15 Dec 2024
So, I was at a place that was a mix between my high school, my middle school, and the daycare my mom worked at and my nana owned. An odd part of this place was the dungeon/detention place that you had to climb a ladder down to get there. So in the dream I was hanging out with some old friends in the auditorium, when I suddenly took off my shirt and laid on the floor, dragging my breasts on the floor. Then a teacher or admin or something came in and reprimanded all of us, but he was sitting on my shirt, so I asked “can you give my my shirt, you’re kinda sitting on it.” And he did. Then he told us we had to go to the dungeon/detention place, and me, somehow knowing where that was, skipped down the hallway. But when I went to go down the ladder leading to the dungeon/detention area, the ladder swung ominously, and I panicked and jumped back to solid land. The friends I was with congratulated me for this choice even though they were forced to go down the ladder. I stayed in the area and sat in the corner and my newer friends from Jobcorps came over from the outdoor area and sat with me. And I asked to take a bit off my friend Cece’s vape, and I did, hiding behind her while the teacher/admin watched. And when the teacher/admin came over I held in the vape smoke and smiled at him. Almost like a metephorical middle finger.