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6 Jun 2024



So this dream, I didn't have bad feelings about it and most what I felt was determination and confusion. So what I remember was we were on the farm, we had a farm in the Kalahari in real life growing up cattle and sheep and such. Anyway, I dreamt that we were on the farm and I had my old Sony phone, it's this small touch screen phone. It was one of the base phones that had reception on the farm which was 180 kilometers away from town. Anyway, my husband and his family was also coming to visit and I was very excited. The house was two stories. I kept going to the second story because the reception at the top was the best reception and sending him text messages asking when he'll be here with his family and he replied he'll be there in the afternoon and I was super duper excited. I unpacked some things, my suitcases and what not and went downstairs outside. It was about afternoon-ish, it was already starting to get dark. I found my family, my mom and dad and three brothers on the lawn and there was some kind of conversation going on. My dad told my mom it's okay if she goes. Apparently, she made a decision to get some sort of help, the kind of help that electrocutes your brain to cure some kind of ailment or treatment or psychological disorder. She had this hopeless expression on her face and my dad was just so steadfast. He wasn't very supportive, he wanted her to do this for herself but he didn't hug her or he wasn't loving or anything. He just said to my mom, you probably want one of the children to go with you but the boys are all busy, take your daughter and I said yes, I'll go with you. So a little while passed, a little bit of time passed and I quickly also communicated with my husband that I'm going with my mom to town. I don't know what's going to happen next. I'm not going to be at the farm when your family arrives. So he texted me back and said it's okay, he's going to drop his family on the farm and then he'll meet me in town because when I leave my mom at the hospital, I won't have any place to stay and I didn't even bring clothes or anything so he'll be there for me. I said thank you, in the room it looked like I wanted to cry but I was probably just thankful and then as me and my mom drove to town again, we just started talking about random things and I remember asking about the brain shock therapy she's going to receive. So I told her we learned about it in school in biology class but I didn't know it was so popular and I didn't know that it was a positive thing because what we learned, it's not, most of the time it's not a positive thing and she just said there's no other choice because she has already tried everything and she doesn't want to disappoint the family any longer and I didn't know what to say but I said I love you and there's nothing wrong with you. I said that to my mom and yeah the dream ended where we were just still driving and I remember my dream self was just thinking also about my husband and how much I want him with me at this moment because I didn't know when we get into town, who am I going to say and I know I knew it was going to be emotional as I was waiting, as I was going to wait for my mom at the hospital so I was very optimistic that he was going to meet me there and support me and yeah that is the whole dream.

6 Jun 2024

Family Members


I know my dreams can be weird and sometimes I skip from scenery to scenery. Anyway, this was also a strange dream. It started like this. I remember my mom and my three brothers, we were at the town where we grew up in. We usually went to this little center. You can buy anything you want from the shop and there's also a video shop. You can rent DVDs and videos. So I dreamed we were there, inside the video shop. We were wanting to rent a DVD but there were a lot of people and most of the movies we already watched. So my mom and my brother started getting impatient and somehow it ended up that I had to choose a DVD, a movie, and they'll meet me at the car afterwards. My mom and my three brothers went to the shop to get some sweets or food or whatever, I don't know. But they said they'll meet me at the shop when I'm... I mean they'll meet me at the car when I'm done and I said it's fine. I started looking for a movie. I finally found one and stood in line to rent the movie but there were a lot of people and they started shoving and being in my personal space. I couldn't handle it and I just thought, no, when I get home I'll download a movie and then we can watch a movie. So I put the DVD back and went out of the shop towards the car but they, my mom and my brothers, weren't at the car yet. So I went around again and waited for them at the shop where they said they were. I waited outside and lit the cigarette, smoked the cigarette, but the time moved so slow and I stuck out the cigarette to see if I could find them. I walked back to the car but the car wasn't there anymore and I was stunned. So I walked back towards the shop and they were in the street waving at me. I quickly got into the car and we drove away and they were a little mad at me. I don't know why they were looking for me and I took so long. Where was I? Stuff like that. Anyway, then the dream skipped where my mom and my dad and my three brothers were and we were talking but everybody was a little mad at me. I don't know, I don't know how the conversation came and my middle brother, the middle, middle, middle brother, he was saying mean things and I couldn't take it anymore. I started crying and I said things. I stood up for myself and some of the things that I said, well, I never judged them. I never judged any of my brothers when they make mistakes and I know I'm the oldest. I made a lot of mistakes but I never judged them. Usually when I make a mistake then I would blame myself. I blamed myself a lot when I finished school and left them with my father and not being there for them but my life had to go on and then I shouted, I'm not the parent. I'm not your mother. I'm your sister and you never had my back. I always had your back. I always knew what went on in your life. I know your favorite color, what you like to eat but you guys, you don't know your sister. I'm the oldest. Do you know anything about my favorite color? Do you know anything about the first time that I hurt myself? Do you know anything about how me and my husband met? Do you know anything? I was just crying and I said to them, I love you. I've always loved you guys and I would never judge you but it feels like I know more about you and I was always there for you. Then you three know about me, your own sister and I was never meant to be your parent or your mother or your father. They, our parents ruined our lives. Yet you, you always take their side. I don't understand why. I wipe my tears and yeah, that's the dream.




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DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

6 Jun 2024

Old Home


Okay, so this is also a strange and unpleasant kind of dream. It started like this. So I dreamed, um, I dreamed I was at our old house, a house we grew up in, and at first I was tired, but when I went outside, I felt rejuvenated, and I ran around playing. When I got to the washing line, I creeped over the wall and saw my brother, and there was, I don't know why there were planes there, but in real life, my brother started a flying course to be a pilot, and he wants to teach other people to be pilots too, so I guess that's why I saw the planes in my dream. He just parked a plane and started getting out, and he asked me what I was doing and laughed, and I showed him his blanket. I had his blanket, and I said sorry that I had his blanket, but I missed him so much, and he said it was alright, just don't get it ripped or don't get it lost, and I was like never, I would never do that, and then he came around the other side of the wall, but he had to come into the garden from the neighbor's side, so I walked until I could peer over the wall of the neighbor's side. I saw my brother at the swimming pool, started walking towards the wall where I was standing, but as I was standing at the wall, there's like this big pipe, and the pipe had a suction wind that sucked in the blanket, and I started pulling the blanket, but it was no use. The blanket got sucked into the pipe, and I crept over the wall, and told my brother his blanket got sucked into the pipe, and now the pipe goes through to the other wall where he was standing, and he said it's okay, he'll get it, and then he started crawling into the pipe, and I was so nervous, I waited for him on my side, because I knew that he was going to come out of that side, but the hole of the pipe seemed smaller, and I just knew he was going to get stuck. When I was able to see the top of his head, I noticed that he couldn't breathe, because there was also water in the pipe, so I put my hands on the top side of the pipe and started pushing him with my legs, so he could go back out of the other side that he came into the pipe, and he coughed, I mean, he got free, I got him unstuck, and he coughed up the water, and he was alright, but we then found the blanket, then the dream just skipped to me, I was walking in the street, and I looked really happy, there was dogs and cats around me, but they all had a theme of white in color, and it was strange, because I knew that there was something about the cats and dogs that intrigued me, I had this feeling some of them weren't awakened, and some of them were awakened, I was looking for our cat, it's one of my brother's cats that went missing or died, we don't know what happened, but I found her, and I just knew she was reawakened, I started talking to her mentally, and she said her name and surname was this and this, and I just laughed, because I'm talking to this cat mentally through telepathy, and I carried her home, and that's the whole dream.

6 Jun 2024



okay so this was a very intense dream first it started like this I dreamed me and my husband were at a place we booked to stay it was like a mansion it was really beautiful this mansion I don't know where it is but it was it was something out of a Victorian novel we were in awe at this place and me and my husband we really liked what it looked like so we met the owner of this place we didn't like him he had a girl servant that he didn't treat nicely and the dynamic between them made me and my husband feel really uncomfortable especially the way the guy treated her the owner treated this lady servant awfully and she seemed like a broken jittery mess and as me and my husband we stayed there we got to do with her she helped in the kitchen and in the rooms but we wanted to do something about the situation but we couldn't do anything about the situation it was really awkward anyway sooner or later there was another guy I think it was the owner the brother of the owner he was a little bit different taller and stronger yeah he hung around we didn't have a lot to do with him and that was bad then the dream skipped and I knew I was in trouble my husband wasn't with me but I got this feeling he was supposed to come and get me and I just had to keep waiting for him until he came and rescued me so what I remember next was I was running from the guy's brother the guy that we didn't have a lot to do with and somehow we made this room as a distraction it was like the red room and I ran through this room and as he followed me he started laughing and around each corner it's such a weird room that betrayed his personality there were pigs and goats talking in his voice and then he laughs and there were portraits of him painted upon the walls and that also the portraits moved and talked anyway then the dream skipped where I was in a corral where they where they auctioned sheep and livestock but at this point I seemed very tired and in this point of the dream I knew that my husband and somebody else was supposed to come to deliver meat and we were waiting for the meat delivery as an exchange so that I would be alright and so this guy couldn't catch me but I was very tired at this point and I was crawling around in the sand and manure this guy was on top of me he caught me but I fought back I scratched him and kicked him but he liked it and he kept talking he was very strong I couldn't fight him he kept talking about his brother and the lady servant that he would never he would never have a girlfriend or a wife like that that's totally broken he likes girls like me that's more feisty and not broken it's a personality that he likes and then he laughs and pins me down with his hands on my shoulders and then he started to do not so nice things but I turned away and not let his skin touch me and then there was a sound and it was my husband and the other guy that finally delivered the meat the guy that was assaulting me started laughing and asked why did you guys take so long or something like that and then out of nowhere at the other side there his brother pops up and I just I was overcome with renewed energy at this side of the brother that did the awful things to the lady servant and I jumped over there I just jumped on top of him and started choking him and scratching him and my husband started screaming at me no don't do it you're tired you're gonna pass out and the other two started laughing and that's basically what I can remember about this dream

6 Jun 2024



In my waking life I thought of PeiPei my friend from Hong Kong ๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡ฐ and how she helped me so much believe in myself when no one else did. Iโ€™m ok with being single and going my separate ways but I just worry constantly about her well being and I hope I can see a sign that sheโ€™s ok due to the toxic air quality. I know it sounds weird but Iโ€™m not like all the other guys that begs for women to be friends or GFs Iโ€™m ok with whatever I want peace โ˜ฎ๏ธ but one thing I just have to know as daunting as it is is if Pei Pei is ok up there in NY I am extremely concerned searching for a sign. ๐Ÿชง I was praying to God and I said give me a sign that sheโ€™s ok ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป please ๐Ÿ™ and at 3:31 am a deer ๐ŸฆŒ crossed my path right then when I was driving in my waking life. I hope sheโ€™s ok. ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ข

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