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26 Jul 2024
I was shopping for plants with my grandpa, once we were done we went to my grandmother's house and stayed there for a little bit. Later that night my grandpa told me to lock the door, but when I went to lock it someone bursts in drunk in a costume without the mask and his friend with the mask outside. He chased me outside and then I saw a figure wearing all black who grabs me. Then I wake up feeling like I can't breathe.
Last night I dreamt that I was staying in a guesthouse with a large Jewish family, they were 5 generations. We were discussing rituals, foodstuffs a d heritage.
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I’m a girl and when I was 5 years old, I had this dream. Where my mom had just got out of the car and it was night and my dad was standing in front of the car and a clown got into my car while I was in it and drove off and I had to try and unbuckle my seatbelt and open the car door and get out I jump out and roll on the ground and I get up off the ground and then the dream ends.
dreamt I was playing at a poker table with my husband son and a celebrity. dreamt I was smoking on the stage. a man came in and I ran and he attacked me with a knife
I had a dream I was at some hotel/some kind of vacation or fun place …. This man can right into my room I didn’t know who he is at first I was kinda skeptical about him at first because his hair line had looked funny but it almost looked as if it was fake and somehow I was able to look past that and he became suddenly attractive to me ….. then something slicked and I just knew he’s the guy that I had been waiting for he was so sweet and charming and I was so attracted to his lips I just kept kissing him. I remember finding my friend and telling her about him and she seen him. I kept asking her do she think he’s cute she said yes …I remember telling him my ex husband where coming to bring my kids and that he had to go but he end up seeing him leave out my room anyway my ex husband was jealous … and left out with a attitude … so I carried on with my day … everywhere I went this new guy kept finding me and we would kiss and learn more about each other I found out he had a son and a daughter ..I remember trying to ask him about something on his phone and I seen some women pictures but it didn’t bother me he tried to put his phone down so I didn’t see the pictures . Then I remember finding this fun room that had like a ride and a bunch of slides I felt the inner child in me light up as we rushed in like big kids to go play . Overall I felt so happy in this dream. and like a big kid again .
My sick girlfriend had a butterfly tattoo on her hand as she laid down on the bed and I looked at her I reached over to touch her hand and the butterfly tattoo glowed a bright neon blue.
I had to fight this big red monster with a hole in its chest called Satan. So I told my best friend who’s pretty religious and he understood me. Then this edgy-looking kid summoned a gigantic monster. It had big red skin, with a hole in its chest, and ripped and its raggy clothes, holding an orange dagger and commanded the monster to attack me. So I ran away. The monster chased me and after a bit of dodging swings, the monster stabbed me and I woke up.
I was in my very high apartment building watching a manifestation cheering people on. Horses were there so I called the owner, he ran up to me and I explained him why he couldn’t bring his horse to the marching. I saw my old dance teacher I used to be scared of and we had a moment together. She and other dancers talked about a guy that was supposedly satanic and possessed. It scared me. My ex had a conversation with me with the girl she cheated on me with. I felt broken and waited for the worst. I accidentally followed and unfollowed this girl’s mom. And sent the wrong messages to my group chat
I was on a giant galleon ship with a depressed red female ghost who had killed herself as the dreamed continued futher on I found myself being drawn to the ghost. Being obsessed with her and trying to always be near her. But when I touched her, I felt weird like the feeling you get when you cut off blood circulation.
I dreamt of Candy world🍬🌍
I got to spend time hanging out with Tobias Forge, the lead singer of Ghost. He and I talked about how much his music meant to me, how it gave me a space to be offensive and spite my upbringing. I’ve never had that space to give a middle finger to the Catholic Church, to have something that would make everyone who knew me before scandalized. Tobias and I also talked about how my husband and I danced to some of his songs at our wedding reception, especially Darkness at the Heart of my Love. I cried with him and thanked him for letting me spend time with him and share with him. He also played some songs acoustically for me, and then had to go but told me to meet him later at the show. I did, and he was dressed up as Papa and I got to give him a huge hug and thank him as his persona as well, which meant a lot to me.
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