4 Feb 2025
I find myself in a unfamiliar work environment. I'm in a cubicle and I have a desk and there are large filing cabinets on the left of my desk. For whatever reason, I have my two large dildos in the middle cabinet, and I don't know why they're there, but they are. I try to hide the fact that they are there from my coworkers who are primarily females. There is a sense that my work is stressful and I use the dildos as a vice to overcome my anxieties. I leave the middle drawer open, forget to close it. A co-worker passes by my office or cubicle and stops. And she sees the dildos in my cabinet and I feel embarrassed. I start to hear giggles throughout the office and little sly comments that the dildos are too big. The scene shifts and I'm now in my father's bedroom. We're all sitting on his bed. It's me, him, and this man sitting next to him. I think the man is a Caucasian. We are having a little chat about nothing in particular and then in the middle of us chatting my dad leans in to kiss the Caucasian man. I'm a little shocked but not surprised surprisingly because I have never known my dad to have interest in men. The scene shifts again, and now I feel like I'm in some kind of dystopian Asian environment. There is a event about to take place that's going to somehow test our ability to survive. It's me, my dad, the Caucasian man, and my brother. We are scrimmaging through our belongings to see what we can take with us for the survival test. I feel pretty good about the options I have collected. I find a black backpack and start to put the things or items inside the scene changes and I feel like we are getting off a saucer or some kind of flying object and being placed into an unknown environment outside. I feel like we are dropped off in a large parking lot of sorts. There are lots of people around, and there are saucers or flying objects dropping off other people as well. I begin walking and I immediately notice that I am not wearing shoes and I'm kind of disappointed in myself for having the oversight to not put them on my feet and the reason how I notice I'm not wearing shoes is because as I walk, these small white prices are slowly splintering the soles of my feet. I remember walking on sand when this begins to happen. Moments later, I find that I have lost my group and decide to walk into what I guess is a bar. It's very crowded on the inside, there are lots of people, and I only stay in the bar for a little bit before I decide to descend back down the stairs. As I make my way back to the stairs, I make the intention that I will be reunited with my dad and my brother and the Caucasian man. Then to my surprise, as I'm approaching the doorframe, I see them walking up towards me. The thing that catches my eye is that the white Caucasian man that my dad was with is now Shaman Durek. Shaman Durek is a fourth-generational shaman in his family who is of African descent and who has also experienced daddy issues. His dad was religious and would not allow him to partake in his own spiritual development. In my waking reality, I have been listening to Shaman Derek's podcast and also listen to his audio book, Spirit Hacking, to help me unlock my own spiritual gifts.I get the sense that he somehow helped my dad and my brother, you know, find me and I am grateful.