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7 Jun 2024



The Unicorn and the Doctor. So in my dreams, I was on the run. I had unicorn blood er Unicorn descentence. Kinda like the last unicorn. Not only do I have magick healing abilities but I can also grant youth and such so I’m often in the run or in dragon. Then I met this Black dragon. He was a doctor, kinda hot. He said he’d help me and so in return I gave him blood and stuff, helped him work with his patients (by choice of course) then there was this other blacky red dragon. Wanted me as his mate and was gonna force it to happen. I hate force and he was like high key abusive so doctor bro kinda helped me runaway along with this kid that worked under him. He had brown hair and a super peppy cute personality. He was a fae of some kind. He helped me by giving me teleport crystals. Anyway there was also this lady who I think was arranged to marry the doctor. (I think she was in love with him) apparently she kept updating the red dragon of our location. Also I think I was developing a crush on the doctor. Maybe. I think I may have been much older then all of them. The cute tiger boy with brown hair, I think he had a crush on me 🤷‍♀️ Anyways I hide around in the fae realm after brunette guy saved me. They ended up having me hide in this time trap with this big biker gang that kinda just adopted me immediately. I’m not sure why but they all though I was super duper cute and must be protected from life itself. The had eagle tattoos (A lot more happened in the dreams but I’m a bit too tired to remember. I did hear the doctors last name though)




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7 Jun 2024



I dont remember this dream much, but i was playing elden ring from the perspective of my character. Elden ring is a hard soulslike game. But when i was playing it in my dream it was a lot easier than i remembered. I remember respecing my characters points. I think i switched from a melee build to a magic build. Later in the dream I remember trying to get the the northern most part of the map. The map of the game was symmetrical, with a circular region that came to a point in the middle and on each side of the main region there were two smaller circular regions that also came to a point, but pointing north and outward. On May way to the northern center point on the map I remember seeing a tunnel that was a shortcut to the left region of the map. The outside was a clear sunny field, and the tunnel was a dark blue. I noticed a spiderweb covering the entrance with a large spider crawling on it and decided to pass it up and come back later. When I reached my destination to the north there was this large wall I had to climb over. And there was an enemy to fight in this crater in the middle of the field. It was humaniod, but not human. He was hunched over, like it was feral. Its skin looked like it was made of solid raw gold, it had no eyes or eye sockets, large jagged teeth and fangs, and a red jewel in its forehead. When I got close and it started running towards me I realized he was invulnerable and couldn't be damaged so I turned and ran to get back over the wall I had climbed over while he seemed to be right behind me. The dream ended when I got over the wall.

7 Jun 2024



So basically what happened was that I was going into this new school for like a trial day to see if I want to move here and I got taken to the library and see two girls trying to prank a sleeping girl in the class but I walk away and see my my two best friends tyisha and Kaylee. Then I get taken to my next lesson and see my boyfriend Josh in there . Then me and tyisha and Kaylee walk down to my next class so we go there and I get in there and get told by the teacher I need to go to a meeting. And I say oh like where is it and she says just go down you’ll find it so I leave and then at the door I shout Josh and say Josh please help idk where I’m going. So he then runs out the class and we run out to this like abandoned bit of the playground and wait for next lesson when we get to this part of the playground I ask josh did u come to my house this morning and he said yeah but you were asleep and I didn’t want to wake u so I went home and then we started telling each other how much we love each other and then started making out. Like 20 mins later these two traffic lights appear infront of us and then these two cars come speeding down and so we get up and start rushing to the side. Then they crash into us but it doesn’t hurt bc they feel like the cars you get in bumper car . So then me and josh run away from the cars and then we see tyisha and Kaylee and they say oh I saw u over there making out and then the rest of the class come over and start going oooooooooo. And then I say okay whatever I need to get to my next class so I kiss Josh and leave him. Me and tyisha walk to this huge assembly building we get into the line and I see my headteacher from my normal school mr turnball and he starts talking and then I see Josh walk to the front of the stage and sit down on this chair.Then mr turnball says it’s okay and to go to our next lessons as I’m leaving I spot my favourite teacher from my normal school ,mr marron, and he calls me over and says you okay soph you look a bit lost and confused and I tell him about how I’ve got to make the decisions to either leave or stay and he says come walk with me. So I say bye to tyisha and me and mr marron walk to my next lesson and we talk about josh and how I’ll have to make new friends and stuff like that and then he helps me make the decision to stay at my normal school and not move then. I then get to my next class and see tyisha outside. I for some reason change clothes into this full suit and me and tyisha and Kaylee start walking up theses massive sets of we’re going up I’m told that it’s military practice and I shouldn’t be in a suit but in military clothes.So as I go up into the classroom I take my blazer of and put my hair into a bun to try look more casual. I get into the classroom and I’m told to climb up this like rope things and suddenly my outfit gets changed into my very short black dress and heals. So I’m trying to climb this thing and all the boys below me are shouting how they can see my arse and how they can see up my skirt. Then I get to the top and have to go down this slide drop thing so I lean on it to get dropped and then the teacher starts talking to the boys behind me so all the boys in line look up my skirt and stuff. Then the teacher finally drops me and I walk over to tyisha and tell her I rlly need the toilet. she says I’ll take you in a minute I’m just finishing my work. Suddenly I see my ex boyfriend who I’m still good friends with luke and ask him if he’ll show me where the toilet is and then he says sure. We leave the class together he walks me to the toilet and then takes me on a walk to the canteen for lunch on the way to the canteen we see a fountain and Luke starts getting like unchanged and then jumps into the fountain . He shouts to me come on soph don’t be a baby come in so I start getting up changed and I get into the fountain aswell and it’s so fun but then all the people from my class come out and see me and Luke barely dressed soaking wet together. And the boys in the class start saying how I’m cheating on Josh and how I’m a slag and stuff like that. So I say no it’s not like that we’re just friends and then Luke says yeah we dated but she’s got a boyfriend so . Then we both get out the fountain and get dressed again and start going down to the canteen I tell Luke about how it used to be when we were dating and how it’s different now and I tell him how I’m not moving and how I’m staying at my normal school. And he hugs me and says he’s happy im not moving or he’ll miss me other wise and then I see Josh and we run over to him and I tell him how we went into a fountain and just reassure him me and Luke are just friends and how I’m not moving. And then I woke up

7 Jun 2024

Abandoned home


I had a dream where I was building a device that needed a play/pause button and so I scoured an abanadoned office building to find a play button shape that was perfect with sharp edges. Then I found myself stopping in a room where they had random airplane pilot merchandise. I grabbed a flimsy airplane made out of cloth from a rack and threw it and it just fell to the floor. Then a classmate grab another one and threw it of the side of the building and it spun like a helicopter, going down slowly. Then I found myself on street level where I went into the middle of the street with out looking if any cars were going to hit me. A bunch of criminals were walking toward my direction on the street. They were breaking into stores and trying to harm people inside and on the street and then I woke up.

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