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5 Aug 2024
Was in a desolate wasteland wandering around. I went to a supermarket there and I had to get a comb over. As I visited each department store, I got some item.
I remember last night having a dream where I was screaming out of frustration and the people around me where looking confused. I also remember having a dream where I was in a car and my cousin decided to get into the car too after I said don’t and the car started rolling down a hill and ended up crashing while we both jumped out of it
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I had what is sort of a recurring dream. I move into a new apartment & it is huge with tons of rooms but I’m living with like a dozen random women I don’t know, strangers. & they all seem to know each other except me. I’m the first one to get there so I of course pick what I deem as the best room for myself but I can immediately feel their annoyance with me when they arrive that I did so. Nothing really happens in the dream, it’s just this awkward tension the entire time.
I was in a beach town trying to figure out the lay of the land. Where are the good breaches, where are the surfers. I meet two women who let me follow them around as they try to figure out where to go. Men are very hazing, but they are tough and determined to find the good beaches. We are asking around. At one point we go through a hole into a building that’s near a good spot. I see a loot of people surfing. I’m not surfing.
In my dream there were flashes of moments of an arguments. Details are slim but definitely just different sets of people who just can’t seem to agree on anything. Everything is just chaotic. Then I remember getting a call from slim on the phone and she needed to tell me something, like passing on an important message. And then told me she’s ready to tell me why she hasn’t been talking to me. She told me something small and I said “that’s it?!” But then she said there’s more but before she got to tell me, the call cut out, or the phone died. When my phone turned back on 10 minutes later. She wasn’t willing to tell me anymore
okay so it started as a court case that my friend died or something and me and my family drove home and after we drove home they went inside i was outside and there was some junk like trees and random stuff and they went inside while i had to do that, and a guy like my age or one year older a blonde and lowkey cute and i felt like i actually knew him but i dont knoe and i always have color in my dreams i dont know about yall but yeah and then another neighbor was out too it was like a 15 - 16 year old and i went to open the gate where the junk and trees were and the kid my age looked at me and i guess mind you im pretty sure everyone knew about the court case and anyways he called out to me and went “hey girl!” and i went “hm?” but it wasnt loud enough so it seemed like i was ignoring him and then i opened the gate and the teenager ran over to me i guess to talk to me and i cant remember what they said but they were funny and then the guy my age walked over and was talking to me and making me laugh too and then i finished grabbing the trees and stuff i guess putting it in the trash and then i went to go inside and halfway i called out “byeee i love-“ and i was gonna say bye i love you guys but then my dream went pitch black for a moment then i woke up. and in the dream it looked exactly like my actual neighborhood and it wasnt exactly my house but it had my house and the cars i have in the front just not in the correct order and the house next to me is gone with dead grass where it was and it led to like a train track or something but yeah
Father hugging, TV Series, Nephews
I was with 2 friends, I can't remember their faces. And my boyfriend was also there. I had a Marijuana joint in my hands and I broke it in half, then ate half of it. I have no idea why. Then I took the other half and saved it in a doobie tube. I think I recall we were in a park at dusk.
Me and my crush went to the spike island consert in 1990 we bumped into eachother and we spent the whole time singing and dancing with eachother and at the end he kissed me while they was playing sally cinnamon and the said “ Ellisa James you are my world”.
Dreamt I was at the grocery store. I’m preparing to host a large group of people. These people were characters from House of the Dragon. I’m speaking to a guest on the phone planning the weekend. As I’m on the phone we invite more to attend including children. I begin to go through the market to shop. As I’m going through the market, I’m contemplating what the children will like to eat. I end u calling someone to find out. As I call there was commotion in the background. I ask the person to inquire about the children’s preferences and they said oatmeal. As I turn back to the oatmeal isle, I see doctors offices surrounding the perimeter. I see one doctor leave her office and head out. I keep shopping. Next I see a doctor run out erratically. She’s running through the aisles looking for the doctor that left previously. I don’t know if she can see me. She’s screaming she’s late. She tries to enter the office of the other doctor. I tell her she left. She begins to run around the perimeter screaming she’s super late. I look at the time and it was 2:47. She runs back to the other office, opens the door and begins to cry. She grabs something and runs frantically. She screams something about being left and that the other doctor wants to read a magazine. As she runs around the perimeter, she cries harder. She now is screaming that she’s spotting. I feel bad as she’s had multiple miscarriages. She goes around the perimeter again and she enters an office. The other doctor is there. She tries to yell at her but completely falls apart and the other doctor hugs her as they fall to the ground. I come in the room and put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her
I was at a park for an event with other people I know in real life. The bathrooms needed to be unlocked and I had to go very badly. The head of our group unlocked them and we all dashed in. There were swings and no privacy. I tried doing my business but the discussions of the other people distracted me and they brought me into the conversation. I pretended I had finished and left to join our group leader outside where it was raining. I was in medieval times and we approached a castle where I recognized the wizard Merlin was escorting us to Robin Hood’s castle. It was a holy day so I was put into a dress with pants underneath since a battle was near. Marion was young-only about 12 years old-and thought me wordly because I was married. She did not like that I intended to fight alongside the men. After mass, I shucked my dress for pants
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