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5 Dec 2024



Okay, so the dream started in an office building, I guess it was me and a bunch of other people like in suits, and we had to race to the top of the building, I have no idea why. Everyone's kind of hitting and knocking other people and sabotaging them, and I was just still, took the escalator up and kind of ignoring, avoiding anyone that wanted to try to be confrontational towards me and try to sabotage me in a new way, but eventually I did make it to the top, I wasn't as fast as some of the other people who chose to sabotage other people, but I did make it up there. And I look out the window of the building, Godzilla is right outside on his way towards the building, he's very close. Everyone is panicking, I mean initially I'm scared as well because Godzilla's very large, I have no idea why he came out of nowhere just to come and attack us. Then I wind up, everyone else, I don't know where they got the guns, but they start to bust open the windows and start shooting at him, and I see that that's not going to work and in fact I really don't want to piss him off, so I make a run for it and I actually start to go down the building, you know I fought so hard to get to the top of this building that I'm now descending, and I was trying to make it to a bridge that was attached to another building, it looks like it was a parking lot, like a parking garage building, and I made it to that bridge, and I ran across this bridge, I barely made it because Godzilla was like right there, but thank goodness for the people in the building that were shooting at him that took his attention, I made it to the other side to the parking lot where I was able to go down to the bottom floor and run away as Godzilla was, he had destroyed both of the buildings. Then my dreams shifted. So my dream has shifted to, I was going to my godmother's house, and I seen one of my god siblings, um, a woman, older woman, um, she gave me a hug. I wound up giving her a hug back and I held her, like, really tightly for a little, a little while, and I almost started to cry, and she held me back and she, um, you know, was just holding on to me tightly and was like, everything is going to be okay, but the rest of my god siblings were actually teasing me, and they were making fun of me because I, to them I was weak because I was just basically wanting a hug, and they were just being really mean about it. So, I guess due to my god-siblings teasing of me and eventually started to tease her, my older god-sister let me go. Then after that, there was a older woman, a much older woman. She didn't look like she was older. She said that she was in her 80s, but she looked like she wasn't a day over 40. I remember that she was taller than me, had muscular arms. She was very fit. You felt intimidated by her in that she just had this very strong, dominating energy where you knew that you were in the presence of a very powerful elder. She greeted everyone, and for some reason, she didn't touch anybody. She just kind of waved her hand, but not so long. She didn't really speak to anybody. I could tell that she was observant. When her eyes finally met mine, she sat on the couch, and she opened up her arms, and I sat down, and I gave her a hug. I held her so tight, and she held me back. She was just holding me, and I eventually got so comfortable that I went to sleep. The woman did not try to get me off of her. She literally just held me as well. My god siblings again started to tease me and make remarks about this. Now I'm kissing up to an elder and trying to kiss up to an elder. This elder got so pissed off at how they were acting towards me that they just simply just... She couldn't take that. So, she looked at them with a very menacing look in her face and it was enough to kind of shake the room silent and she said, one, she said, Oya would never abandon one of her daughters. And she said as a daughter, Oya is one of her priestesses, she decided that she was not going to abandon a fellow daughter of Oya, and she said it speaks volumes about this Ile that she said that this young lady, Me, did not feel safe enough here and with just a hug/embrace, she has finally felt safty that she can finally unwind and her body is so exhausted from being in survival mode that she finally allowed it to get some sleep. She said that says a lot about her interaction in this Ile and the fact that you all refuse to create an environment that is safe for her, truly safe and thrive because you're pretending to be a unit and in actuality you are not. And she said that is very disappointing and very telling. And she said it took the lead that she was supposed to come here and pick a priestess among them that she would take on as an apprentice that would eventually take over her position and she looked at my godmother and said that she made her choice. She chose me. She said that I was the most befitting and rewarding of that position and she did not want to give it to anyone else, which caused my godsiblings to get very pissed off. Some even expressed their discrepancies in regards to that and she, her anger was enough to make the wall shake. Even without having to say anything, you just knew that this was a problem. So one particular godsibling, he is a son of Oya and I highly do not trust him. He tried to basically sweet talk his way into being the one that was chosen. In fact, he got male elder to back him up and not only did this woman ridicule that particular godsibling, but she also talk down to that male elder as well. She said, words covered in honey but with no action behind them are just poison, sweet and poison and she said all you do is spill poison and she said that once again, you are not worthy. he tried to protest and she said another word and I will claim your tongue. He did not protest her and meanwhile this whole time while it's happening, I'm still holding this woman, hugging her asleep. She lets my godmother know that she can sense a great power inside of me that eclipses everyone in this room including herself. She said this is why my other god siblings have a problem with me, because even though they have initiated into priesthood and I have not done so, that even with a priesthood status and power it still doesn't amount up to what I have and I haven't even initiated yet. She said you could take the power or energy of everyone in this room and it will only amount up to a fraction of what I already have even as a base level devotee and I haven't even made it to my priesthood yet, she said, which is telling of not only of my potential of what will happen the moment that I do cross over to my priesthood. She said that she made her decision and that I will be the greatest priestess, the greatest elder that has ever lived, that has ever came before me, and there will be even greater priestesses slash elders that will come from me. And she wants her legacy to move on within me because she knows that I will take it to places that no one else will be able to ever do. Not those that came before her, not even herself, but she trusts that I will take it further. She also said, while all my God-siblings are at this point staring at me with very menacing looks, but again, I'm still asleep. So I am not aware of this conversation and that it's happening. She tells them that I will be the wealthiest person in this elec. She said, I will be the wealthiest woman that is ever produced out of this elec. And she said, do not take what she says as a means to now try to be family towards me, to try to make a safe space for me. She said, because she knows that I am not going to forget those who were there and those who weren't. She said, you will not be allowed to use her because the Orishas will not allow it. She mentioned that majority of them won't even reach up to thier true destinies because it's tied to me. And she said if only they had gotten outside of thier egos, they would be able to reach me. But now that she has seen that there is no saving that, she said she will not allow nor my spirits will allow them to even try to make amends now because they will be tainted in falsehood and just to use me as a means to move forward and not for the best intentions of the collective as a whole or for the ile. She said that she will take on this lone wolf, me, and she will sharpen my claws and sharpen my teeth to make me so highly self-efficient and to make me the greatest leader that has ever lived. She said she will take that on, and she also said to my godmother that she wanted to be there to assist with my initiation and bring the people of the Oya society with her so that they can all assist in bringing down my crown to my head. She then dismissed my god siblings out of the room. She did not want to see nor speak to them. And with angry, very angry eyes, but they knew not to test her or say anything. They all left. She held on to me. It seemed like we were there for hours. And I was deeply asleep to the point that I was snoring and drooling on her. But she never once woke me up. She just held on to me and just really allowed me to sleep. Eventually, I did. I woke up. And when I realized that I was still holding on to her and I drooled on her, I was so embarrassed. I tried to apologize. I even offered to clean up her gown that she was wearing. I knew it was expensive. And she said that everything was okay. She told me that she was glad to create a safe space for me to finally relax because she knew that I needed it. I looked at her really shocked. And I'm like, how did you know? And she said, what's understood doesn't need to be said. She said she could see it and feel it and knew just the moment that she looked into my eyes that I was the reason why she came to this ile. And she found what she was looking for. And she said, that she would do her best to create a safe for me, her little wolf. She said it's my season to be poured into. And I woke up.




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5 Dec 2024

Being chased by murderer


I was a contestant on love island and I had been voted off along with another contestant. We started hitting hit off and the producers said we could reenter the show. This was all being discussed on a phone, I was somewhere I don’t recognise at all. It was “home” and I lived with my mum. My bedroom was in a secret area of the house that you accessed through the kitchen, it was weird. My nan came over to discuss something but became visibly upset which I then reciprocated back. We got into a bit of a heated argument and she stormed off, I yelled out “this is why I don’t talk to you anymore” and slammed the door behind her. My phone was blowing up with the possibility of going back into love island and a lot of people congratulating and keen for me. The guy I was parterned with was saying how excited he was. I walked “down the road” to a local shopping centre. It was completely empty and felt like night time. I was standing on top of the escalators when a group of guys walked in, one of them being a contestant about to enter love island. We hit it off really well and got along really well. He started throwing empty glass bottles in the shopping centre and letting them shatter. I asked him if the shopping centre was “Castle because it looks similiar to castles. Kind of like greenhills”. We parted ways and I went to somewhere with computers, Larni was there and we had a blow up about something. Something really small but she carried on. She then started to type something up, she called it a presentation to show me why I’m so fucked. I was blatantly ignoring her and looking at my phone. I told my partner that I hit it off with another contestant but I don’t know what that means till we go in. Larni started to calm down and saying that we should work on some things together because I told her she’s been my favourite person my whole life so she doesn’t need to be this angry.

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