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6 Jul 2024
I had this dream where it was like the paranormal was there with me. So basically I went into my friend's house for I don't even know what, my parents were there with me. I was just there and the paranormal as well. We kept on hearing these noises and she kept on telling me how it was there. I knew it was there. I saw it. When I would see these things, no one believed me. Once I got tired because I was too scared of it, I went to the downstairs to my parents. I was done with it and they understood me. They got up quick and we just left. It was like weird because of how much they understood and just left with me.
A priest eating a poop on dark bridge
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I dream of I was in my cousin marriage and all the family and cousins were there . I was enjoying alot and was very happy. Then I went to sleep and saw that my mom is praying but music is playing in background so I felt bad . Then I also saw that I'm very important person and I was doing some deal with other company. I grew up in a beautiful smart lady . I was wearing a formal suit . And looking at important papers . I got a husband also he was very masculine and handsome. He was wearing a formal white shirt and black pant standing near me like a body guard . The in the marriage house as everyone was going to sleep as I got a husband I got a private room . In the room there was big king size soft bed white pillow and bed sheet . As fun I lay down at bed infront the door was open . I can saw the front room with door open and saw uncle laying looking at me it was awkward. My husband came into the room and close the door . My husband was looking so hot he was very happy that we got a private room and can have some fun . He started unbuttoning his tshirt and his gorgeous body chest abs oh my . I was laying and admiring his body ready for sex . He jumped in bed got into the blanket and inserted in my . I thought I will something or pain but I didn't feel anything. He was trying, I thought maybe because we already have sex alot of time that's why I feel so comfortable that I don't feel anything. I also saw that I'm doing dishes in kitchen and told my sister to have lunch
I dreamt I was in a building and I was presenting my artwork. It was my art show. I saw my old library manager there. Another part of my dream was I was my grandparents house and some man tried to enter, and I knew something was wrong with him. I quickly locked all the doors but I was worried that they would break the old glass windows. I remember try to lock the door and the man was on the other side trying to come in. It was difficult but I fought back until I finally locked it.
standing in the forest dark night then there someone running at me and i cant move
being drown in a dark sea with massive waves
dreaming with lullaby sounds with floating heads around emotionless
I was at school and everything felt real . I was with my senior friends waiting for them at end of school . When I went out of school gate I saw one of movie actor I m currently watching he was with his friend. He is good looking with eye brows and big ears . In dream he was interested in me but i ignored. Yeah when I went out and saw him . He was sitting near the road and talking to his friend. And I came and tried to brush his hair but he got awkward but then I grab him by his cheeks cutely and softly brush his hair . He was looking at me surprised and innocent mesmerized eyes and I was smiling
my boyfriend dreamt me and him were at dinner together, then the purge began and two men took me and dragged me to a supermarket, he said they kept going on about how pretty i was and he tried to take me back from them but they wouldn't let go so he brutally killed them with a bat
I was walking through a town when I looked up at a balcony and saw a man spray something onto another manβs face and set him on fire. I was afraid and started running away from there and it began to rain. As I was running I was praying for The Most High to forgive me and give me a different fate than that man. I was with my husband in a strange place where it seemed like there had been a flood and still very dangerous area because of violent people that stayed behind. We had to go into a boat with high walls to cross town but the water still came into the boat when it would move. The water went over my babyβs head so I had to hold him up higher so that he could breathe. We went into a restaurant to eat. Our waiter was my ex-boyfriend that I hate because he was very abusive throughout our relationship. He was being polite and doing his job correctly. He brought a sauce to the table that we asked for. My husband was standing up and somehow the sauce got on his foot and he held his foot up to me angrily and made me clean his foot. As usual I did what I was told but it hurt my feelings that he treats me like this. Later I put my foot up to his face and told him clean it. To show him why I was angry. I walked away and got the baby in his car seat. This woman that obviously was interested in my husband pushed me and I told her to keep her hands off me. She did it again so I grabbed her by the hair and threw her down. She got up and tried hitting me again but missed and I slapped her across the face. I told her to back off. She tried to hit me again but I blocked her hit and shoved her. She got next to my baby I told her donβt be stupid and I grabbed her by the neck and threw her and told her donβt fuck with my baby
I go back to the school
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