22 May 2024
I'm in a room with a couple, whom I don't remember the names of, so I'll call them Gianni and Franca. They are both adults, between 30 and 45 years old, and Gianni is clearly Latin American. From the beginning, I feel a strange sensation, especially from Gianni.
It's evening and Franca is looking for her phone charger but can't find it. Eventually, she decides to go to sleep because she says she's very tired and leaves her phone at the foot of the bed. Gianni, lying next to her, pulls out the charger from his pocket and places it near the phone, jokingly saying that she would "think there were ghosts." The situation seems odd to me, and I decide to say nothing.
The next morning, Franca is angry with Gianni because she knew he had the charger all along, but he pretends not to understand and says it has nothing to do with him. While they argue, a radio in our room turns on and the police announce that they are looking for a murderer in the area who had recently committed a homicide. The description of the man matches Gianni exactly. Franca and I look at each other, worried, realizing that he was the murderer but, out of fear, we say nothing.
Later, we all go to a bar, where there is also a girl about 10-11 years old, who seems to be Gianni's daughter. We somehow discover that she helps her father with his crimes, and that she had also assisted in the latest murder. We decide to escape and, after exchanging a signal, we start running screaming that Gianni is a murderer. We get to the entrance of the bar and inform the owner, showing him a drawing of Gianni and his daughter.
To avoid meeting Gianni and the girl, we take another route, a kind of spiral asphalt ascent. We see Gianni and the girl leaning against a wall, distracted by their phones. We stand still while the bar owner approaches them. At that moment, Gianni pulls out a gun and shoots the man.
Frightened, I hide along the spiral ascent, but I realize that my shadow betrays me because I am in a lower position relative to Gianni, so if he looked down, he would see my shadow. My heart pounds as I hear Gianni's voice getting closer, fearing that he will discover me. Then I wake up, still with my heart racing.