Dream interpretation about Blood, Friend, Shadow, Water, Homeless, Portal
I was in the school gym, playing ping pong with my friend. No, I’m not really good at ping pong and I get really insecure playing around other people. Especially when I’m doing a horrible job. I hit the ball outside the gym and into a doorway. I embarrassedly walk my way to get the ball. Little did I know I entered a portal where everything was the same except we switched places. I didn’t notice this until later on in our game. As we kept playing, I made sure to hit the ball just right so me and my friend could leap back into our own timeline. We waited for our alternative selves to do the same and everything goes back to normal. Later on we were on a bus that was traveling through water. Though the water wasn’t clear in fact, it looked more like sewer water. We were going through a dark tunnel. The only thing keeping the bus lit up was the dim lights the bus had itself. The back of the bus, I noticed something was following us more of like a wagon or something. I post right in front of it, my shadow having a strong appearance. my friend took pictures as I tried to pose though no matter how much I tried to keep my pose I always found myself in a different position. My friend took the picture and we headed back to our seat. As I looked at the bus door, I noticed that the water looked red, similar to blood. I brushed it off and thought it was just the usual disgusting sewer water, and I was just being paranoid. The bus bumped, and my friend lost her balance. She was just about to hit the water, but she saved herself by holding onto a nearby seat. A part of me, hoped that she would’ve fallen in because I was curious what the liquid did. Even though I knew it was just sewer water, a part of me felt like it would have melted her skin off. Not to say that I wanted my friend skin to melt off, but it was more out of curiosity. I wasn’t even sure if this person was my friend. I’m just assuming she was since we were acting friendly to each other, but she seemed like a complete stranger. Perhaps we just met each other and we quickly became friends. I have no idea. Though as I went to go back to my seat. a person who I thought was dead or asleep, quickly grabbed onto my ankle and wouldn’t let go. I tugged and squirmed, but no matter what my foot remained in their hand. The bus was quite dark, but I could see the person was messy and looked homeless.
Dream date:
22 May 2024
Emotional tone:
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