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8 Jun 2024



My dream started off at my house. I was in the upstairs living room with my parents when we all decided to order a pizza. My mom ordered the pizza on her phone and we started waiting. After a while, both my dad and I asked my mom if the pizza was on its way yet. She checked her phone and said “no.” She told us that her phone was saying that our pizza was still being made. So, we waited a little longer. About two hours later, we decide to call the pizza restaurant and ask what’s taking them so long, but they don’t answer. So, we call our friends instead. My mom calls her new friend and puts him on FaceTime. While talking to him, we all realize that he’s inside our old house. Apparently, he had bought it after we moved and now he lives there with his family. Anyway, we ask him if he knows anything about our late pizza delivery and he says “no.” Then he tells us that he’s in the same situation as us, and that he’s been waiting for his pizza for hours now. After a short conversation, we come to the conclusion that he ordered his pizza thirty minutes before us. After that, my mom and dad just decide to go to bed. I stay in the living however, continuing to wait for the pizza. After a while, I start to fall asleep. That’s when my sister comes out of nowhere and wakes me up. I rub my eyes and check the clock, it was 2:30 AM. At that point, I come to the conclusion that the pizza will never come. So, I head to my room to get some sleep. As I’m walking to my room, my sister tells me that someone is pulling up to the house. I quickly run to the door and open it to find the pizza delivery man. I thank him for the pizza before taking it out of his hands and eating practically all of it at once. My dream starts to get a bit fuzzy here, but I know it had something to do with the tv show “SpongeBob SquarePants.” I’m pretty sure the cartoon characters from that show send dream me to the store to buy a few things for them, because the next part of my dream takes place in a giant grocery store. Anyway, once I get to the store, I start walking around and getting the items that I need. Then, I start talking about the commercial that we’re making and how we need to apologize to other restaurant owners. I say this to myself since no one around me is listening. Anyway, as I’m getting ready to leave the store, I come across a few kids who lead me to a secret room. They ask me to help them re-decorate and I agree. A little while later, as I’m putting in the finishing touches, the floor start shaking. Then, a giant circle is cut through the wall. On the other side of the circle is a monster. It looked like a mix between a giant, a zombie, and the “Other Mother” from the “Coraline” movie. Speaking of Coraline, dream me transforms into Coraline after witnessing the monster first-hand. After that happens, the monster starts chasing me. I run all around the store and hide underneath a table. Unfortunately, the monster spots me and pulls me out from under the table. I start screaming before I’m faced with a “Game Over” screen. Then, my dream cuts to me on the couch. Apparently the whole grocery store section of my dream was just a video game. After realizing that I lost, I throw my game controller at the tv and walk away. (And that’s where my dream ended.)

8 Jun 2024

Abandoned home
Ex-friend / Ex best friend


I dreamed I met with my ex best friend (someone who I had recently had a falling out with). We went into this huge dilapidated house. It looked really pretty on the first floor. It looked normal. I gathered up with some of my friends and a guy I had a crush on. We were all bundled up in a blanket but I was cold. I told them that and the guy came over and wrapped himself around me to keep me warm and he was like a furnace so I immediately warmed up. Iliked that a lot but I wanted to explore so I got up and I went to go to a room on the far end and saw something in the reflection of a mirror and had the feeling I needed to break a part of the green colored glass (it looked like a picture of Taylor Swift). I did, and magic erupted from my hand. It showed me that there was a secret elevator with stickers all over it and so I added some to it and some of them were lewd pictures of female characters. My ex best friend said that her mother had added them. We used the elevator and came to a huge other wing of the building. I told my ex best friend that I was hungry and she said to wait up for me. I tried to grab a sandwich with chicken and saw that there were spices. My ex best friend called our and told me not to so I didn't. I was exploring around and saw an area covered in spiders and rats but didn't go that way. I went back to get the meal she described me to make and she saw off farther in the building that there was a table and a chair. She pointed at it and I told her "No! I have a really bad feeling about you grabbing that!" Just as I had said that a huge monster made out of seafood came racing toward us. I dodged out of the way and wanted to take the elevator, but I knew it would take too long. I saw a big rounded window and saw that it had a big thing to grab onto that could slide me downstairs. As I was hurdling toward it, my ex best friend was yelling at me "Why did you have to go off and make chicken with spices?" And then I woke up.




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8 Jun 2024



Continuing from last dream, I was back in my own country and went to an animal sanctuary hidden in a housing estate which had many stray or abandoned animals living there. There were chickens and ducks behind the fence, outside the sanctuary were a huge carpark and there were many ragdoll cats lying on the ground sleeping, unafraid of people. There were even baby crocodiles, a huge leopard, snakes coiled up, big brown bear roaming around. I was fascinated and scared but keep walking around. I saw a group of people who welcomed me into the sanctuary and due to my makeover they thought I was a beautiful foreigner. I quickly bid goodbye as I wanted to get home fast so I walked towards to main road trying to find the bus stop. I saw a few group of familiar looking people and I recognized them from my old school. These were acquaintances whom I was not close with. They could not recognize me due to the makeup but I could recognize them. They all realized that they were from the same school after we chatted. A few people started to recognize me. They started to matchmake me with single people from our school, not knowing I was married. I started to miss my husband and remembered how we used to visit this area together, although this place only existed in the dream. Next the scene switched to me and a different group of people trying to start a food truck business in the carpark. There were my celebrity crush G and two other guys K and P, and a lady M, plus me. I was happy to be a part of them and encouraged them to sell ramen besides drinks. One time they all had to leave earlier and drove off so I decided to roam around the neighborhood and find a way to get home. I took the left exit and was wrong, walked a long path before knowing, and decided to walk back to the right exit. I was seen by a passing car and a guy came down and chased me and carried me towards the car to rape me. After that I was dumped and I continued walking towards the right exit. But I was stopped by different people who wanted to catch and rape me and they were all successful. They were mercenaries and businessmen from Russia, US, India, Korea, UAE. The final captor caught me and tortured me to the brim of death and trained me to be a killer. That was when I realized the 'business' with my friends were actually me and my fellow killers trying to stay alive by not being killed by other killers. It was a flashback and I finally admitted to the leader P about what happened to me the day after everyone left. I asked him if he believed in dreams as a past life memory because I remembered and felt the pain of dying after being shot in the chest. The group knew and were sorry for leaving me behind and wanted to protect me from that day onwards. G, from being indifferent towards me, became super protective of me and I could feel mutual attraction between us. During a mission we were driving to escape and I was seated on a 20 storey high structure which was controlled by P, like a power ranger humanoid megazord, P was inside the 20 storey headpiece and G was inside the body of the megazord controlling the movement and the others were inside the legs of the megazord. The enemy struck the the headpiece P was controlling and I nearly fell but I got hold of it. The body piece was struck next and I was crying as I thought G was killed but fortunately he dodged the fatal blow. We escaped to a big field and saw a lot of imported fruits and vegetables. They stole a huge raspberry bunch and a big lotus root for me to cheer me up and I was very touched. In another mission we were trapped in a skyscraper office building and people were searching every room for us. We escaped by jumping off the windows and assembling the parachute-like dove carrying a small balancing scale basket in midair. I jumped and landed into the area G was lying and hugged him, happy we were all alive.

8 Jun 2024



I was on a school trip and I was always with a friend of mine. we had a backpack from a suitcase and together we had a case with some formal clothes inside. we traveled by bus. some people from our school were playing music and singing inside the bus. they had brought two drums, a guitar and a microphone for the singer. in the back of the bus were two ladies chasing us. we were constantly trying to hide from them. At one stop, we went to the back of the bus when the ladies weren't looking and hid under two seats. when the ladies came down, they seemed to be looking for us and transformed into two children.I recognized one, she was a fellow camper from the last summer at camp, I never liked her. They took the next bus, which passed right next to ours and they were looking inside our bus to see if we were still inside, and I think they saw me. then my friend told me that if they get back on that bus again, we all have to go out together, our whole school. and we went forward to tell the professor who accompanied us what was going on. the professor was not one of those we had in high school, he was a professor who taught the next section, in the elementary school I went to. when we got to the front, we were trying to fit the case of formal clothes into some kind of suitcase, so that we could run if necessary. at that time the professor said that we were getting off, but while we were getting our things to get off, the driver closed the bus door, and left, the professor tried to explain to him that we had to get off and asked him if he could stop there for one minute. The bus driver refused and continued. Then me and my friend started to have suspicions that the driver was in the bay with the ladies who were looking for us. The bus stopped, only one door opened, the ladies got in and my friend and I looked at each other scared, then I woke up.

8 Jun 2024



we met at some tuition, he was kinda rude but at the end he initiated a conversation i don’t really know why but i invited him to my rooftop, we were half way through climbing the stairs but, i heard my mom unlocking the door and climbing up. i went like “go! go! you gotta run” i started panicking. he began climbing down the stairs, he met my mom and greeted her for some reason?? they talked apparently. i managed to rush inside without being noticed, somehow. i ran to my room and pretended to fall asleep but i ended up actually falling asleep lmao. i woke up to a view of him lying on one side, propped up on his elbow, hand supporting his head but his eyes remained locked to mine the entire time. i don’t know how long he has been lying here but it felt soothing. this time he had this soft expression on his face, his attitude attitude from earlier had drastically changed. we had some small talk, but this was the first time i noticed how huge his build was, he definitely works out. his chest was WIDE. his arms were all athletic, he looked as if he could lift me from one arm without breaking a sweat (oh and he did btw). i don’t know why but we began packing, apparently we are going camping with his family (i fucking hate camping). DESPISE THAT SHIT. we packed tents and all the other stuff required for camping, he was coming with us. i was waiting for my mom since locking the door and i remembered that i forgot all my makeup and skincare supplies, i begged my mom to open the door just for a couple of seconds but her response wasn’t as friendly to say the least… we left for camping. we met his family and greeted them, i found out his name was Sahil. (i overheard his mom talking to him lol). i stood there awkwardly as i watched everyone building the tents, Sahil was setting up the bonfire. after he was done setting up the bonfire, i went to his direction. we shared some small talks again, but more interesting and funnier this time. suddenly he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me towards him, he lifts me up and swings me around in circular motion. i laugh and protest as i shoved my hand to the helm of my dress before i ended up flashing somebody.

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