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9 Jun 2024

Deceased parents


Seeing my deceased mum at home, and when she went I begged her to come back saying we needed here, I was sobbing for her to come jome

9 Jun 2024



我和媽媽還有姊姊走進一個房間準備處理一些事情,房間裡面有一張大床 床上躺著一名裸睡的中年男子。 我們都小心翼翼的不敢打擾到正在睡覺的中年男子,我們覺得會裸躺在這裡的絕對不是什麼正常人,所以想要趕快把事情辦完就出去。但這時候爸爸走了進來,他居然十分挑釁的趴在中年男子身上,還一邊說就算這樣也不會醒。我們其他三人在旁邊看得很緊張,同時拼命阻止爸爸這麼做。 中年男子果然被吵醒了! 醒來的中年男子將雙手伸進去他的肛門裡面,拿出兩個已經破碎的雞蛋。我們在旁邊看了嚇了一跳,非常的害怕,同時很氣爸爸為什麼要去挑釁中年男子。 接下來中年男子開始追逐我們,我們都非常非常的害怕。 好像逃到一個夜市,在路邊看見了一整排冰箱。我心想著我們可以一個人躲進去一個冰箱裡面,逃避中年男子的追捕。 當我躲在冰箱裡面的時候,心中對於中年男子浮起一段解釋。 原來現在中年男子的精神狀態十分的退化十分的混亂,他根本分不清楚自己或者是外人,分不清自體還是客體。他一睜眼看到像我們,並且認為我們是美好的存在。於是他就希望這些美好的存在也是他自己的一部分,或者他認為這些美好的存在就是他的一部分。所以不斷的追逐我們,其實是想要將我們吸納進去,其實是對於我們的渴望。 不知道為什麼想到這裡,心中對這名瘋瘋癲癲的中年男子升起一絲憐憫。 這時我的冰箱門被突然地打開,我十分驚嚇!打開門的中年男子看著我說:「抓到你了。」 我也在這個時候從恐懼中驚醒,同時我清楚感覺我右腳的腳拇指被觸碰了一下。




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9 Jun 2024

Family Members


I dreamed that Yuval, a cousin from my father's side who is in the reserves in the army, came to us together with part of the family including my grandparents and Iiti, a cousin from my mother's side who is six years old. Yuval started going crazy, went up to the room of Tomer, my little brother, where Ayiti was alone and tried to shoot him with something like that that releases poison. Everyone immediately went up after him and after they managed to take it from him he sat down on the floor in shock near the room. I immediately came to Ayati who was upset and crying, I picked him up and took him to the living room with all of us while I tried to calm him down. Yuval managed to take it again and threatened us all but we took it again. I said I was calling the police, my father didn't want to because that would mean they would take him to a psychiatrist and I said they should take him because what would happen on the rest of the holidays or if we wanted to meet is dangerous. Yuval wanted my father to address him but he was on the phone so he kicked him and they started a bit of a fight. Finally the police took him away.

9 Jun 2024



A chase through the whole world actually Some town in India(there’s the Spiderman: Across the Spider-Verse reference), where I’m staying at with my auntie’s family in Italy(Locate Di Triulzi), a mix of Hakone with that region, Sumida ward where I live… Chase with the ash flame person Basically a suicide bomber who turned himself into hulk and a constantly imploding bomb/cannon Why was this caused? Well the Pope tripped over his feet Apparently what happens to him has a ripple effect on the world, it’s why they enshrine him in that much of a sheltered place Are there more people *like* him? Yes Do they have the same degree of an impact/effect? Maybe not, who knows; maybe they haven’t searched enlisted I saw my phone with the time incredibly close to the time I woke up at before I did(6:16am; I woke up at 6:30, checked the phone at 6:36)

9 Jun 2024



I saw my sister in dream who lives in US right now and her husband there was an event going on and we left her husband there to enjoy while we thought of leaving home so I had a joint of weed in my hand which I wanted to smoke so I asked her to take another way which I took her it was a very narrow lane starting from a broader road and when we took our first turn suddenly there was all night and it was all dark and there were creepy people along the way and there were so many ways that we got confused and we lost our way while moving in I saw that the crowd of the place was getting changed and someone in between I saw as if I would go much further there was a brothel so there was a man who redirected me and asked me to go from a different direction so when I took that direction there was you know the Sun was there again it was very hot afternoon but the way was still very dirty and shabby there were workers working there were trucks and cartons and we had to climb over them and get down while doing that I was very very tired in my I could feel that my each step was very very you know heavy and I was not able to lift my feet and just make the way so later I thought that why did I even do that

9 Jun 2024



Dream of being a female with black boots and shorts on killing zombies and being chased after by a herd. And my group slips. Then I'm in a room with a red-ish devil succubus lady while her tounge leeks out and licks up some one private parts and while she was naked and on top the the person and turns and looks at me and smiles. I feel this tingling sensation and sense I'm supposed to go over to the lady and have my way with her and dominate her but I watch her ride someone's dick and as I watched I felt the need that I was the person she was riding and I had a split image of me have an ogre with the succubus and I'm enchanted by her tail and horns. And I had the feeling she was enchanting me with a spell But I didn't and the dream changed to me walking up to a nice white house with flowers and then as I was inside the dog ran out the door full of zombies outside.

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