black cat came into my room, then weirdly transformed, and then I ended up with a woman sitting on my lap in a white gown with dark, long black hair, her black hair was covering her face, so I did not know what she looked like, she was sitting on my lap, I sleep on my back, when I'm sleeping, so she was sitting on me, I remember vividly shouting, yelling, screaming at her, get off me, what are you, why are you on me, but then I realized, I cannot open my mouth, my mouth would not open, I am screaming, trying to get the words out, but it's just in my head, I'm screaming in my head, God, get her off me, get her off me, who is she, get this demon off me, Lord, I don't know what to do, I can't speak, get her off me, I'm freaking out, I am so freaking out, and then I remember wanting to move, but I could not move, it was like I was frozen, my arms would not move, nothing would move, it felt like my eyes were open, and I was screaming in my head, because my mouth would not move, nothing was happening, she was still sitting on me, and then I remember waking up, waking up from the dream, which felt like it was going on forever, and I remember after waking up from my dream, I could not move, I could not speak, for a whole 20 minutes, after the 20 minutes I could finally move my body, and I just started crying, uncontrollable crying, I was shaking, I was trembling, like my anxiety, and my, I basically had a nervous breakdown, because it was so scary, I was so paralyzed with fear, and crying, because I did not feel safe anymore in my house after this, it was horrible, it was absolutely horrible.

8 Apr 2024



I had a really sad dream that actually made me cry when I woke up. My dream was that I was at my university, and they were having a festival of some sort and all the students and staff were in attendance. I was with my two best guy friends, and we were walking through this gift shop area where I decided to try to call my husband to let him know we were waiting for him. I told my guy friends to start walking ahead of me and I would catch up to them when my phone call was done, but the phone kept ringing and he never picked up. Suddenly, I heard a gut-wretching scream and then multiple gun shots and looked behind me to see people running away from a man in a long black trench coat holding a huge semi-automatic rifle. I could feel the guns vibrations in my body while hearing the "flop" noise of bodies falling on the ground. The fear in me had me pinned the ground until I finally started running into a back room and found a couple people hiding back there. I asked them if anyone had seen my two best friends, but no one had seen them. I could still hear the shooting outside as it slowly grew louder towards the door. I told everyone to either run to another room or hide in the cabinets of this room we were in. I found a tiny cabinet that I could barely fit into to hide, where I took out my phone and kept dialing 911. The operator told me that the police would not save us because it was too dangerous for them. I kept texting my guy friends to see if they made it out safely or were hiding in a safe place - they never answered. In the meantime, I kept texting and calling my husband to try to warn him to not enter the building or at least run out if he was inside - he never answered. Finally, the gun shots ceased and someone knocked on my cabinet door to let me know the police came in and killed the shooter. When I got out of my cabinet, a guy I don't know looked me in the eyes and told me they found my guy friends, but they didn't survive. I didn't believe them so I ran from room to room until I finally found them.. on the ground, holding hands... dead. All my Korean friends were dead. All my classmates that I had been in classes since freshman year were all dead on the ground around me. I started screaming and wailing. I knew I had to look for my husband. I begged every single person that passed me whether they saw my husband or not - no one did. I called him over and over, and he still never answered. I never found him.

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