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28 Aug 2024

Abandoned home
House Fire


I had a dream that I was on bus on a college field trip and I was telling a story about the small creepy town I grew up In and how my house randomly burned down but we didnt think it was random that's why we moved to the city. I was sitting beside Mt boyfriend and I could tell I was pretty popular because everyone was so tuned in. After the story we got to the town were were going to for the field trip and everyone started unloading there bags and choosing where they'd stay... I was drawn to this house and my bf went with me it was a little secluded from the other houses and we stayed there for a night we ended up having some super natural things happen and left my boyfriend insinuated that this was my old town with a new name and they must had rebuilt my old house. I kind of time jumped back when I was leaving the town with my mom and a strange man we kept trying to call and report this house burning as we were on the road but they were brushing it off leading to my mom thinking it was a setup to get our house gone do to the supernatural happenings they thought changing the name of the town and rebuilding the house would help, but it only made things worse. Then the town was abandoned by everyone and I was back 18 years later on a college field trip

28 Aug 2024



My dream started out with some family that I've never met coming to my house. They got to know us and all that. We got to know them. And one night they said, we came here for you. Which was me. They did this ritual on me. That turned me into some sort of monster. And then I did some sort of ritual on one of the kids so he became my slave and would help me. After this ritual I needed blood. I needed a certain amount to complete my transformation. I would only go out and get people at night. And the kid would help me find the right person. So we did this for a while and got I don't know how many people. Eventually I was close to my transformation ending. So I said I need baby's blood and asked him to help me find pregnant women. So I did this to two pregnant women. I took their baby and drank their blood and I said my transformation is over now but I need more. So I went out to find more people and take their blood for some reason and then I woke up.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

28 Aug 2024

Dark Room


In my dream I was sleeping on the couch and I fell off on the floor and floated up past the ceiling in the living room up past the room on the second floor and the rough the roof of my apartment building I floated up to the sky it felt like I was a feather floating in the wind being blown in whichever direction it was taking me to. I felt like it was real. I floated over the city until I was at this point where I flew into a lamp post I slowly fell to the ground and I couldn’t get myself up. A flying tiger came and nudged me off the ground and I flew with it on its back. Once I was up high enough I knew it was time to begin flying on my own. I kept off the tiger and began to float again like a feather. It felt like I was in an ancient place like Egypt surrounded by monumental statues and pyramids it opened up at a quarry and I began to rise up to this spaceship that was oblong shaped it almost looked like oumuamua a long stone with the crown chakra symbol in the bottom of it I floated up and as I knew I was about to enter I had a choice to see what was inside and who was inside but I got scared and closed my eyes as I enter through the bottom of it. I knew there were beings inside I couldn’t hear but it felt like I was laying on a surface being tended to and as I began to feel comfortable I decided to open my eyes but all I saw was a dark room with light orbs green and white and cyan. I came to the realization that I chose not to see so they kept it that way because I wasn’t ready. When I woke up it was the most real thing that I had ever experienced in a dream. A few days later I had a bump on the back of my ear that might indicate that the put an implant there.

28 Aug 2024



There was a secret door and it let to a room, which led to more rooms. Each room had really dusty furniture and a creepy vibe. I wasn't alone, I was with a bunch of other people in the dream, seemed like a school class. Some people went alone and some in groups, trying to see how far we can go before getting lost. I saw a long hallway after 7 rooms, but we wanted to turn back before we saw something interesting and wanted to explore more. But each time we went down there, the more extreme and gruesome each room becomes. One is a guy trying to strangle you with his hands, another is a hallucination of a dentist visit gone wrong, another big room is full of assassins and you need to kill them before they kill you, etc. By the end, our group got separated. I got out first, then slowly each member of our group came out. Some more battered and bloody than others. After that, reality began to warp, and we would be going in and out of the rooms without actually going into them, and then needing to find our way out from there. I was gouging a guy's eyes out who was trying to strangle me.

28 Aug 2024

Motorcycle accident
Abandoned home
Airplane Crash


First dream, I was in a neighborhood and I had a party with some friends. They stole one of my neighbor's motorhomes and like drove it into their yard. And they got in trouble at the club and we all ended up leaving at different times. But when we got back to the house, I realized that they had caused this huge mess and had been very disruptive to the entire neighborhood. So I had to go around and apologize to everyone for it. The second part of my dream, we were driving somewhere, but I was going down this really narrow road. I swerved and I hit someone's fence and it like fell over. And we got out of the car and said sorry. I gave my insurance information. And the guy who owned the fence said, well, you know, this fence costs like $100,000 and you don't carry enough insurance for that. So we can make a deal and you could just have a baby for us instead since we can't. And for whatever reason, I said, yeah, I'll give that a go. Even though I know I can't have a baby, but I don't have $100,000 to fix their fence either. The other part of my dream was watching my niece, Juniper. We were doing various activities and she was walking and she kept walking away from me and I kept trying to catch up with her. And I lost her like multiple times at this MASSIVE garage sale. And the last part of my dream, some kid was getting made fun of because he got his hair cut. It was like a bowl shaped haircut. We were trying to make him feel better by putting it in like warrior braids.

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