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7 Jul 2024



Last night I dreamt that I was doing lots of creative projects with my friend Alice. We were making art, as well as jewellery, like we did when ai lived in Perth.

7 Jul 2024



So basically what happened was I was waiting outside this house with about 3 other people and 4 or 5 other people came out to us and started talking and then me one of the girls and two of the boys started walking together down to our lodge cabin when we got there we opened the cupboard and a note flew out that said your having a party it’s got to be successful but you can’t make a mess or get any clothes out or anything so we all started stressing about this party I went upstairs with one of the other girls I was here with and we started getting clothes ready but making a mess so we had to clear it up and we were talking about how we want people to be honest with us always so I asked her if my face looked orange and a different colour to the rest of me and she said I’m sorry but yeah a bit orange and I said I knew it. Then down stairs they all started shouting saying there here there here so we looked out and saw a bunch of robot looking people and we both said oh that’s in and we burst out laughing the whole group of about 8 of us left the lodge cabin and walked over to the robots and said there’s your party pointing to the cabin and we all walked off the two boys were walking quite far infront and one of the girls called Connie who goes to my school in real life asked the group which off the boys we all thought was fitter she said the one with brown hair and I said the one with the curly hair then I woke up




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7 Jul 2024



In the beginning it was me and my mom and younger siblings wanted to go shopping but my stepdad was like no he and her would go or something like that so i just went to go run bath water so i’m using the bathroom talking to my younger sister and it’s so weird because the window inside the bathroom was actually an ocean so we’re looking outside of it like ok it’s cool my younger sister starts to get inside my bath water so i’m like lol why you in it but i just got in with her thinking maybe she just wanted to spend time and be annoying i’m seeing like broken 1950s old barbie dolls and three snakes but ther are spiraling instead of actually swimming like regular snakes in the ocean window we have then i l farther and see a younger indian man cutting something off then two older men come out the blue looking inside so im like “tiauna do you see them” she sssying they cannot see us and stuff but the one of the men eventually tooo their hand and grabbed me so ima trying to cover myself with the shower curtain and i yell to tiauna to go get help from someone she’s just kindve frozen but she’s by the bathroom door so i’m kinda just like yelling her to hurry. The man who grabs me drops me and i’m falling but the settings changes to like a still loading gaming city like roblox when you first join and things ain’t loading it but like i just see gray and one red block that’s like supposed to be city buildings so i’m falling i start clicking fast on my apple watch button then i eventually fall onto my bed but it’s almost like a mirror is in front of me cause i just look and see me but i don’t look like me i look very animated but broken and scary

7 Jul 2024



My husband and I were in my room, getting ready for bed. My room had a tall fridge/freezer combo and a full size bathroom attached to the room. I set an item down on the bed in anticipation of putting it in the freezer, when the item is picked up into the air and placed neatly into a wire rack in the open freezer. I ask my husband to watch to see if it’ll happen again, and it does. My brain decides that this is a spirit trying to be helpful. Although the spirit is helpful, at some point, I become fearful of the spirit. I close my curtains better. I let my cats into our room and close the door. I put a laundry hamper in front of the door to keep anything from coming inside. I find myself in the bathroom, scared, repeating “leave my things alone, leave my cats alone, leave my things alone, leave my cats alone.” The fear wakes me up.

7 Jul 2024



I had a dream last night that I'd been away somewhere. I think, I think I was at a hotel and I think it was like a dream I've had before where the hotel was also a college or a university and I was having to walk through places to try and find a room and then the room was really small, almost too small, and then I was getting the train back and I was really looking forward to going home because I was so tired and I sat on the train and I was thinking I was going to have to get the train miles away from home and it started going down the road where I used to live when I was a child and I was like brilliant I can get off early. So I rung the bell, got off the train and it stopped just after the bridge and I got off the train, although it was more like a bus because it was on the road, and I had to walk over the bridge to get back home and I remember I was dragging my feet because I was so tired and I was barely making it over this bridge and I went across the road at the top of the bridge and there was loads of emergency vehicles driving down and I had to really time it right to get over the road because I couldn't go very fast but I only had a small gap so I got over the road, walked down the old road where I used to live and walked down this little thin alleyway that was there and I walked in the back garden and my mum had been in the garage and she came out and she goes, oh we weren't expecting you and I said oh I've managed to get the train closer to home. Anyway, I dragged myself inside, put my stuff down, dragged myself upstairs, I was so tired and I went to see Abby in her room and Abby wasn't in her room, there was a boy in the bed, paddling this blonde girl and I recognised the boy as Abby's boyfriend and I was like I don't know who she is. So I finally said hello, he said hello, I went round into the next room and Abby was in there and I said oh Abby, you're not in your bed, she said oh no my boyfriend's in there and I said okay who's that with him and he said oh just a friend and I said well who's cuddling her and she said yeah I know and I said well that's not right is it. So I was like I'm not having this. So I then went back into the room where the boy was cuddling the girl and I threw them both out and then I said to her I was like right I'm going to sort this one out once and for all. So I got her phone and I started recording voice notes to him saying how it wasn't appropriate that he was doing that and even if Abby was alright with it, it wasn't alright and he shouldn't be doing it and I left about fifty voice notes and she was just like oh right okay and I was like I can't believe this, I've come back and I'm so tired and I'm having to sort this out.

7 Jul 2024



So basically what happened was I was in this school in a massive room with millions of other kids my age sat at tables with about 5 people to a table. I then wrote a note to Luke that said I think we need to talk because I’m pregnant. I then passed it too him he read it and nodded his head that we need to talk he then threw the note back but it didn’t end up to me it ended up infront of me. The headteacher then was walking by and saw the piece of paper on the floor and picked it up . Then he went to the front of the stage and said “who’s pregnant then” the room started chattering loudly and then he said “Silence I’m going to find who it is because you know the consequences of being pregnant which is being expelled from this school”. Then I turned to Kaylee next to me and said “oh shit Kaylee what am I going to do are they going to do a pregnancy test on us all aghhh I’ve really messed up now oh god” then kaylee said “ i really don’t know soph” i turned to luke and luke mouthed to me “ it’ll be okay”. The headteacher then came with this cup of blue liquid and started passing it round Luke’s table. Then the headteacher got the cup back and came over to our table gave the person in front of me the cup and the then the person in front of me passed it to me so I tried to pass it to the two girls next to me and they said “ no thanks I’m not having that abandoned on me thanks” so I passed it to the other boy on the other half of the table . The headteacher then got the cup back and grabbed the boy he initially gave the cup to and started scraping the edge of the cup across his arm a few times untill a neon blue liquid stained his arm the headteacher then said “ your ready for it” and left to the top of the stage he got to the microphone and shouted “ you may all leave now” so we got out of our table and me and Kaylee got into a car and drove out of the school site as we were driving past the train station I saw tyisha roxy Louisa and fin so I go to text tyisha saying that I see her but we get dropped off on the road before I have the chance to. As we start to walk up this road I see tyisha a few people behind us so I say “TYISHA omg I’m so scared” then she walks towards me and says “ oh what happened” and I tell her what happened at the school and then I say “ tyisha I need to speak to Luke IM FUCKING PREGNANT AND I DONT KNOW WHAT TO FREEKING DO” then an bunch of people from the school start staring at me and tyisha says “soph shutup unless you want everyone to know about it” we start walking a bit more up this road and at the top is like sitting on a half wall as i walk past he says “hey soph want to talk now” i tell him “ hello luke no not today another time but we really do need to decide what we’re going to do” and then he says “alright then bye” and i shout “bye” back. We keeep walking until Roxy shouts from behind “tyisha wait for me were your friends and your abandoning us come on” so she waits a minute to catch up with them and then we go through this turnel and go into a sweet shop and then I wake up

7 Jul 2024



I had a dream I was at my house putting down the gate to the front of the house and we had some animals like pigs and dogs and they ran out the front door and I had to push them back into the house once I got them into the house. I walked back outside to lower the gate to lower the gate crow I guess try to get into the house and the gate closed on the crow and nowhere like three or four black crows came in landed on the rail and landed on my shoulder and I tried to get it off my shoulder, but it wouldn’t go anywhere When I open, I tried to open the gate to release the other crow. That’s when the crow jumped onto the rail and I walked over to the other crow that was crushed on the gate and it was just laying there so then once I got inside the gate and the crow kinda moved, and it was away from the gate, I close the gate real fast, and then two of my friends came in the front and was like what’s going on. I said the crow the crow got stuck underneath the gate and then other people came that was for The and they was like trying to be like threatening and so I just close when I close the gate my friends was like we’re taking him and go you know taking him and go and then we closed the front door and then I woke up

7 Jul 2024

Phone call


I dreamt that my father was in the hospital, and my mother was by his side. Suddenly, I received a phone call saying that both of them had died. It felt like my world had collapsed. The strange thing is that my mother, despite being dead in the dream, managed to call me on video. Honestly, I have never seen a happier or more beautiful woman than she appeared in that video call. I remember at one point, I was sitting at a table with my aunts who were trying to support me, and I even managed to make a joke: “I miss my mom, but I’m focused on her debt agenda.” Everyone laughed. At one point, it turned out that my father hadn’t died, and just before the dream ended, my father and I got up from the table to go and find out how my mother, if she was dead, could communicate with us through the phone. The second and last time my mother called me, my aunt, her sister, took the phone away from me and said, “It’s not good for you to talk to and see her.” My mother didn’t say anything in that call. The dream hurt me a lot; I love my mother more than anything in the world. I even woke up crying, and for 30 minutes after I woke up, I cried.

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