Amy, your dream paints a vivid picture of your emotions and inner conflicts, particularly regarding your long-standing feelings for this guy. The fact that you have had a crush on him for almost 30 years suggests that these feelings are deeply rooted within you, perhaps representing a part of your identity that has remained unresolved or unfulfilled. Hanging out with him in your dream indicates a desire for connection, suggesting that you may be yearning for the intimacy and closeness that you have longed for over the years. This scenario not only highlights your enduring affection but also reflects your need for affirmation and validation in your romantic life, especially considering the duration of your feelings.
The introduction of the girl you are fighting in the dream symbolizes your insecurities and fears surrounding competition for his affection. This confrontation could represent your internal struggle with jealousy, as well as your desire to protect what you feel is yours, even if it’s just an emotional attachment. By pulling out her hair, you are demonstrating an intense reaction to the perceived threat she poses. This aggression may signify your frustration with being overlooked or feeling that your own desires are being challenged. It can also be interpreted as a way of asserting your presence and reclaiming your space in a situation you feel is being threatened.
Moreover, the act of fighting in your dream implies a deeper confrontation with your own feelings.