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22 May 2024



A girl I talked to for a few days at my job and I were flirting , almost as if we were in a relationship in the dream! Another girl that ghosted me a few months back walked by looking very angry. It was as if she was jealous of us and I told her that she had no reason to be upset because she did not want me when I wanted her. She continued walking and I went back to flirting , realizing soon after that the girl I was flirting with had also rejected me. I became very upset and belligerent about the situation. I felt played .




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22 May 2024



The whole family was going on some big trip on buses, the woman was driving From the nai. There were several more left-wing people and a bunch of animals, there were pigs, dogs, five Sphynx kittens, and we stopped in some barns to spend the night there. These kittens were from a man who was on another bus, and I collected them and carried them there at night so that people would worry about her. I saw a bunch of owls, basically some wild animals, and these owls attacked me to steal kittens Then we were on the river beach, and I talked with Linnet there, like she, Lini and Freminé were some kind of children of friends. She and I sat on the sand and talked about technology, she was like 10 years old, we had a good conversation. Then we walked along this beach with Freminet and he suggested playing some musical cards. And I began to stutter very badly, but he waited patiently and did not interrupt. Then another stop, my mother and I were on the road and to the left of the road there was a large lake. A guy jumped out of it so high that he disappeared from sight in the sky, and we were scared. His friend told us that this is a sport and everything is fine. Then the jumper hit me in the eye with sand, but no one noticed. We were then in my apartment, and Nevillet was also there. I went rummaging through the closet and saw a bag of postcards, like they left them for me and hid them for me to find later. I decided that I would read them later, but everyone started to seem so secretly offended that I wouldn’t read them now. And I was very embarrassed and scared, but I clenched my fists and agreed and sat in the closet, trying to close it behind me. Lini came up to me with a smile and was the only one who helped me close it, and I realized that he was the only one who understood me in this regard, that I was trying to hide and hide from people. Then the closet opened again and Fremina came over, helped me close it again and sat down next to me outside the closet, and I felt very comfortable in the knowledge that the person understood me but was not trying to change me, and was simply nearby. I decided that I would read the postcards now so that I could hug Nevilktt later as a thank you, and that would be a thrill, because he is a handsome man. Then we were on some estate, and there were many dogs with defects - no eyes, no noses, no muzzles at all, but I hugged them and allowed myself to be licked. In the next room I saw a wolf and a dog. The wolf was sleeping with his mouth open, and in his mouth were the insides of this dog; it lay gutted and dead. Freminet and I walked around this estate, I took my phone and saw that both it and my hands were all covered in blood. I was very scared, my hands were shaking, he began to help me wipe everything off and said, “Well, it’s dirty, it’s okay, don’t be afraid, let’s clean it up. They were arguing again... The poor dogs definitely won’t be able to stand it now, they won’t stand it again, what a nightmare.” And I realized that his family was organizing some wild scandals and bloody massacres here. I tried to unwind the toilet paper to wipe off the blood, but there wasn’t enough, and everything was covered in blood, and then we looked for somewhere to throw it all away. He took my hand and squeezed me several times to calm me down, it kind of meant that he was nearby and that I wasn’t afraid, and I again felt comfortable that someone understood me and wouldn’t hesitate to change me. We looked together for some documents to frame his family and stop their atrocities, but the sun began to rise, and we needed to do this while it was night. And I woke up

22 May 2024



I had gone out to the country to stay with a friend. While there I end up caught between three people who like me. I’m still working while I’m there but some days I’m at the school and some days I’m not. So one day I’m at a hospital setting and man comes in with a gun. I manage to hide with a group of nurses but as he’s going past my head is still up. He shoots but it misses me because I swat the bullet away. As I’m in the country I meet three people. Two men and one women. I have no interest in the woman. I spend my days washing all my clothes and hanging out with my Friend. When the clothes are done I focus on working on school stuff. Then the men start coming on to me but the more I learn about them the more weary I am. Soon I am wandering the expansive house. Taking baths and spending time watching tv and going outside with the group. Once the laundry is done it switches to us being teenagers. When that happens a little box with a training potty gets put near my clothes. It steadily leaks but does not dirty the clothes. I sleep in a bed with three boys. The two who are interested in me and one who is gay. I soon learn they all fix cars. And I have an assignment as a school cheer leader to fill out work book pages and put them in a bad. So they help me even though I don’t want to do it. Then we go to bed and one of the boys who is interested in me cuddles up to me. We sleep. The next day the other boy interested in me warns me that that the first boy is not good. I soon find out it’s because he makes unwanted sexual advances to girls. I avoid him and get close to the second boy. We begin to feel strongly For each other and we have sex. On the day I’m due to leave we call my mom and tell her about us. She is happy. His parents are happy. I begging to get ready to go. As I look over my clothes are being leaked all over with urine. But they remain clean with only a few spots when he moves the potty for me. I thank him and he offers to load my car while I shower. I say goodbye to his family and go to bath. After I am getting dressed with him and the girl who liked me in the beginning. She asks Me to touch her breasts. Uncomfortable I do and comment on how she’s lucky because mine are so big. He takes me to another room and comforts me. But then it changes. I’m in a store and I’m trying to stop three cheer leaders from being assaulted by the bad guy. And my love interest is telling the bad guy what he is doing is wrong. The girls get away. I then wake up.

22 May 2024



I had a dream I was walking down a street with a man I cannot recall who I knew as a friend but did not recognise, I sensed we were in Ireland. I stopped a table and was asked to sign a petition. For some reason it felt like I was lying when signing. I wrote the signature and the date and although the writing came out the pen didn’t work properly. I walked away from the table and to my right was an entrance to a hospital. I Walked in because I was looking for someone but can’t remember who. Inside the hospital I remember there was a teenage girl who was standing and being resuscitated by a doctor. She was not breathing and she died while I watched. Another person was in danger and died but I can’t remember how. I left the hospital to find someone and returned. When I returned I saw a doctor crying in front of the girls mother because the girl had died. I was then up close with a doctor telling him it wasn’t his fault. I was then out of the hospital and on an hill with a friend and we were having a grass fight that lasted for quite some time and was fun. After the grass fight which was in my hometown on the estate I grew up in we decided to go home. I was on roller skates and my friend asked me to go and fetch his black jumper. I remember I rollerskated past it to pick it up however I missed and skated past so had to go back. I got it the second time but my friend had gone. I remember that the laces on my skates had come undone so I stopped to tie them. I then skated fast down the hill and stopped at an old friends house. I knocked on the door and his mum opened. Many people came out of the house and stood on the doorstep talking. I made plans to meet up with some of them at a later date and went back to my childhood house, on the way home I found my original friend and we were then walking in a massive group like a demonstration. I was then in his family home and the house was empty and dirty. I remember people were cleaning it. They were talking about the future and I remember thinking to myself that I would like to live there and I was somehow my friends half brother. I remember that one of the people decorating was Chinese but spoke English

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