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24 May 2024



I was in a car with my ex and he got mad when I touched him. We stopped at a field with corn, and there were two workers there and a horse. The scene changed and I was caught in a conflict with 4 guys and we were spraying them with something. And then there was an earthquake, and I changed clothes.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

24 May 2024



i got into some fight with a random dude and he ended up dying unsure if it was from the fight or somethinb but in the emd i was the one blamed for it. there is strict policy that if you kill someone you're killed, in my school? yes, so everyone in my school who committed crimes of which the sentence is death is on a bus with 2 of friends and I'm on the bus too obviously everybody is super sad and bummed cause they're about to be killed but I'm trying to talk to people lighten up the mood idk why. then the stop comes everyone gets off, they go in and they accept death, not me. i run away. i run and there are people friends and family of the people who are being killed amd school teacher who make sure that the children don't go out of a border. they don't run away. and from the exit i run it's jija??? what the fuxk but i sneakily sneak by, i go through many shops, hoping there's a back door and no body recognises me. there is no back door in the first and rhe second shop. then i go to the third and there he is my jija behind me trying to take me back i tell him i need to go to the washroom hoping there's a window but it wasn't on the end of the building i enter and the place is covered with mirrors some of them i think one way mirrors i try seeing if any of them are the way out they're not then i see my bad through a window he's fixing his hair i band on the window which seems unban gable to get his attention, i gte his attention, but then my jija who btw loved and adored me as a child comes and tries to drag me out then i tell him that i need to talk to my bad. i try to twll hin that I didn't kill him, he doesn't care. he doesn't care that I'm about to die. he's taking me back there, and on the way he tells me that if he fails to do so and the chuldren don't show up the parents will be locked up. i try to convince him he isn't budging. then i finally reach there i stand on the spot where i should be standing it's in front of a counter my back is towards the counter and there's this lady standing in front of me with a huge 3 stick farmer tool thingy something and it's gigantic at that time i know there's no way out so i ask her, if i can be shot, i've always wanted to be shot, she agrees and thinks it will be fun so she sends people to go and get the bullet. and while i was standing the tool she had with her i looked over to my dad and told him i'd tell hin what the afterlife is like after i die he doesn't care again, he's counting some yellow paper things, he nods. while the person is searching for the gun i give my dad my necklace and tell him to give this to my brother and i wonder if he knows if theg told him i was dying becaude he would've fought back. anywyas then i also am about to remove my watch but then i think what if as a ghost you're stuck wearing what yu are rn and even if that isn't true i'd like to die wearinv my watch and necklace so i take the necklace back and ask him if he will take the nacklace and the watch off my body and give it to my brother he politely agrees and allthis time this was the time i saw him behave kindly towards me even if it was a sandgrain worth of care he did a little v v little but a little. the. I add a status or notes saying bye and i never got to finsih book or movie i was reading/watching. and then they come back with the gun. the end.

24 May 2024

Evil spirits


The world was over run by animals turned monster, some were bigger than buildings, one of those broke down the house I was in twice. Later on, I walked through the forest and saw a bunch of different creatures, finding a boat. I spent a few nights on it with the people that owned it. When I arrived at a small house that was halfway underwater I saw two people inside with me and told them to pull their legs up from the water, as they did so a octopus swam out from under us. There was also a small ball looking thing, and I remembered the sentence "you cam always tell if they're evil from their eyes." And the ball creature looked angry and the guy I was walking with tried to kill it, but I picked it up with a plastic bag and saw two humanoid tiger-like creatures with a stroller so I ran past, put the ball thing in it, they said thanks and I went on with my day. At the very end I walked through the city and went to sleep on the porch of a house, with the thought that if i make myself small, the big creatures won't see me and the others might think I'm sixk and leave me alone. At the start, I knew nothing about the creatures, but in the end, I knew a lot about them and how to not get eaten.

24 May 2024



I dream that I had a dog. She was pregnant. I am not sure what kind of dog. However, I was carrying her in a backpack. Then I decided to hide her in a gym locker. I am not sure why. I then came back to get her and she had puppies. I was so worried about the puppies and felt bad for leaving the mother for so long. There were a few puppies. One of them have two faces with one eye and nose in each. It doesn't have a mouth. I thought it may have to die so I put it on the ground to give it a mercy death, but it suddenly has jaws and bite me on my hand. It hurts. The next dream was about a father and a son. They both worked at the hospital from the TV show I saw. The father was on the board. His son had autism. Then the father got a bit extra money or percentage from the board and donate to his son. Other people were furious at him for some reason and did not talk with him. The son then grew up comfortably and used the extra money to pay it forward to others in need.

24 May 2024



So I went to visit my mom and she was kind of walking through the apartment complex. And as she walked through the apartment complex, we didn't really speak. It seemed as if it was a holiday. I ended up seeing her and she went in the house. I went in the house behind her. I had a newborn baby and my middle child in real life, which was to her boy. So we ended up following her. I was so happy to be in there around her even though she didn't really talk to me. Like she kind of started doing stuff in the house, in the kitchen. And I went to go see a man that was in those apartment complex. I went to go see this man that was in that apartment complex. However, I didn't stay long because my mom came and got me, and I still had the baby and my middle daughter, and we ended up leaving. Even though in a dream I was kind of like, she didn't have to do that. So the next day came, I went to go visit my mama with the intent of seeing this guy, but I didn't quite just go to his apartment. I went to her house, I was by myself this day, and next thing you know, my phone started ringing, so I went outside to talk on the phone. When I did that, I looked up and I saw a lot of Haitian people that were on the roof with guns, and they looked at me, they saw me. This made me so nervous, and I was still on the phone, I was trying to play it off like I wasn't afraid or anything. This one guy whispered in the other guy's ears, they saw me, I saw them, and I went back in my mom's apartment. So when I went back in my momma's apartment, me and my momma was still not talking, but this girl appeared. I don't even know this girl, but I kind of told her, like, I got to get out of here. It is a lot going on. This is what I see outside. And then the guy that I saw was supposed to go see in the apartment complex. And I was talking to the first day I was in the apartment, my mom's apartment complex. He was like, I told him they saw me and they whispered in each other's ears, whatever. I was afraid and it made me scared. I just want to go home so I can make it home to my kids. So he was kind of like, they're going to do that to make you scared. But anyways, me and the girl that appeared, we just left my mom's apartment complex. It was really dark and I could see which trees, I know there was shooting outside. I just wanted to leave. It was a lot of movement, a lot of people running around in the woods. I was afraid, very frightened and afraid. I just wanted to leave and go. But I seen this house that was lit, a lot of people in here, smoking and drinking. And I actually saw my classmate Kendrick Tony and his cousin Tyler. So me and the girl went on the inside. Once we went on the inside, I kind of didn't greet anybody but I was just still so nervous and scared and it was kind of like a party that was going on. I went on the inside and went towards my classmate. I think I may have spoken to him. But I kind of sat in between his legs on the floor though and showed him that I was kind of emotionally scared and he kind of made me feel a little bit comfort through emotions and let me know that I was good. But it wasn't too much and then the girl that I came with she saw me and she was like, girl it's okay. So she showed me that one of the guys that was living in the house or in the apartment complex with my classmate That had killed one of the Haitians. So she showed me the body and The guy had a cigarette in his mouth and blood was just leaking from it So next thing, you know, I I Didn't got more afraid about what was going on. She took me in the room like let's go talk girl. Everything is okay And then when she did that it's almost like night went by so fast. It was morning time I was so big on leaving I just wanted to leave. When it was time for me to leave we left me and the girl. We left and I saw that it was a really big apartment complex outside. However the road I could see the road in the little town it was kind of like an old-timey town as if it was like back in the day. So I saw the little town and we kept walking and I was so afraid hoping nothing happens to me. It was a little it was a little old town. We kept walking and it was a really really big apartment complex and I was just afraid I just wanted to get out of there and go. We kept walking but I ended up waking myself up out of the dream.

24 May 2024

Childhood home


Dream I had a dream that started with me and my sister being in our childhood home. The house was empty and we were in the living room. We were both looking at the ceiling which had funny curly lines on . The lines were like a pattern that was not pointed on more like something had dried through the ceiling but the lines were perfect, there was also some mold on the ceiling. My sister and I had a conversation about how we thought the lines may have got there but we could not draw any conclusions. I was then in a traditional pie and mash shop with a lady that was my friend but I did not recognize, she ordered the food and we had one pie and one portion of mash which was not our correct order as we should have had two of each and liquor as well. We both ate the food very quickly and I remember trying to eat faster than her. I finished first. After we finished our food My friend went to the counter to change the order and asked for a cup of tea also, two young men walked into the shop and they asked four a ham pie, the lady behind the counter told them that they do not sell ham pies after 16:00 and I looked at the clock and it was only 12:30 and I remember thinking the lady had the time wrong. Our amended food order never arrived. I was then on top of a hill with my friends Martio and Garry, I was telling Maro that this is Where i used to play as a child, I was chopping down stinging nettles and remember thinking that I did not have the correct tool to do it, there were lots of nettles. I then went down the side of the hill and there was a fallen tree, the tree was still attached to its stump. I picked up the tree to twist it free it but it was too heavy. I then mustered up all off my strength and was able to twist it round and break it free. I then pushed it down the hill and as it went down the hill it changed into a large black and white pole. It was gathering speed and spinning in a circular portion like a propeller. It was going toward the social club from my previous dream. It was going further and faster than it should have and was moving towards two ladies who had children in push chairs. I was extremely anxious and scared that it would hit them and severely injure them. It just missed and I was relieved, it smashed through a door through which s as lady had just walked. I remember thinking that she could not have been hurt but I was not sure. I was then walking up a flight of metal stairs into a place that felt safe. My mum was there with her friend. As I was walking up the stairs I could hear communication on a radio of a woman complaining that her car had been damaged and I thought that maybe it was the pole. I was relieved when she said her car was parked at the airport because I was not at the airport. I walked into my destination and greeted my mum and her friend it was like a restaurant with lots of tables and chairs. I sat alone at a table.

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