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12 Jul 2024



I was driving my car home with my father in the right passenger seat mumbling about something. He sees a person in a blue polo shirt and long white pants dragging a sign. My dad was saying that he hates realtors or something political of some sort. I made the right turn into our street as I see more of the same type of people in front of our neighbors home. They saw our car as we were pulling up the driveway and started making their way towards us. We started walking into the garage. That's when I noticed my mom was heading out to the front yard with a broom and I could hear my mom say no we are not interested, thank you. I heard one of the blue shirts talking back in like a rude fashion but with a happy faceq. I head into the house and closed the front door. After closing the front door, I turned around and see a brand new closet on the left where our bathroom used to be. It smelt new and it had brand new hangers inside of it. I thought, wow this is so convenient and decided to grab some of my clothes to put in. Immediately after, I hear this barking. I knew it wasn't my dogs because they dislike going outside. I opened the front door, head into the garage, and I see this small pug outside. It was shivering and sad. As I was getting close to it, I saw money starting to fall to the ground from a gray pants. I tried my very best to grab all the money before it started to fly away. That's when I noticed a twenty dollar bill caught wind and started to fly away. I chased after it. As I was chasing the twenty dollar bill, I thought I saw a clip of money on the ground and started to investigate it. Found out it was only trash. I immediately disregard the trash and contined to chase after the twenty dollar bill. Unfortunately, a bird grabbed the money before I could and flew over the fence into a bush. I was like oh well at least I got some money. I turned around and head back home. As I was walking back, I noticed this guy and son looking outside my neighbors house on the right side of my house. I didn't think much of it and tried to head inside my house. That's when the weird guy who looked like he was on Crack started approaching me asking if I saw his gray pants. I tried standing my ground saying that I seen no such thing. He started to laugh and then said, if you see it, tell me. I refused to touch him in any sort. He turned around and started talking to himself that he needed to find the money before the big man came along. I see this Christmas float parade enter my cul-de-sac and i asked the weird guy, is it that guy?. The Crack man was going absolutely crazy and the big man started talking with him while sitting on the float. I headed into my house and closed the door. I looked out the window and see what was going on outside. It was like a big Christmas party happening with one of the neighbors.




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12 Jul 2024



I just had a dream where my mom called me while i was at my boyfriends house and she was all mad so I thought i was about to be grounded but when she got there she wasn’t as mad but as i was trying to get ready i was packing all my things and being all clumsy cus i was nervous i remember the house looking nothing at all like my boyfriend collins and the driveway looked just like the driveway at my house, the house had a whole upstairs which my boyfriend doesn’t even have an upstairs. There was a stick behind a chair close to a door window thing that i pit a hat on or something and it knocked over, while i was there, there was a guy who looked liked collins dad but i couldn’t exactly tell who and i didn’t even know who it was, i knocked the stick over and he saw and said he will take care of it. After that my mom showed up and i was all ready and she gave me a purple lost mary that looked like the blue one I usually got. After that collins mom let me hit her vape and it was also an ear bud charging thing so I couldn’t figure it out but it was purple with some blue accents and buttons. After that i woke up

12 Jul 2024



Dreamt my daughter was leaving for campus the morning after and I suddenly remembered I hadn’t washed any of her clothes. Our cleaning lady was there and said she could help me out and I gladly took her up on her offer since I felt very stressed out. We loaded the washing machine with the clothes and I went into the kitchen to get us something to drink and looked at the clock in the wall and hours had already passed by! I ran into the laundry room that now was outside for some reason and it was packed with hanging drying clothes and towels and sheets - more or less everything except my daughters clothes. I panicked and started running around trying to find the clothes and suddenly there’s also a strong wind tearing the clean laundry away, making them float in the air and away from me. I reach out and find myself half anting off the building and we’re really high up. All the clothes I need and some sheets and towels are right at the edge of a ledge, if I lean over and out I could probably get them. My phone starts ringing and I answer it even though my grip on the wall is slipping and I’m risking falling over. It’s my daughter and she’s really stressed out, almost yelling at me, wondering where I am! She’s at the airport about to board the plane and she doesn’t have her suitcase or her things. I tell her I almost got it, just wait five minutes and I’ll get it to her. At that moment the wind picks up and I drop the phone over the ledge seeing it falling towards the bottom and I feel my grip loosening and then I wake up.

12 Jul 2024

Old Lady


My dream was like a scary movie. There was going girls and boys and one of them got murdered by some guy that I saw and then we all started chasing him To get him and I ran into a little boy and he said that he saw the person so he takes me to this place with horses, and I realize I have my retainer in and each time I go to take out my retainer, my teeth start falling out and sticking into the retainer and I have a hard time speaking it keeps happening over and over there was a stream and a statue for where one of their beloved horses has died before and the old lady at first didn’t like me, but she did like me so she said she was gonna fix my teeth so she gave me a different retainer and she said they was supposed to make my teeth better but then I couldn’t talk with it that well so I kept trying to take it out and my teeth kept getting worsethen I finally woke up

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