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22 May 2024
I dream about my boyfriend haven’t been open up for me I was mad at him for not opening up in real life And also in my dreams. At the end of the dream someone told me the thing he is shy to open up is that he likes to dress up like a woman and have sex with woman who likes that. 🤣🤣 what does it mean ?
I didn’t have the best sleep so my dreams werr sporadic. One dream I lived in a brookstone apartment directly across from a townhouse, I remember the front door being red. I was only standing in the entryway and the front door kept flying open, almost floating open not from any winds. It was dark outside and I was pulling the door shut trying to lock it but the deadbolt wasn’t staying closed or was the wrong size. I’ve had dreams about front doors flying open before, it’s so uneasy not being able to securely lock the front door. I remember this one better, I did have another dream afterwards that I’m forgetting about.
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Last week I dreamed I was having to discipline my 13 year old daughter for something she had done and had told her she needs to go to her room as a result. Shortly after, I was laying in bed with my husband and she came back into the room with a hammer and smashed my knee with it. I was screaming and crying out in pain. She disappeared into the darkness and kept laughing. I called 911 for help and felt an overwhelming sense of fear and uncertainty about how to handle her violent attack and fear that she was going to come back out and kill me with the hammer.
I had a dream last night that me and my brother and mom went to my grandmas house for the weekend, and we were going to church and on the way there my grandma said the only way we can eat something different is if we find a balloon and give it to her. My brother (who is the same age as me) started crying and at first I didn’t hear her so when we got out of the car i asked him but he was talking so loud. My grandma heard us trying to be quiet and she got mad, so the we went to court even though nobody wanted to go
my last dream was about a girl from my school we went on a elevator toghter i told her which level to go and she said idk so has a joke i click all the levels and we end up making love in the elavator
there was a mass grave under the parking lot in my apartment building. my dad and stepmom got married again and i was almost late. i went swimming in a water slide. my friend found out she is pregnant
It started at a private airplane hanger. I was there with a rich guy that owned the plane. We were squeezing inside this very small cockpit and I was thinking about how my legs were very cramped. My view then panned outside of the plane in the front looking in the front window. I saw myself and looked nothing like me. I looked fat and my face looked totally different. I was wearing a white polo and tan shorts which is not my style these days. I then was first person and the seat pushed back and the cab space got bigger and was much more comfortable. We were taking off and the guy said don't worry, I wont crash. I trusted him. It then seemed like we were now in a Porsche driving through a winding road in the desert. There were others on bikes and we were carefully avoiding them and then zoomed past winding up a small hill. At the top of the hill was a landing pad with a helicopter. We got out and were gonna get into this helicopter but then found myself in the middle row of a really fancy black Chevy Tahoe slash escalade style car with an extended back cabin. We were now driving somewhere else. I got out of the car only a few seconds later and we it went from day in the desert to night at some industrial factory. I went inside and my cousin Jason was there, I talked to him and saw my aunt Brenda and went over to chat with her two. They were hanging out eating tortilla like chips but with no salsa. I had one and I thought wow, this is super tasty. I then went to explore and use the bathroom I think. They started to get into the car and leave amd I was just jamming out in this gift shop area looking through someone the stuff. Nobody was there anymore so it was free to take. I saw lotions and oils and bottles of other fancy stuff. But didn't take anything. They came back and I jumped in car. I then realized the guy driving was my uncle Mark who passed away several years ago when I was still in high-school. He was driving really fast but I trusted him to keep us safe. I felt no harm could come to me even if we crashed. I remember seeing a village from above looking down that was built on top of giant sequoia trees and the tree village area in the middle reminded me of lord of the rings meets the star wars ewok village. At some point I was down there in the village and jumping around the trees where I found this lethargic looking super ancient giant tree creature walking around. He looked like a very old creature that was a tree humanoid type figure. I was following him for a bit jumping through trees but felt I should not disturb him. I think he was the guardian of the tree village or something. After that i found myself at my aunt brendas old house that she used to run a daycare out of. Me and my dad were down were the daycare was and there was a ton of food that was cooked but just left like someone had to leave quickly. We were eating the food and it was super tasty, i couldnt get enough. I was eating quesadillas and other Mexican food and my dad was looking for the steak which is his favorite go to food. I pointed it out to him. We were noticing they were trying to fix up the place before selling amd my dad said that's dumb, the people that buy will just remodel anyway. Last thing I remember I was for some reason running from this fat little man that looked like penguin from the old batman movies. We were in a city at a parking structure. I found something in a car I think and he wanted it. I left it for him or gave it to him so he'd stop chasing me, I was afraid but didn't want him chasing me. I made my way out of the structure and he jumped down. We were staring at each other and he was starting to say something. The area was snowy and it was night with no one else around.
I dream of that some people I know we're jumping of the rooftop and when I chance came to jump I know that I will not get hurt but there will get lot of pressure on my legs so I hold my paternal aunt hand with my left hand and with my right hand I had my father's hand and I jumped and reached safely . They help me jump and do not get me pressure in my legs . I hate my father
Falling down the stairs
I had a dream that I was at a small store similar to a grocery shop and I had to tell the employees that I left my food stamp card in my car and needed to go grab it to pay for my food items. In my real life I just got notice that my food benefits won’t be renewed.
I dream of walking back in my old village walking with other girls so I passed my neighbour planting some carrots and watering them so I said to one of the girls if you want to plant carrots you gonna need more water, then we move on and get to my granny home I found men sitting under the tree eating beef stew then I joined them
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