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21 Jul 2024



I was on a bridge overlooking a bayou where the water was incredibly high and touching the bottom of the bridge. It soon started to overflow and I was trying to balance on the wooden beams of the bridge. I seen two tiny alligators that tried to jump out of the water at me.

21 Jul 2024

Running away


I dreamed last night the I was at an outdoor gathering at a bonfire party. At first everyone was having fun and drinking but then suddenly people started getting possessed and turning aggressive and crazy. My brother Jason was trying to help us escape but he started getting possessed too but I didn't know. He grabbed me and when I looked into his eyes his pupils kept going from large to small and I was horrified for my life because he was filled with rage as he is grabbing me and so close to my face. So I had to struggle to get away but he was too strong and I felt like I was about to be possessed too but I finally broke away and started running as fast as I could and he was chasing me in the woods and I couldn't see because it was dark out. I woke up terrified with the image of his rage filled face and changing pupils stuck in my head.




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21 Jul 2024



So, I'm in dream land, minding my business, apparently I'd blocked the entrance to some area in my house so I decided to take the secret door and because it's the SECRET door, there's no staircase on the other side to get to where I'm going... (Picture Geena Davis opening the door in Beetlejuice and almost falling out) So, I shimmy my way down by sliding down this beautiful red convertible, using the car cover, that's half removed anyway, as my guide... I make it down to the ground, when this chick comes to the secret door above and goes, "YOU RUINED MY PAINT JOB YOU BITCH!" to which I replied, "How??? By sliding my skinny ass down it? That was DUST ON IT, NOT A WAX TREATMENT KAREN." So now she's yelling at me, but all I hear is the Halloween theme, dubstep style, BLARING throughout the whole house, so I go, "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!" while pointing to my ears, which makes her SO much more angry... Then I realized... it's my alarm. My alarm was the dubstep Halloween. And just like that, I was yanked out of my dream. I NEVER get to see what's in the secret room.

21 Jul 2024

Black man


I had a daydream that my sister and I were being robbed. The first night we were in Green Bay, there was a story on the news about a black man robbing houses around our area, so that was in my mind the whole time. The next night my dream is, there are 3 men. They come through the back door, and start walking towards my room, and my parents room. As two of them start walking towards the computer room door, I open it, only to be grabbed by one of the men, and stabbed through the chest. As I'm laying there, the other 2 guys ransack my room and find nothing, so they kick me. They leave everyone else alone, and my parents find me the next morning, and call 911. It didn't finish obviously, because I would have been dead, and I'm a believer in that if you die in your dreams, you die in real life. The next one I had was of my mom, my niece and I driving around Ashwobonaun (sp?). We pick up this guy, not sure if he's a hitchhiker or not, but we seemed okay with it. When we go to drop him off at the parking lot he told us to pull into, he's crouching down towards the back door, and pulls a gun on me, telling me to hand over my purse. I close my eyes, hand it to him, and start whispering, "please don't kill me, please don't kill me..." as I feel the gun zeroing in on my chest. But when I opened my eyes, he was gone.

21 Jul 2024



I dreamt this hitman (I think it was Jason Statham) needed my help getting some hits done. I was in France. He said we had to get to the ocean, and in my dream, that meant Scotland. So I was like, "ok, we'll go there and you can drop me off at my boyfriend Mike's" and he was like, "we'll see." Each time he had a hit, I had to shoot him in the head with a spear, which would make him all fucked up, so that when he did the hit, he would be able to get off on self defense, saying the other guy speared him. So, each hit, Jason got dumber and dumber, because by the end, he had survived 4 spears to the head. I remember him having a very big gash in the middle of his forehead, and I tried to kiss it to make it better, but he was a hardass, saying he didn't need my help. So, we jet off in his helicopter to Scotland. It was absolutely beautiful. He hugged me goodbye, and handed me a whole wad of cash, and said "nice work." in his sexy, brute manner. Then I woke up.

21 Jul 2024

Haunted house


My old roommate had the ability to start and stop fires at random. She was sitting out front of my old childhood home which was a townhouse, where she would think of a fire, and all of the sudden, everything was ablaze, until she felt like going back to normal, and nothing was smoldering; as if the fires never existed. I walked to my friend Courtney's house a few blocks away, thinking that would calm me down from watching my house turn to flames, only to go right back to ordinary. No such luck. Courtney was dating Marc, a friend of mine that I used to chill with at the bars, and comment on chicks with. They had apparently been together for a while, and all you could find in their fridge was leftovers from going out to dinner every night. I was so angered that they would spend so much money on going out, when they were struggling for rent money. God, they're just like my dad and step-mom. But they didn't see it. Courtney was so oblivious to her over-spending, and just sat back and played Playstation 2 some more. So, onto my house again, where my old roommate had left to kill herself. She told my sister Jennie to tell me that she couldn't handle her newfound powers, so she was going to leave the world. I was suprisingly nonchalant about it. As I moved onto talking to Jennie about going back to the House of 1,000 Corpses Haunted House, where she had chickened out last time we went. I had experienced quite a large amount of dysphoria last time I went, being that I fell through the floor, only to find myself covered in maggots and doormouses. The house was enveloped by morbid quotations written in graffitti. Stuff like "your mother raped me, so I killed her." and "this is the blood of the many victims of this house." I thought that for a haunted house, they went a little far with their decorations, but I figured, Jennie wants to go and see if she can handle it, I may as well go with her to 'hold her hand' if she got scared. So, I decide to go first, and wait for her there. I remembered the part of the house where I fell through, and made sure to stay clear of that level. I uncovered more morbid quotations, and even more creeking panels. There were ropes hanging from the ceiling, and chains cuffed carelessely to the banisters. I didn't want to go back in there. But I had to remain strong, for Jennie. She was going through enough already, with her getting admitted into the mental hospital, and escaping because she knew she wasn't crazy. I had to stay with her, make sure she was safe. So, Jennie finally shows up, exhausted and out of breath from running again. She had run into one of the orderlys on their way to the asylum. But at least she made it here okay. Although she was shaken up from the whole ordeal, she still wanted to go into the haunted house. I told her she may not be able to handle it, but she insisted that she do it, to prove that she wasn't a pussy. She reluctantly climbs up the steps to the first floor, watching me to see if my facial expressions change, giving her an idea of where to and where not to go. She eventually makes it to the level where I fell in. I stood on the window sill on the level below, where you could look up and see where other people were in the house. There was nowhere for me to climb up to her to warn her, and for some reason, she wasn't answering my cries to her to stop and turn around. So, what other option did I have than to go myself? I started getting very sweaty, my palms could barely hold onto the banister, which was shakey to begin with. I pass over the blood stained wood beneath my feet as I make my way up the staircase to where she was. I find her sitting down on the very slates that I fell through, petting a lost dog. She seemed very somber, as if she was in an ordinary house. I couldn't understand why I fell through, and when I come here to be her moral support, she winds up being more unafraid than I. I try and tell her it was time to leave, that we had to get out of the house before the boards split, and she becomes engulfed in insects and rodents. And as I stood there, pleading with her, there sat a doormouse, just like the ones I fell into before. Right behind her. She turns around, and picks up the furry creature, and starts petting it, as though she were a little kid in a pet store. Everything seemed fine. We finally leave the house, and realize, only when we looked around and saw not a single soul, that there was no carnival in town. No fair, no amusement park; we just spent over an hour in an actual blood haven. We stoically walked forth to our house, where we had to get ready for a party soon. We walk in, and find the party has already begun. I tell Jennie I have to go upstairs and change before my soulmate Kenny got there. As soon as I said that, her daughter Emily runs up to me, and asks me why I was covered in blood. I couldn't tell her. I simply walked up the stairs without missing a beat. Later, Jennie went onto explain to Emily that it was fake blood. No reason to make Emily upset. I finish changing, and sit down by the window, because I wanted to watch the moon. A few hours pass by where I forgot about the world, when all of the sudden, Jennie walks up to me, and tells me to hold out my hands. Shaking a pill bottle into my palms, she gives me 7 Tylenols with codeine. She thought that maybe if we were numb and apathetic to the whole incident, we could enjoy the party more. So I take them. All of them. Next thing you know, I'm calling everyone in my phone book. I stumble across a few people I hadn't talked to in years, and they seem unknowing to who I was. She was right; the pain killers helped to make me forget the killer's house, but now I had something else to deal with. People had forgotten me. People that I held in such high regard, people that I talked about all the time, and shared memories of them with other acquaintances. How could they forget me? They said I was such a great friend.

21 Jul 2024

Car accident
Dead Friend


I was sleeping. Then, I got up, and started walking around my room. I have a memorial on my wall for a guy named Danny, a friend who died in a car accident a few years ago. His picture is in the middle, and the story from the paper is in there, as well as the program from his funeral. When I looked up, those things were gone. His picture was gone. I started freaking out, and going through all my pictures, and couldn't find a single one of Danny. In the dream, I had another memorial collage on my wall, of pictures of him and a biography. That was gone too. So, I went downstairs to tell my sister, who dated Danny for the majority of the time we lived in Wisconsin, that all of Danny's pictures were gone. She had no idea what I was talking about. I kept yelling that his pictures were gone. That someone had stolen his pictures. Then finally, I yelled "the memorial collage with all the stuff from his funeral I had on my wall is gone! Everything is gone!" She replied with, "what are you talking about? Danny's not dead." And walked away. That was the end of the dream

21 Jul 2024

Best Friend


PayPal e-mailed me and told me a credit card I have on file is about to expire. I opened that e-mail in my dream. Then when I woke up, I had that exact e-mail in my mailbox... *continues with dream...* So my ex boyfriend/best friend Raymond comes over, while I'm watching my niece Emily. He tells me to go upstairs, and wait for him up there. I kept telling him that I had to change Emily, and he was like "I'll change her, you just go upstairs." So, I walk up the stairs, and my ex boyfriend Dave is standing in my kitchen! So I'm all like, "wtf are you doing here?" Well, it turns out he had found an apartment in Germantown, and he was going to be working with Raymond. I didn't know what to say! I was dumbfounded, I was shocked, I didn't even know Raymond and Dave talked! Then, Emily won't listen to a word I'm saying, and starts playing with some type of cleaner in a test tube. It looked like a glowstick. It was glowing purple, and she was just amazed by it. So I yell at her for playing with it, and she tells me to fuck off. Then I wake up.

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