3 Feb 2025
I had a dream that I had to go to the store in the early morning before it was light outside. When I grabbed the keys to what I thought was my brother's pick up truck, I drove to the store. It was there that I saw the truck was green and not my brother's car but a guest staying with us. I felt so bad and wanted to take it back to him immediately but decided to shop first since I made it all the way to the store already. When I was leaving the store, I heard commotion. I tuned around to see a little chubby white girl was on fire. She looked no older than 7 years old. As she was running to the parking lot the fire was going away. She ran over to me and I said oh my gosh are you okay, ready to pat her down and put the fire out but by time she came over, the fire was gone and she didn't have a scratch on her. She was running in fear but it saved her life. Everyone in the parking lot was also astonished and worried about the cafosine dripping from the store which was apparent legal. There was one guy with a yellow vest ig there trying to warm people but he didn't warn the little girl and was on the wrong side of the cafpsine. Just then a group of little Latino boys came out and almost got caught on fire too but we all screamed and they were able to get out of it. We asked why he wasn't on the other side and he said it's because he will block the entrance. He said he didn't actually work there but was actually a volunteer. I thought that was crazy and for a moment I thought to stay and help but then I remembered this isn't my car and I need to get it back to its owner. I squeezed back into the truck which happened to be smaller than I remember where only one seat I was able to sit in and the other side was filled with stuff, like a work truck with no other seat but one. I felt like everyone was watching me squeeze back into this truck when all I wanted to do was leave and get away from the scene before someone saw me leaving and judged me without knowing my situation. It was even more embarrassing t
Cause the Chinese restaurant to get my food was in the same complex. I wanted to just hurry it up and grab it. When I came back outside my sister and I think either my mom or auntie I can't remember which were by my car. I was so confused how they got there and found me. My sister greeted with me with a smile and said hi but I could tell something else was under the surface. She waited until we all got into the truck which just so happened to be bigger to accommodate both people somehow. I didn't want to hear the request cause I didn't want to say no. However, I was rushing hoping she could see that, as I was pulling out the parking lot, she asked if I could go west to drive her to hotel. I said no I cannot, I have to be somewhere. Of course, immediately she got upset and told me it's really close it's just down the street and I told her if it was close why didn't they walk, she said it was too far for that but I wasn't about to drop her off because I wanted to get this truck back to my friend before he realized it was gone and I told her that. This isn't my car, even having y'all in here might be bad, I just n ee together him his car back. Ofc she had an attitude and a part of me wanted to tell her yes but I instead just kept driving straight until we got home and I gave my friend the keys. Then I asked her if she wanted me to drive her back in a car that was actually ours? I don't remember her answer but she still has an attitude.