15 May 2024
My grandma had a much bigger fish collection, like going to the basement felt like I was at one of those aquarium places but smaller than that, but it was all decorated and everything so not all normal tanks, but the one tank by the stairs I noticed there was a fish on the floor, so I tried to pick it up and put it back in the tank so it wouldn't die but I couldn't get a hold of it cause it wouldn't stop flowing so I kept dropping it, and then there was more fish on the floor so I grabbed a different one that was bigger (like the size of my palm) and then I put that one back with a little struggle to hold it, and then I just kept trying to grab fish off the floor and put them back and they kept trying to flop out of my hands and at one point one thing I grabbed was actually some tiny snakes (probably baby snakes) and I put them back in the tank and then I looked and there were these big eggs in the tank and the snakes broke right through them and I thought "uh oh, that probably wasn't right!" But then I saw a bigger snake in there and assumed it was the mama so I was like like "if they weren't supposed to do that she wouldn't have had them in there already, right?" So I went back to trying to put all the fish back and struggling with each one especially the little ones cause they were all different sizes, and then a saw one of the tanks was actually just a barrel, and I saw some fish in there that weren't as bright and for some reason I thought the small one of those should go in the big tank I was putting other fish in so I scooped him up and moved him and went back to getting fish off the floor and then I went "Oh no! I can't put him there that was a freshwater fish! This is a salt water tank!" So I tried to get that little one from the barrel tank out to put him back but he was flopping around at the top of the water and he was flopping so much I couldn't catch him and I couldn't hold him and he wouldn't stop no matter how hard I tried I couldn't catch that fish again to put him back.