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6 Jul 2024



I dreamed that I had a hamster. It was living in a normal hamster cage but it wasn’t being cared for properly. So I bought another hamster and placed it in the same cage. The cage grew smaller. And I realized without bedding on the cage bottom the hamster might hurt its feet. So I bought each hamster a new cage. I started to fill the cage up with bedding but instead of soft bedding I was snapping very small metal Sticks and placing in the bottom. I made a very small pile of metal sticks in one cage and left the other bare. I realized the new cage was even worse than the old but couldn’t do anything about it




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6 Jul 2024

Love Interest
Many People


I had a dream that I had to go to work in a different city and I really didn’t want to go so first when I got there I opened up I I was having nice interactions with the customers and things then my grandma called me and told me that they was there too and I wanted to see them before I left but I was at work so I chose to leave and I got to them with no problem and then when I remembered that I was like to work alll my times say x so I’m ridding with my cousin but I can’t figure out how to get back there then some how I got there but when I got there the time said 8:45 it was so many different people there and I felt horrible bc I just left my whole shift yeah so the people was being mean to me but I was not having it I met somebody named chris( I think I met Christ as a love interest in a lot of my dreams) then my boss was outside and he was really really mad at me so we had it out and my other boss was texting me trying to ask me what was wrong if I had been suppressing my grievances but i was ignoring him and my baby brother popped up out of no where and now I have to keep him safe as well but I kept forgetting that he was with me and as I was trying to leave and I could not remember how to get back to my family when I remember that Landon was with me I saw I black jeep out side and when I looked I saw Landon sitting in there but I forgot again and I ordered an Uber anyways while I’m in the Uber I realized that I ordered the Uber back to work and on the way back I remember that Landon was with me but I seen him in a black jeep before and the black jeep was still there I was looking and I was still arguing with my boss and when I get in the car I see my baby sister too there is a man driving and a woman telling me how much she wants to help and that she could take me to my family I asked for her phone but I was still distracted with my boss that I didn’t even think about the jeep moving then remember thinking we are not safe and I’m trying to take Rylee out the seat and bring her closer to me and I see the lady in the passenger seer trying to stab me with a needle but she was going soo slow so I just threw it out the window but then she looked at my brother and he was talking about how unwanted sexual pleasure felt so good then I woke up I did not wanna stay in that dream

6 Jul 2024



I had been driving along a lonely road in a desolate place; it was dusk suddenly I found myself outside of the vehicle in the road. There were about 3 vehicles stopped in road, making a sort of blockade. I noticed one vehicle to be a very old Saab model. I felt nervous and fearful about someone or something approaching in the opposite direction. Indeed in the distance a vehicle was approaching and we scrambled into our vehicles to move them and make the road passable. I recall my brother being one of the people being there and voices yelling out that the cars had to be moved. Later in the dream I am in one-half of a duplex. I am in a bathroom of sorts, fumbling in what looks like a small, horizontal cabinet hung on the wall at eye level. Upon opening the hinged door upward, I see three compartments each stuffed with papers, letters and other indistinguishable items. I felt flustered by it all and had a looming feeling of fear of someone in the distance I needed desperately to get away from. On the other side of the shared wall of the duplex I heard banging and male voices. It startled me and I was rushing to get out of there, fear taking over me. It was the thing I needed to get and stay away from.

6 Jul 2024

Airplane Crash


. So, I just woke up from, I just woke up from a dream where I was, it was winter time and it was in somewhere like Siberia or Russia or something like that, and I was in the military and we were doing jumps from a plane, from this tiny little grey like maybe 5 seater plane, but there was tons of people jumping out of it, and the theme of the dream was very somber and very kind of camaraderie where everybody's giving each other a hard time but really getting along at the same time, like really there for each other, and so fast forward, the plane ends up crashing, the captain ends up dying, like the pilot who was running the whole thing ends up dying, and we end up having to go, me and like two other people survive, and we end up having to go to this compound that apparently was part of our organization but I'd never been to before, neither had they, and we had no idea what it was going to be like. So we show up, and it's very small, it's very light, it's very sterile, and there's black barbed wire everywhere, and so we show up, and we hit the buzzer to talk to somebody in there, and we hear somebody laughing, and all of a sudden the gate opens super fast and the barbed wire cuts the person standing next to the person next to me up into a bunch of pieces, and we hear a voice on the intercom say, come in, to me and the remaining person, so we're like oh shit, so we go inside, and there's this crazy guy in there that I guess was in the military at one point, but in his isolation has gone completely insane, and he was taking the cadavers of people that had passed away around him and making new people out of them, and somehow was animating them, so there were all these zombies, and one of the zombies had pinkish purple hair and was a girl, and she had a pet mouse, kitten thing that the guy had made for her that she used to carry around in a shoe that used to fit on her foot that she no longer had, so instead of having a foot, she had this Mary Jane shoe that had this mouse kitten hybrid thing living in it, and that was like at the bottom of her foot, like her leg, and yeah, her eyes weren't there anymore, they were just empty holes, but they had been painted neon green, and the two of them, her and the crazy guy, took me downstairs with the other person that had survived the plane crash, and showed me that there was a giant open crag in the earth below the military base, just huge, with like lava bubbling up in it, and they said that that was hell, and that they had been working with the things in there, and they showed me by dragging one of the random zombies, they just grabbed one of them, and dragged him over the autopsy table, and they said they were going to check around in the back, and they stuck this rod in the back of the dude's head, and all of a sudden you could see all of his thoughts, all of his memories, but there was like satanic glyphs all over all of them, and that's about the time that I woke up, and it was really crazy.

6 Jul 2024

Gas Station
Panic Attack


The last dream I can remember- I asked the guy I liked to come over. I wanted to have sex with him and just spend time with him overall. We were in a room making out and then my brother barged in cravking jokes. I’m not close to my brother at all, and I was a bit upset. So we moved to my room. My cousin was in there, getting ready to go to bed. So we then moved into the den. (Our house in my dream was much bigger than it is in real life.) We wanted to hookup on the couch and then cuddle whilst talking, but we were too afraid that someone would walk in since it was an open/ main area of the house. Me and my mom got into it about her allowing my brother to move back into the house since he’s a piece of shit. He’s also 25, turning 26 in November. Things were said and I had to tell my guy friend to go home. I was overwhelmed and on the edge of having a panic attack, so I asked him if I could stay with him for a little while. He told me to pack my things and meet him at a gas station not far from where I live. It was kind of hot outside, but he picked me up and brought me to his place. I got to meet his parents and little sister, and I was so happy. A few hours into me getting there, though, he told me he was scared we were moving too fast and implied that he wanted me to go back home. So, teary eyed, I simply said “Okay.” I grabbed some of my things and went back home. I didn’t want to talk to him and I remember feeling this overwhelming sense of frustration. Deep down, I blamed my mom for the entire situation. He tried to reach out to me, but as previously stated, I didn’t want to talk to him. I didn’t open his messages. Then I woke up. The dream had ended.

6 Jul 2024



My old friend who lived on my street has moved to a big white mansion and I go and visit it. I look around the exterior and see his mum through the window and run away in case she sees me. Once I’m past the house I see a crowded beach and walk through it. There is a wooden raised section with huts and stalls on it that I walk on and I pass by another old friend Lucia who I don’t recognise at first. I do a double take then stop to say hello, she notices me and we’re both happy to see each other. We hug and start walking together down the wooden section. We ask how each other have been and Lucia is with two of her friends a man and a woman who I say hello to. Lucia wants to take us somewhere and leads us through a large wooden structure to a grassy path with a fence on both sides. There are also fences in the middle of the path which Lucia says are electric fences. Her male friend ducks under on and keeps going down the path. I try to duck under but my hood gets caught and I start getting electrocuted. I jump away after getting untangled and sort of writhe in pain on the floor. Lucia checks if I’m alright and we see a park ranger car up ahead and Lucia tells us to run and with all the fences I realise we must be trespassing. We run back into the wooden structure and Lucia guides us to climb to the top floor of the structure where the ranger can’t find us. There is a statue of a monkey, possibly hanumanji but I’m not sure in the room we hiding. Then the dream ends.

5 Jul 2024



I dreamt that I was looking for a new house. I viewed one that was lovely, not extravagant but comfortable, in a nice affluent area, and with open land behind it, not crowded in like the houses on either side. The realtor showing me the house came into the garden from a side fence, as though from neighbouring property, which struck me as odd. She said "We have decided we also want to choose you", which I thought was good, so I took the house. After I moved in with my family, the realtor came back through that same side fence, and this time all the neighbours started coming too, all of them to welcome us to the neighbourhood. That was when I realised that the realtor was my closest neighbour, and that her comment about choosing me referred to all the neighbours agreeing that they wanted me. I then realised what an unusual honour I had been given, that the decision to accept me was personal to all of them. Some of them were friendly, but some were more reserved (they weren't very open or friendly), but they still came to shown their support of the decision. And the house was full of the previous occupant's belongings: furniture, books, clothes and decorations. The previous occupants were extremely rich so they would buy all new things when they moved. The stuff they left behind was nice, not extravagant, and I was free to do what I liked with it, keep some or throw some away. The only negative thing was that I accidentally fell asleep while the women were visiting because I was still exhausted from how hard my life had been previously! So I missed most of their conversation and some of the women were sightly offended by that. I apologised profusely, explaining how tired I could get at times.

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