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25 Oct 2023



I had with sex with my older brother




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25 Oct 2023



I was going to a hotel with my family and then we werr at disney world, a bunch of water-related stuff happened with disney characters as the people in the dream, and i don't know when, but at some point my pov changed and i was a woman that i didn't know who she was but i assumed she was a disney character. At some point i was in a room that was like a school gym and it was flooding and there was a window at the top that Peggy Carter (from the MCU) was helping me, still as the woman, out of the room in. We got outside and then poeple were crowding us and i guy made an advance on me, still as the woman, and i said no thanks and got in the backseat of a car with peggy carter and another woman, we were in a polyamerous relationship. Then i was myself again and i was with my parents in a hotel that resembled mariot manor, which is where we usually vacation, and i was in the second bedroom, which we've only gotten twice, and my mom was talking about ways to destress and things she can do to help, then my parents talking to someone who can do destressers on a professional level, then i woke up

25 Oct 2023

High School


okay so I kind of have three dreams but I don't fully remember the first one and the two second ones kind of blended together. So in the first one, I was out in some sort of nature area, reserve, forest, something like that, and I don't recall if I got lost or if there was some sort of issue out there. There was some kind of problem that had to be solved. Afterwards, I dreamt that I was in school. It was with my old high school class and I think it was around two minutes before the class would begin. my father had put or given me a sausage roll one of my favorite ones from 7-eleven, it was one of the extra large versions which I really like. We had asked our old teacher, Maria, if we could go to the canteen to buy some food and she had said something like, then you really have to hurry. so we get down there and I'm like oh no I already have this like French hot dog in my left hand and the sausage roll in my bag that my dad bought for me So I went back into the class and then my good friend ran down there instead. I don't remember the connection or why but the teacher Maria had been really nice to me so I just went up to her gave her a hug and said thank you. And she like glanced down at me looking all like ‘what the fuck’, but i didn’t care. then I sat back down with a friend. this friend is someone who used to be my childhood friend who I stopped seeing after switching schools as a kid, so it's a bit strange seeing her in my dream. but we sat back down and she explained to me what we had to do. my friend who'd gone to the canteen came back and the class started and I had to like analyze language and such based on these like elastic strings. it was really weird Or it might have been spaghetti strings, like pasta. in my awake time I'd had spaghetti for dinner the evening before so that might have been the explanation to that one. I was really confused about what I had to do because it made no sense how was I supposed to analyze spaghetti strings and we were somehow suddenly in my kitchen, my parents kitchen, I don't live at home anymore, and I had to like pull out the top drawer next to the stove to get these spaghetti strings from the drawer. It was next to all the cutlery. I like swiped or turned to the next page kind of thing in the side of this drawer I saw they were like pencils and they were like really hard and tough and they had like different symbols and patterns on them. they were like all different lengths and had different patterns and logos and numbers when you turn them around and stuff and I somehow had to calculate something to do with all of this. Then suddenly I was sitting in the living room and I was sitting there with again this friend from earlier who was my childhood friend and her grandmother came back from the bathroom and said that she was really ill and really sick. My friend asked if that meant that she had to get an old hairdo back, which I don't really understand, that was very confusing. It was apparently for the grandmother's sake and the grandmother said yes. In retrospect, yesterday in my awake time, I visited with my sister her old apartment, and we met her old neighbour, she's an old lady, and she said that she was still sick, so maybe that's where the correlation is. going back to the dream, I then asked my friend if she still had this old turtle ring that I had given her, which in real life I don't think I ever gave this to her. it was a mood-changing ring that I just owned and I haven't seen for many years. but I asked her if she still had it. because it apparently gave good luck. she said that she didn't have it and I was like what it's like 10 years ago 10 plus years ago that I gave this to you even though in reality I never gave it to her. and lastly I dreamt that I think I was in some sort of school and we had to collect some money, save up some money. So I went out with my friends and firstly we came past the store which I think was a cake shop But I don't know for sure. it might have been a store but at least somewhere that had cakes and then suddenly the shop was like oh no we just had like a cancellation or something we need five cakes. It was really beautiful cakes and I was like, you know what? We got this. I don't remember the name of the boss lady who was there, but I used to remember it, but it's gone now, but it was a woman. my friends and I went out to I think make this cake or eat it I think it was make it and the shapes for the cake were like squares and it was sticking up in weird ways it was very confusing. We decorated them and they became really pretty, and then I had to do something after making the first two or three cakes, and then when I came back, all 5 of them were finished. we handed them in and we wouldn't get paid until they'd been like judged and stuff and then there's a timeskip. Then we like check on this app and it says that we got either 5.5 out of 6 or 6.5 out of 7 stars. So I was like, you know, we're only missing half a star. So I was like, okay, they really liked these cakes, so we're probably gonna get a really good pay from it, too. So we go up to the caste register. The woman is gone now, down there's a boy. And we all queue up with one of my friends in front of me. A friend of mine was apparently also there, and she asked like how much a chicken cost, like fried chicken or something like that. And it was apparently 30 kroner, so that's that. And this was apparently also a bakery. our attention was now directed up to this screen behind the cashier which had something to do with showing the value of coins or something and we were basically told that we wouldn't be paid for these cakes. We were like, we've gotten all these stars and we need to be paid. This is really unacceptable and we were getting mad and angry. We basically asked for this boss woman to come out and see us, and she didn't. We just got like a passive-aggressive smile, like, yeah, hmm, too bad, you're not getting paid. Um, and we never really got to solve this issue because then I woke up.

25 Oct 2023

New Job


Um, it's hard to know where to begin because this story is a little bit confusing. I was dating a guy and it’s going very well and it was kind of been saying because the parent or the dad wouldn’t let us see each other. um, but we were getting a good connection, and then nothing could really come out of it we were like hooking up, and it was very nice, but, um, unrealistic Then that dream kind of cuts off and suddenly I'm dating this girl now in a very similar setting in the sense that now we're hooking up and we're getting this deep connection and she's teaching me all this stuff sexually and we're just getting along really well and it's very fun and good. Then she walks me back home to my apartment complex, and as she's handing me my bag she was holding for me and giving me a kiss on the cheek to say goodbye in front of my elevator, she says, oh no, I think this dude up on the second floor balcony, he just saw you with me and he's actually my old cellmate, so please be careful if he saw us, cause he knows that you know me now. and I like, I just try to play it off so that the man can't see any change in my behaviour and I just say goodbye and I go into the elevator right, and I take it all the way to the top floor which is also where I live, and I walk out and it's like on these outdoor balcony thingies that go along the entire side of the building for each floor with all the front doors on it so he's just standing in front of his front door from before. So I take the elevator to the top floor. I slowly walk and it's wooden planks so I know that he can see my footsteps moving from light or what not above him. I just keep walking, I don't even stab at my door, I just keep walking to the very end. I look very carefully over the railing and I see that he's gone and he's now quickly going up the stairs. There's a staircase next to the elevator that he's taking. So I just, I quickly just jump over the railing, like grab onto the railing, jump over it, and then I like swing back down to the, very quietly swing back down to the little balcony thing below me, the one where he was on before, when I do one small, one further down. And I just like go close to the wall so that if he looks over he can't see me. And I just go quiet. I don't know what I just got myself into, but it seems scary and very bad and very dangerous. so and now of course I can just fly in my dream so I like double tap forward kind of like in Minecraft when you have to like speed run and like fly it's like double jump and like double tap forward for some reason it's like I'm controlling myself through controls but yeah I double tap and up and double tap forward and I'm flying right And I'm just, like, going through to Central City very, very quickly, hopefully that he didn't, like, hoping that he didn't see me, and, like, I land on top of this big pillar, so that nobody could reach me. and I call my sister, I tell her what's up, and I meet her on like a motorbike, black motorbike, and she basically like, she takes off with me on the back of it like, quite quickly, and she's saying that I have to move to a different city, I have to change my name and everything, like, so this person can't find me. for some reason i remember it as being like we're going to miami but i don't know why because i don't live in the u.s i live in denmark but that was apparently where we were going Um, we make it far away and like, I start up this new job in life but I'm constantly like really cautious and really nervous moving around and like, I suddenly see like someone doing a quick movement out of my peripheral vision. So I just dash off, like really fast, I just, whew. and suddenly I'm escaping again, both by running and flying, and I'm going to different people from my family that I don't talk to as much, like my mother's cousins and and such. I don't know why. I think it's because the people I had to do with in the first part of my dream were my mother's brother and his family and their extended network. I think because I already saw them and knew they were okay, I didn't have to go look for them, because they had already appeared in my dream once, which I forgot to mention. so i'm visiting one person at a time, and one's down by the dock, one's deep in the city and i'm flying all over the place, and then i get to one of them who's become a monk or something, on top of this huge wooden head or something, and it's like a new religion for him or something, he's apparently very secluded and he has this round of things that he does all day starts by dipping this stick in water, or this square with four mini squares inside of it, made out of wood and it's all on a stick, one, two sticks and then he dips that in water, it fits perfectly into the shape then he dips that onto a dry piece of wood then he goes next to the next part, which is also water, that he dips it in and then he dips that on top of a statue and then he goes back to the first point, and then he dries off completely because apparently he's all soaking wet now, and then he goes back around. i continue going past that, basically meaning that i'm very far away now and i get to this little hut, i take out my sim card i have all these safety measures ready my family meet me there, they've also taken out their sim cards i'm freaking out because i'm like, when did you take it out? did anyone see you, follow you, before that, anything like that? and that's the last thing i remember before i woke up slightly panicking if they took it out early enough, if someone knows where i am.

25 Oct 2023



I had a dream last night of my boyfriend. Today would have made it 11 months that we've been together. We haven't spoken for three weeks now and it hurts because right now I don't know where I stand. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say anymore. It's like, okay, I've been talking to a psychic and you know, she's then like, oh yeah, he's gone by. You know, I have the feeling, me personally, I have the feeling of him coming back. I would like to know when. You know, I'm having constant dreams of him coming back and just of us talking again and just, you know, being together. I'm enjoying the dreams because the dreams feel so real to me. You know, I've had multiple dreams of me waking up, of him texting me and then feeling it's so real and then waking up and then just checking my phone to see if he actually did text me but he didn't, you know. Yeah, that's the dreams I've been having.

25 Oct 2023



I was in the house of my grandparents in the kitchen and I was looking an a cupboard with lots of different glasses inside. Some of them were turned downwards but not all of them. I was unhappy about something because of my family and my sisters were being annoying. I was on my way outside but my mother came and started screaming. I was angry and hit her in the face. Her nose cracked and I ran outside. I ran up a streat and hid behind a big field of corn. There weren’t many houses. There were some other people but I didn’t want their help. My mother and my grandmother were already on their way to me. But there was no way they knew where I was. I had a little more time. I saw a fence and behind it a few friendly looking men with black jackets and I considered going to them. But I just stayed where I was.

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