1 May 2024
I was dreaming about a family living out the very last days on earth. They were saying goodbye to their home and boarding a spaceship that would take them to a planet around another stat to continue life - hopefully. They lived in a large rather nice home with all the same technwe have today - this wasn't the distant future. Finally it was time and they walked out of their home. They left the lights on and everything - no point I. Conserving energy in the world's last days. "Don't look the door" the mom said, as they headed to the launch facility. "If anyone wants this, they're welcome ro it" as they walked away from their home and the earth and everything they knew one of them began to weep from gratitude. "I can't believe we were chosen. This new world will have infinite resources, no polition. It will be a totally new beginning. We get to start over while the last people here will eventually suffocate and die. There was no commotion as they left, no one protested everyone was content with their tvs and movies and games and phones, distracted from their inevitable end. As this family left though, a thought occurred to me. One family, on a new world, that is not enough to start over.