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18 Jul 2024



I had a baby

18 Jul 2024

Saving someone


My narcissistic ex was in my dream he was super nice and understanding. I was thinking of leaving my job since they were charging me 400$ for an evaluation. I couldn’t afford it. In one part I saw a red car sinking into this big puddle of water and I told someone to hold my Bluetooth earbuds. I went down to open the back of the trunk to save the person and it ended up being my narcissistic ex. I pulled him out he was unconscious and I saved him. I rescued my ex and he survived




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

18 Jul 2024

My crush


It was of my crush but I thought I got over him and I found myself bawling my eyes out over the thought of him last night

18 Jul 2024



I was at a small, country like convenient store right off the ocean. I was complaining to one of the managers that there was trash everywhere and I wanted to clean up. It was Christmas time. I felt like the manager was over looking my talent and felt frustrated walking away. Then a third party came to decorate/clean the venue inside and outside and the man said I cleaned out every basket and look at all this trash. I grabbed my broom and said let's do it. Then I went outside where people were gathered by the ocean. In the distance I saw a huge tidal wave coming in and I screamed WATER and pointed behind them. Everyone got out of their chairs and tried to run inside but it was to late. We were below the cliff and the water washed us away

18 Jul 2024



I was with my dad, brother and sister as my sister was returning her ex-husband’s belongings. The address began with the number 27. I was going to be late for work so I told my sister I was calling an Uber. She accused me of not wanting to spend time with the family. I said of course I didn’t want to spend time with the family: I wanted to work and earn money. My dad and brother told me they’d take me home so I could get ready. We happened upon a carnival opposite Millstone in Niantic. My dad and brother insisted we get out and at least explore. I mentioned to my dad I wanted to go to a carnival again like when I was a kid. My brother was taking his time and I was growing frustrated: I wasn’t going to make it to work on time. I opened my phone to call an Uber and my dad showed me a small straw hat with “7 Marvins” on it. I couldn’t correctly type in the address where I was to get a ride. The only driver in the area had bad reviews about how he assaulted a passenger. My brother flippantly said he didn’t care if I made it to work on time. My dad was a bit more sympathetic but still didn’t understand the urgency.

18 Jul 2024



A quick nightmare, someone I don't know came into a weird room that I was sleeping in, I watched the door slowly slide open and I tried to push him out but he reached towards me and told me to run, and then a hand came out of the vent above me and grabbed me by my face.

18 Jul 2024



I was riding in a car and got pulled over but someone else was driving and instead of pulling over we drove off a cliff

18 Jul 2024



Last night I dreamt that my beloved cat Micky could talk!

18 Jul 2024



This dream I had when I was about 10 years old. (4 Years ago) But I still vividly remember all the details. It started with me wandering this street. The buildings felt like tall, cement blocks with doors. The night darkened the mood. The yellow streaks lining the walls illuminated. For a segment of the dream, it is a bit fuzzy. Then, the next thing I see is my old bedroom surrounding me. It wasn't the entire house, only the bedroom. I was practically stuck to the bed and in a panic. My first instinct was to escape. So after 5 minutes (estimate), I bolt out of the room and find the front door of my old house. But when I walk out, it's the same outside as before. The cement world. I run and run and run down the way until a car-garage-looking building catches my eye. I turn into there, hoping to hide from whatever brought me to my old house. I go inside and find a friend from my elementary school. She was the sweetest girl ever, and I cared about her a lot. Now that I think about her, I believe she had a crush on me at the time. I tell her that I was running from whatever it was, and she offers me water from the sink. Nothing else significant happens before I see a car searching for me. I once again try to run away. I try to escape this lady. But she catches me and forces me into her van. She says, "I told you couldn't run away. Do not try again." And she swiftly drives me back to my old bedroom. For the next couple segments, I'm stuck lying in bed for a while. At one point, I'm on my tablet watching one of my favourite YouTubers. And then one of the most significant moments in the dream, the lady who had kidnapped me pulled me to the edge of the bed. Her long fingers trace a line just above my knee. She watches my expression carefully. "Once this is all over, I'll cut your leg off right here. Does that sound good?" She threatens. After that, there is a big blur. Then the final scene I see before I wake up is me and the lady scavenging through a janitor's closet. She says something along the lines of "You're dad has a secret." And when I ask her what she means, the dream is cut short.

18 Jul 2024



Woke up again from another dream about my wedding. It wasn't very long but I was getting ready for my wedding, when I got there I was still wearing trousers under my dress so I had to quickly get them off and put tights on before walking up the Isle. .how embarrassing 😳 😆 I woke up feeling quite confused what the dream meant.

18 Jul 2024

Building (Place)


I had a dream last night that I was in a building, it was a huge building, and I think we were going to go watch the football, but I needed to post some parcels first, it was really important I go and post these parcels, and we were walking through this building and Paul was there and I thought I'd give him a tour of the building first, and we were walking through and it was kind of falling down, and we got to a part that was a shop, and I said oh it's the gift shop here, and we went in and Paul's friend Baldi was there, and we walked past and Paul said hello to him and I said hello to him and he just ignored me and I was like okay that's quite rude, and we were walking through looking at the merchandise which was not very good, it was really rubbish actually, and then I said oh there's a restaurant down here, so we walked past and it was more kind of derelict and not very good, and the restaurant was rubbish, there wasn't really much food there, and we kept walking through and then I said I really need to post these parcels, so we had to go down a road, so we had to go in the car, so we got in the car and we were driving down this road and Paul was like I don't think the post office is here, and I said oh it is, it's just right down the very end, and right down the very, very end of this road there was this like old building with a post office sign, and I said there we go, just park the car, so I parked the car and Paul said oh you need to get a ticket, and I said I think it'll be alright, and he said no you definitely, definitely need to get a ticket because it's just there, and there were lots of people milling about, and they were all getting tickets for their car, and I said it's alright, Abby will stay in the car, and I gave her the keys, and Abby was there all of a sudden, and I said if somebody comes in she'll move it, so we went okay, so I went to the post office, and it looked like there was a massive queue outside, but actually the queue was only three people, so I joined the queue, and once those three people went down I could see there was a massive queue inside, and I was like oh for God's sake, anyway I got to the front, and what I was posting was a kind of plastic box that anybody could kind of open, but I just stuck a label on the top, and I went to the front and they were like oh are you posting this, and I said yeah, and they were like oh I'm not sure about the size, and I said it's the right size I've checked, so they were like okay, and it was really, really old fashioned, like there were no computers or anything, it was all kind of just them writing stuff down, and they said we've got to fill out a form, so I filled out a form, and then people were going oh it's closing now, so I was like right okay, well just there's the parcel, and I went to leave, and Abby was in the waiting room, and I said what are you doing, she goes oh I saw some cool stuff here, so I thought I'd come in, I was like but what about the car, she was like oh, so we went out and I had a ticket on my car, and I was quite angry, because I told her to stay in the car, so we went out and I looked at the ticket, and it was for like £100 or something, so we went back in, and I spanked the post office people, and I was like I've got a ticket, and they were like yeah you've got to pay, you've got to pay to park, and I was like for God's sake, and I got really angry, and they were like well we're closing now, and I was like great, and we also needed to get our football tickets, so we were trying to figure out how to do that, and then I decided before we left the post office I was going to tidy it up, because it was an absolute nightmare, it was so dirty and messy, so we were tidying it up, and Paul went I think you need to get another ticket, and I was like what, and he goes well the parking people are out there again, and I was like for God's sake, so we went back out, and they put a box on the car that had the ticket in it, and I had to put a code in to get the ticket out, and I couldn't work it out, and I thought well if I don't get this code I'm not going to be able to get the ticket out, and I'll probably get another ticket, but that was it.

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