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9 Jun 2024



My mom berating me for not being as successful as my younger siblings.

9 Jun 2024



I’m at a school that looks quiet. Someone is telling me of the terrible things that happened there. There was an angel of death, raging and destroying and killing everyone. This angel could fly with dark wings. I see the fate of three young people and how they got killed by him. One being a girl slightly younger than me, like 16. She seems to have had some sort of relationship with this angel, who might have been an a student at the school first. She seems to have tried to break of their relationship so he finds her. There was something dark around her, like a fog, that was holding her in place so she couldn’t move. The angle connects their hands, a gesture that almost seemed gentle and like an attempt to reconnect again. But while he connected their hands he flys up with her into the sky and above the school. The connection of their hands now seems to drain the girl and when they’re high up the angel let’s go of her hand and she falls. I see her breaking through lots of stained glass windows, the ones who are in churches and depict a biblical story (I’m not religious tho). The falls through those glass windows before landing on the stairs of the school, rolling down from them. There were also other deaths i witnessed as an observer. Those we’re fast and had less interaction than this one. Like a boy who ran out of his hiding spot and got hit by something from that angle. The school, now distructed, is silent and empty.




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9 Jun 2024

Childhood home
Sexual Assault
High School


I’m back in high school and my friends and me were planning our graduation prank (something we’re actually working on right now). I remember sitting in class, my school being a mix of my high school and the campus of my former middle school. I’m together with my high school friends and we go out of the school to go on a quest that was also a trip. We meet new teenagers in our age. One place was at a river. We sit on the beach and have fun together. I’m suddenly alone with only a girlfriend of mine (who i don’t know in real life) and she’s on a small sand-island on the river that is connected to the beach. There are also the two other teenagers who have been drinking since we joined them on the beach and lay on their backs in the sand. One of them stands up and goes towards my friend on the island in a threatening manner, like he wants to sexually assault her. I try to stop him and he suddenly grabs me by my throat and presses me against something hard like a street lamp. But it’s the doorframe of the living room in the apartment I’ve lived in when I was a child and young teen. I feel him pressing my back so hard against the edge of the doorframe that i started to feel my bones and get scared of him breaking them, so i squirm in his grasp. Me and my high school friends had to drive with the subway, the public transport I used to drive with to get to my former middle school. We have a group chat, a mix of all the graduates who want to be a part of our graduation prank. I don’t know some of them and suddenly they joined us in the subway. As they introduced themselves I saw an old friend from my second former middle school, who in real life I want to have contact with again. She is with her friends, also a group of people I don’t know. I lean in to hug her but but she tells me she’ll sit on the subway seat so I ask her if it’s still fine if we hug and she agrees. It was slightly awkward but that’s how we are sometimes, and hugged. I wake up.

9 Jun 2024



The dream is about religion. I was in church and I felt anxious, fearful, stressed, not happy, and angry. I was in KID form at first in church sitting and watching the guy speak. I looked around everyone hated me and gave me a bad look. Very shameful look. Can't remember the whole dream but at some point I walked out the door. And 2 ladies followed me. One face I recognized at my old church when I was little. She looked very unpleasant and angry at me, and yelling. “I was screaming I hate it here and I hate you.” the other lady couldn't pinpoint what she was saying or doing but I KICKED A GLASS PLANT OUTSIDE AND IT BROKE. then my grandma showed up. I was screaming at her when she was angry at me. We were fighting over something? But I can't remember. She then grabbed me up by my face and collar. Then the dream turns to us in a car and this time I'm in the BACK with my ant. My grandma very angry. I can only see the person back head? But these people aren't my family, changed faces that are unknown to me. My ant looks like a teenage girl? The girl is mocking me but also siding with me? I'm stressed, sad, and angry. We fight I say “I'm going to walk home.” my grandma says “Get the fuck out. FINE FUCKING GLADE.” I open the door and leave and I'm on the road. She drives off. I'm stuck trying to find my way home. I never get to find my way. After I woke up from my dream.

9 Jun 2024



The dream starts as I'm sleeping and my mom walks into my room and wakes me up. She was wearing my shirt and her hair looked long and her face looked very young like when she was younger in her 20s. She had long/short blonde hair and she was SCREAMING AT ME. But her face was weird and her eyes showed guilt but then it showed she was ANGRY. I can't remember why or what happened but it was switching from my mother acting like how she is currently and she was wearing and looking like how I saw her when she was younger. And I said to “give back my shirt.” “that's mine?” and I reached for it and the shirt got all wrinkled and she gave me a DEVIL look and stole my phone. I said “no you can't take this from me this time! I paid for this.” she looked angry. I took back my phone out of her hand. The whole time we were fighting. I MEAN she was fighting me. She was trying to take something from me and I didn't understand why? Or what she is taking from me? But the phone she didn't get. I have been remembering stuff from my past and dreaming of seeing my old self and living through my old life.

9 Jun 2024



A ghost in the walls was a man with yellow eyes. Was after me and wouldn't let me sleep. In my closet coming out. Moving my stuff. In the walls when I was in the restroom. Then I was saving these kittens in the basement where the ghost lived at my old house as a child. My mom was like “There are kittens” and I've had to pick them all up. But they kept coming more. Then a crazy girl broke in/man at some point. He was a guy with a sharp object. In my house, my mom ran outside for help. And I did too. My dad showed up to help but it turned into a girl in her 30’s and she was mentally insane. She was kidnapping us. I asked her about the yellow-eyed man on the wall. Because she also lived in the wall and came from out the wall. My father said, “Don't talk to her you don't want to trigger her, she will kill us.” my father said, “Sorry about that.” after that was weird. Later woke up and heard a little boy on my bed or a voice and felt a hand touch me. I had Fear and panic. and fell back to sleep to more of the ghost with yellow eyes. Then woke up to hear the little boy's voice. I said “Hello? JJ?” I woke up and my brain was thinking has to be JJ's voice, it's a little kid? But it was not his voice. More a fearful voice and the scary voice of an innocent devil.

9 Jun 2024



i was going up with an elevator with my sister to my house ( not my house in real life), when we reach the house there was my dad outside the door sleeping and the house door was slightly open. i had a feeling there was someone inside so i slowly opened the door and grabbed some thing that to me seemed a bit like a tube (i’m not sure what object exactly i was holding). when i opened the door it was slightly dark and there was a man, so i hit him with the object i had and he fainted on the couch. when he fell on the couch i looked at my sister a second and by the time i looked back at the man he was waking up so i pinned him to the couch so he couldn’t move. when he woke up he kept telling me “he made me do this” and “he can see you and he can hear you” while looking behind me so i looked and there was a room with a fluffy dragon costume moving. the man on the couch kept smiling in a creepy way. then i woke up.

9 Jun 2024

Parking Lot


In my dream I was out in a parking lot or maybe some type of outing. There were a swarm of bees hovering in the sky not messing with anyone. As soon as I removed myself from the group of people outside the bees begin to swarm around me. I tried to move out of there way but it was clear they were for me. One begin trying to sting me and I begin swatting it... I did that for forever and finally someone yelled out just let it stung you.. so two people held my arms down do the bee could sting me... once the stinger entered my skin the bee flew away it didn't die. As I turned to get the stinger out of my skin it was a black beetles body there. It was like really in my skin I had to use tweezers to get it out... It hurt like he'll but it wasn't my arm hurting it was my feet.

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