4 Dec 2024
I Had a dream where i Had to go to my university in person and finally do exercises there. So i gry there and i see that its a pretty small School. This teacher tells me that he will grach me (something, i forgot). Then we start to argue and i start explaining myself that his arguments dont worki. He says that i shouldent do that. All while i needed to stay on a page in my journal and write notes but I can't find the page because the notebook keeps opening some random pages. He reveals that he's a student and that he would rather stay home and learn and he asked me "wouldent u rather stay home instead of me teaching u?" I thought to myself that him teaching me was fun. Then I follow his lead because we have to go home. I decide that I'll walk after him to the bus stop and he will show me how to. So we sit beside each other and it's in the back of the bus in a dark spot. I think about giving him my phone number as the girls in front of him, were texting him and then saying something and laughing, just like they were friends. So I pull up my what's app and awkwardly I stumble and try to show him my qr code but it's not loading. Once it does load he scans it and I feel relief. The bus driver says that we need to squeeze together because there won't be space for passengers. I ask him "my own town isint this far away right?", he says "well how far away do u think it is?" And that makes me consider it a bit. When it comes to me getting off the bus. I get off and me, my friend and the girls in front of me are magically sitting in a bus stop. My friend leaves and I tell them "he didn't even say bye" then he comes zooming past with his bicycle and waves bye at Mr so I wave back. Then I leave the bus stop but realize I left my bag there along with my fanny pack. So I go back for them and I say to the girls "hahah I'm very disorganized today" they say nothing. I leave and I start walking through a brown forest when I hear a cop car. Not wanting to look suspicious I acted normal, but I decided to run a bit because I was allowed to, they couldn't arrest me for running. Then when they got close enough, I got out their way because their signal was on and over the megaphone I heard them talking about how the church was burned down and that 30 people were killed. I decided to run to the church, even tough I don't like going there and I have bad memories with it and help. It seems like I got there before the policemen because I start throwing snow at the bottom of the smoke. I see a little boy and tell him to also throw snow at the fire, but not the smoke. The smoke clears up and I see a priest. I cover my mouth to not inhale the smoke and I run towards him. He seems calm. He says it was a little emergency and nothing bad happend. He says that the people testing what happend to the building that it was set on fire are coming. He asks me while looking out the window with me "is that then?" I try to answer him "umm yes in the white lab coats". 4 of them start putting tarps on different parts of the church and one of them offers me candy which, I take and I eat it, it was good. Them the priest takes a bag full of sweets and tells them that it's for them. They argue that they don't want it but the priest says they should take it. He decides to give one of a blue bottle of cleaning detergent and suddenly I have it too. Their arguing was the nice type of arguing where they are polite that they feel bad taking it. So then I go with the presit to the head of the church and see people gathering for mass but some of the pews are missing. I ask the presit where the pews are and then he says "well what do u think happend with the pews?" I see that they are stacked on top of each other for some reason, I thought they were burned by the fire. Then he starts to give a speech and people join in giving their own little speeches alongside. He introduces me to everyone as his guest and I raise my hand and smile. I think I raise it for too long so I put it down. He says that I was brave to put out the fire (even tough I didn't).