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9 Aug 2024



I was climbing a cliff because I heard there was a cure to something at the top that I needed And I slipped on some ice And as I was falling I went to try and grab onto something But some big orange fluffy bird looking thing with glowing yellow eyes with a purple lighting following caught me And i rode on its back looking out into the sky And we flew to the statue Where there was a giant village or tribe with a bunch of the birds And I walked to the main building and met the elder bird And it was like talking to me telepathically about the cure So it reached out its big arm and dropped a feather in my hand And told me to run the feather down my face and i did And I got these like markings on my face And then the bird said you are ready and he got the bird who flew me to take me back to the mountain And I started to climb up to the top and I like started climbing really good and fast And I made it and there were these 3 even bigger owls like the size of mountains one was white one was black and the other was a maroon and they were just looking at me And then they said something I couldnt understand and the markings disappeared and I like felt myself sink like yk when you fall in your dream thats what it felt like And then the birds flew away into the sky and blew everything away but I walked through the wind and it was so foggy and I kept walking and made it to some like door and i was reaching for the door and woke up




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9 Aug 2024



The dream portrayed me as a tall skinny women with pale skin and long black hair. At first I seemed to be exploring the world/town. The town seemed modern and was near the ocean and what seemed to be a porting area for ships and boats as well as fishing. As I was exploring I remembered being happy and excited as I explored. At one point I remember dancing near a dock that lead to the ocean. My friend was with me saying how I was always happy and such a day dreamer. I giggled at her response and continued to slow dance by myself. As I was dancing I imagined myself wearing a beautiful gown and a prince dancing along with me. We were dancing slowly as we looked lovely into each others eyes. Suddenly we heard loud yelling coming from the main city. I stoped dancing and as I did the image broke and disappeared. My friend and I quickly looked at each other and ran towards the sounds and into the main city. As I did the surrounding changed. I was no in what appeared to be a small run down town that looked as if it was from the old west. The people in the city where dressed from that time period as well. As I got into the town it looked as though there was a rally going on. Several people of color and different races where marching through the streets shouting. I remember standing by some members of my real family as I asked them what was going on. They told me some kind of protest was happing and continued to make comments on the event and the town. Saying how the town was so weird and felt like a ghost town almost, due to its appearance and the way everyone in it acted and dressed. For everyone else dressed in old western clothes while my family and I, as well as my friend were dressed in modern clothes. As we were talking suddenly gun shots went off and people started to scream and duck down. Several more shots went off and people began to scatter and run for shelter but some people were shot in the process. Others started grabbing there guns and shooting back in response. I remember trying to run in a stop the fighting and shooting. I just remembered going to a burly and tough built women who was loading her pistol to stop and think about what she’s doin, and asked her who really is the one that started this fight. She hesitated unsure of how to answer. I don’t know how but some how I was able to get her to put down her weapon and was able to take it from her. Suddenly I saw two Spanish women ridders go by one who looked to have had captured a friend of mine who was a male. I hoppped on a white horse and went after them yelling my friends name. I chased them for a while until I got to a big opening near the coast the where no where to be seen but I new they had to be hear. I hopped off my horse and started looking around when suddenly two women kept out of the bushes wearing red old Spanish war suits. The drew the swords and pointed them at me. I cried out wheres Jack. As I did he walked out of the bushes wearing the same outfit as the women. I looked at him confused and asked… “your one of them.” He told me who he really was and that he was a Spanish prince out there to infiltrate the city. I don’t know why. I take it that I was if some importantance cause he captured me and took me back to there castle. While there I met Jacks mother who was the queen. She was very beautiful but had a pinched face and was very much cruel and harsh. She had cruel plans for me but Jack changed her mind and helped to insure my safety. Though I didn’t see it that way at first. I was held prisoner until a curtain night where I was to meet once again with the queen and Jack. But I tried to escape before then. I was successful in my attempt of getting out of my cell but couldn’t seem to manage getting out of the actual castle. I don’t know why but I was searching for a bedroom and was trying to find a gown to wear to help disguise myself. However I was being chased by the Queen. And I would go through one door then another and it only seemed to bring me back to the same room over and over again. I was getting frustrated and could hear the Queen getting closer. I finally found a room and was looking through the dresses and was able to grab a beautiful red dress. The dream then changed and I appeared to be in what looked like a flooded basement/cell room. The dream basically transformed into a video game where I had to swim and maneuver through to unlock cells and access keys to get out. Eventually I found all keys and unlocked a cell holding a beautiful blue and golden blimp/airship and was able to get out. I flew to this big tower out in the middle of the ocean. For some reason a friend of mine was there and she seemed to have some sort of powers. I talked with her a bit about what was going on and she told me I needed to go back. She had with her several magical creatures she gave me a white Pegasus and a couple of other creatures to go with me. I flew down and landed on the coast. There I put my self together by wearing the red dress I collected earlier. With the Pegasus and other fuzzy creatures help I was able to do my hair and makeup. The dream shifted again and it showed Jack sitting in a what looked like a dinning room waiting looking at a clock. The queen was there sawing to him I’m not coming. That I made my escape and asked why would I come back. Jack looked disappointed. For some odd reason he had been hopeful that I would be there. After hearing his mother bicker about me as well as him he go up and headed for the door. He opened it and there standing in front of him was me all dolled up in my dressed smiling. He looked surprised but he too smiled. Then I woke up.

9 Aug 2024

Demon possession


Oh, also I forgot to mention Dragonfly 🐉🐲 flew in my path at 141 pm 1:41 pm which easy Uncle and that's due to the fact his Blood Pressure at the doctors way back when was 141/ over whatever these are signs from the universe in check and that was a sign it was him. Also my Mom and I were frustrated trying to add to a group texting app for our neighborhood called Bobbye Garage and it didn't work for thirty minutes and tried all attempts and I said wait.… let me think 💭 there's a way and I never gave up and put on my thinking caps my intelligence unlocking doors 🔑 🚪 bc of positivity I haven't been able to see in myself for ages. Amen 🙏🙏🫶🫶its unlocking doors 🚪 and I'm overcoming burdens obstacles removing ❌ already placed roadblocks and banishing and poetically and administratively vaporizing them because I have that mindset I have it!!!! Also them and alleviating my self doubt conquering demons and bad energies and just and assisting myself in positive self talk 💬 and some others Dont understand what its like to be in a dark place and overcome it like Batman and my Uncle would be so happy 😊 Im so happy for myself… he would be proud as well as my ancestors….this is helping and its reflecting on my past life vs this life and with this self achievement I walk through life with unwavering determination and sheer awesomeness I stare my problems straight in the eyes 👀 and say bring it!!! Balls of Kryptonite excuse my language…. it irritates and upsets and scares people not on the same level or wavelength. Another level has been achieved. Never Surrunder Never Give Up. I'm inspiring not only others but myself.

9 Aug 2024

Water slide


My Aura is shining brightly and my number is 151 and 515 and the clouds are shining ✨ bright in a way I've never seen in my real life this is all In my real life. Things are falling into place as never before so happy and confident in my relationships with outer attempts to defeat me my power only got stronger 💪 so what was sent to defeat me only made me stronger and it got weaker. Unwavering strength and fear of failure but I possess that attribute to never give up and I succeed in magnificent fashion. Mostly anxiety related things and at age 35 I can do things on my own. I never doubted myself when I had coping mechanisms with anxiety at age 4 going down a water 🌊 waterslide singing Winnie the Pooh. Lots and lots and lots of people Im awakening and it shows because of my ability to cherish them through my poetry and never giving up and there's lots of people that are happy in my real life and that need that positive inclusive mood of mine. Beacon of Hope indeed.

9 Aug 2024



I had a dream just recently…. It was satanic and i dont know why I had it. I started out in a house i felt like a tiny child. Because- i dont know why? I don’t even know if i existed? Or if i was just watching a movie playing… it was weird. But this kid was on a little stool step doing dishes… and then another kid came out of a door. And weird activity started to happen. Paranormal activity… glasses moving but only to the little girl who just came into the room, then it started to happen to the other little girl, there was an older girl and she had no idea what was going on. Until everyone could see it now. The room was a mess. And then my dream cut to the livingroom. It was lightly lit. But this house was all old school. Like 70s? I dont know. Anyways once we cut to the living room i was alone. There was an old school radio on a brown wooden coffee table and i started hearing music? And a voice? It slowly started to say the numbers 6 6 and 6 yet it was like weirdly discrete about it… and added a 4… then once i started getting scared from it it started being less deceptive, making it more scary. And then it said something about the devil and then i woke up. It is weird because I didn’t have any reason to dream this. i havent watched any horror in a long time… like long time… so… I am confused and frightened. The dream is random. I woke up my heart beating and i saw shapes and it freaked me out. I was having a bit of psychosis when i woke.

9 Aug 2024



Being on a low mountain, looking down at the city and the surrounding scapes from the woods near the top canopy The One-Night Castle ruins built by the Toyotomi’s force in their attempt to trick and shatter the Hojo clan’s morale I’ve already climbed to the top Being urged and pushed down the path because the pursuers are coming and we are not safe Tuatha De Danann, night in the Celtic woods, sounds of owl, croaking frogs and crickets Scene changes and now I’m on a tile of game map; flat surface and I’m watching my own avatar move from above and aside(third-person point of view) The sky is made of paper and is sort of gray(and dark yellow, like before the storm/hurricane), everything in the backdrop is cut out of paper, pretty collages and marble chess tiles, mainly white, black, brass and rose red/magentas, very basilica-esque And as the avatar I’m carrying and convversing with my younger brother, who had grown significantly compared to how he was the last time I saw him in real life; in this dream he’s around fifteen or so All the conversations I have with him come into my head like in-game dialogues while I run around outside in this beautiful gothic-lolita papier-mâché world and into some other scenes(game level) It looks like a mix of Stazione Centrale di Milano, Station of St. Lucia of the Venezia, some cathedral or a basilica, Vigrid station from the first Bayonetta, the blend of new and old architectures with still that exquisite, richly sepia-colored feel to it all We are having conversations about how mom is and our opinions on her; he’d been living with her for a bit after the divorce before he was taken into the state’s custody, and I’d known her and lived with her most of my life till the divorce He tells me how during her pregnancy(while he was in her womb), she would go on sometimes about how unreliable and absent(emotionally, physically or psychologically) her husband(our father) ‘because of work’ and ‘all the things that he had gone through’, clearly being at least a bit remorseful and bitter about it but still clinging on We(mainly he) calmly point out how despite knowing that the man was no good when it came to those important matters of heart and one’s development psychologically, she didn’t do anything that’d actually help and ended up clinging onto something that would benefit none of us, out of habit(she’s basically been conditioned her whole life to fawn for red flags, narcissists and abusers; by her parents, her family, and then by the schools’ lecherous teachers, and then by her ‘fiancé’s, her sexual assault experience, and her former lovers and the current one(our dad)) Meanwhile we talk, I fdash and sprint across the maps, zooming through the moving bridges and limbo sticks that’s on some gaping bottomless abyss cut right out of the marble structures, infinitely large and situating itself below our feet Once we’re back in the atria(the glass-dorm roofed mercato) we look for a place to eat before the train we’d like to get on leaves Two options among all others stand out: an old, traditional cafe-restaurant, or the new limited time exhibition of some ‘artistic’ cook’s inventions(course meals) We talk about wanting the first one but somehow our asses gravitate toward the newer stand At the table all the other customers(seems to be almost all white, so bougie and pretentious) greet us and carry the conversations while I lightly doze off on my younger beother’s shoulder while he curiously reads the menues and tries to match them by pictures and ingredient lists I’m responding to the Italian locals that are attempting to talk to us in simple, beginner’s level vocalilaries that I barely remember Pasta genovese and some kind of a canned oil-preserved fushes with some sliced and clean raw fishes

9 Aug 2024



I dreamt that I went to a fair or carnival. I paid for my ticket to get in at a gate outside and grabbed my credit card. I went through some doors and found myself in a huge mall type of building. Eventually found my way to to food area and went to get something to eat only to discover I’d been given someone else’s credit card when I paid and not mine. I knew I had to go back to the ticket kiosk outside to return the other person’s card and get mine back. But I couldn’t remember how I’d come in. And the whole place seemed like a maze and got very dark. I wandered through so many areas and just as I was starting to panic, I found my way back to the kiosk, returned the other person’s credit card and got mine back. I felt so relieved. And then my alarm clock went off and woke me up.

9 Aug 2024



i had a dream that i was in my grandmas gym and my sister showed me that she brought home a tarantula. and i was terrified, i am absolutely so terrified of spiders. she said dont worry hes really nice so she had him come towards me. then suddenly i was in my moms closet where she has a sliding door in her closet. and her sliding door had a slicer that could slice whatever was under it. so the spider came towards me and i slid the closet door over it hoping to kill it, then suddenly the tarantula was my moms cat, and she came into the closet missing a leg that i sliced off. i felt so so terrible and i was so sad that i sliced off my moms cats leg. she was hobbling with three legs, one of her back legs missing. i kept holding her feeling so sorry i did that to her. then suddenly i was back in my grandmas gym and it was a tarantula again, with a missing leg. it kept crawling up her walls in an attempt to escape, but whoever was with me kept throwing a basketball at it to prevent it from escaping the gym

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