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8 Jun 2024



Police came home searching for my husband

8 Jun 2024

Waking up


It all started with somewhat of a challenge it was like games I knew what this was I had had a dream about it before so I knew what I was doing I was with two of my cousins and three of my friends we were kind of on a team together for these games I don’t exactly remember what the games where but there was about 5 or 6 after all of those “games” there was a race, it was like a tall water slide ghat went into a long slip and slide the girls raced and then the boys raced and the winners went against each others we showed up to basically the top and we picked teams only about 6 people once I got there some of my friends were already there. My mom was there she showed me a keychain she bought for me I asked her and my sister to hold on to it during the race they left the top and we all got ready we basically left everything we didn’t need at the time. Makeup, hoodies, hair ties, jewelry. First the boys started to race but I wanted to put my hair up I stepped on the edge of the water slide looking for it and slipped onto the slide. I was in the boys race now there was ona other girl there that said she was just “breaking the rules for fun” I was having fun because I was racing and surprisingly I won the boys race I was so happy and then I went to talk to a lady. I asked her if I could still go in the girls race with my friends she said no I already won. I sat there disappointed and didn’t even know who won the girls race. They said that I had one and I wasn’t even going to go against anyone. It didn’t seem like a big deal to me. After that I somehow appeared in one of the girls that was in the race’s backyard. She was with her family and it seemed as though I was watching a movie but then I realized I could talk to them. We ended up starting to talk about the race and how they thought there was something kind of weird about it they lived right next to the building so we went in to just chill and kinda talk. While we were sitting I got up and went to get my makeup and hoodies that I had left up there as I was up there a remember seeing a video( in the dream) about a mom who went to get her kids stuff because her daughter was scared to go up there and one of her friends had gone missing while she was up there she was recording and there was blood on one of the benches and she heard something so she hid behind a desk almost and recorded. While she was recording a man peeked his head around the wall he had wide eyes and brown hair he looked around then straight into her phone. Then he left.thats what scared me but I just grabbed my stuff and went back down to them all of my stuff didn’t fit in my hands so I asked if they had something that o could put my stuff in I saw a little backpack so I reached for that but the mom didn’t want me to touch it she made up some excuse for me to not put my stuff in it after a minute I reached for it while she wasn’t paying attention I put all my stuff into it and as we were getting up to leave I had the backpack on but suddenly all the lights went off the only light was the door swinging open I got up to go out there we were all running but once I was at the door holding it for them they stopped running. They were just walking towards me I was confused but their eyes changed they were wide like the man in the video they had a light blue inner circle and a white outline the mother sent the daughter to follow me and she started to I thought that if I got in the sun something would change maybe she would stop but once we got in the sun she started chasing me. There was I bike I got on it but I couldn’t get away. Then more people showed up with the same eyes they all were aimed towards me almost like zombies. I got around the building that was on the other side of the water slide building and there was police they were listening in to something but I felt safe I was going to get in the car but it worried me that they were going to turn exactly like the others so I woke myself up




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8 Jun 2024



It started with my grandma catching big rats with her bare hands and bringing them to me to take back outside and she brought one really close to my face and i was like "stop, you're gonna make me sick" and she was like "its fine relax" and then it changed and I was homeless and then this girl found me and took me in, and she had this really big house so we lived together for a little bit, then a zombie apocalypse happened and we found a group to help us escape but one by one they all caught it and we had to kill them and then at the end I had to kill her sister and we were the only ones left, then the dream switched and I was at my real house in my stairway with my cat Kirby but when I pet him he was super thin and I could feel his skeleton and he started falling over and I was scared he was gonna die but then I remembered he was next to me when I fell asleep and he's fat so then I woke up into another dream where I went to get breakfast and then my grandpa was back in the living room (he died two weeks ago and was cremated, his funeral is today) and my dad and grandma acted like it was normal and it freaked me out so I stood in the kitchen looking at the living room in shock for a few minutes and then my dad finally spoke and he said "he hasn't eaten in three days" and he was in his hospice bed again and when I tried to ask what the hell was going on he said it was a TV show and this was day before cause nurses don't get much TV representation or something.

8 Jun 2024



I was captivated and given few hours of parole at night time to meet family. My major concern was my university was about to reopen after the summer vacations so how am I supposed to attend that among all this later the scene shifted to the morning where I was running away to attend classes escaping the captivation leading to witness one of my friend accident which was evidently done by the captivator he reached out to me through phone and asked me to return and marry him as a punishment. I agreed watching my friend suffer and saw the wedding preparations going on I was sent too. When I entered the building I saw some children who were excited to see me and then suddenly I heard a bark. When I turned I saw a dog to which in defence I threw a kid in front. Suddenly I was attacked by someone with a knife I took the stair but as soon as I was about to reach the first floor my captivator helped me and beaten up the attacker

8 Jun 2024



This is a continuation of a previous dream where I saw that friend J from the family vacation. This time I went to a mall to print some documents for a thesis. I chose a nicer cafe with good ambience as the salad was fresher and less watery. A friend S saw me and decided to join me for lunch. Then J came and wanted to join us but S was displeased. A girl whom I did not recognise came and told me J liked me. J was shocked and denied. We sat together and started to chat. I found out that they wanted to go to a cheaper place but came here as they saw me. The topic of the thesis came and my friends mentioned they chose the topic based on friends' parents' recommendation instead of researching about what they were interested in. When it was time to make payment I went up to the platform with high heels and walked gracefully to pay. Later I left to print documents and had to squeeze with people to get to the printing shop. After that I had to run errands for my parents as there were guests at my place. Later when I finally reached home I realised I had printed incorrectly and had to make amends as my professor was difficult to please. I saw many round tables with different people sitting together and I could recognise faces from my school days. Then I saw J sitting at the extreme end of a table and the girl who came earlier was sitting with him, along with many others. She suddenly pulled me over and said J did not like me. J and I was shocked and I left feeling embarrassed as everyone thought I was rejected by J. I sat with another friend W and explained to him what happened at the cafe and also told him I only regarded J as a friend and I did not understand why the girl had to say these things to me. Later I ended up seeing my childhood friend D who were doing very well and traveled back and forth to overseas each week for business. He gave me access to his room for printing and modifying my documents. But when I reached his room people were already using his computer so I had to ask the girl who was using his computer to help me amend my documents. I found it difficult to guide her verbally so I asked for control of the computer. I was experimenting very quickly and I tried undo-ing some changes but it somehow affected her work as well. So I decided to compromise and made simple changes good enough to print out for the submission.

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