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19 Oct 2024



Dreamt about picking up a white dog




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19 Oct 2024



Dream app, it's me again. I'm just going through some grieving process. I keep thinking about my uncle and how he helped me so much. It's just hard to get through things. Because he'd be so happy for me. And I think of Pei Pei constantly, but I know she's doing fine. I get signs from the universe. But it's just, Uncle David was the best. And I'm seeing newly found pictures of him in my phone. And I just miss him so much. Because I know he's with me. And he would never want me to stop working on myself. But I just miss him so much 💔💔💗💗. And it's tough because I took the vaccine. And sometimes it makes me cry it’s good for me but has the depression effect on me. And sometimes I think the Dream app is the only thing I have working for me. Because no one else can talk during the day. So I just do what I can. I just miss Sweet Uncle. And I wish he could see my progress because it makes me so sad. Thanks for listening. Thanks. Have a good day. Bye.

19 Oct 2024



My dream took place in the ocean near a rocky coast and somewhere cold yet there wasn’t snow. I was in a group of people who were kayaking in the ocean near a school of Orca. It was such an incredible feeling being so close to these beautiful animals but unsettling at the same time knowing they could easily choose us as good. The dream shifted to my sister, her friend and I in a tropical garden behind a house. I’m the middle of the garden there was a fence that divided the property with the neighbors. There was a young pregnant girl who was being held captive at the neighbors house and my sister and her friend were able to help her escape over to our property. The young pregnant girl looked to be native and the neighbor who was holding her captive looked to be an old Native American lady The dream transitioned again to me being at a store purchasing baby diapers for someone. The dream transitioned to me watching an ultra marathon where all the viewers were rooting for this Native American father who was running the race for his son who recently died in war serving the US military. It was emotional to watch him push through the pain and finish the race to honor his son. It brought me to tears.

19 Oct 2024



I dreamt that I was getting married to one of my friends, his name is Brahim, and I don't know why we were getting married, but we were very in love in my dream, and my entire family was there. I don't remember seeing any of his, but probably because I've never met them. My whole family was there, they were really supportive, they made it look beautiful, and they brought an officiant, and Brahim and I got married. We exchanged rings, we had a bunch of bridesmaids, which were my aunts and cousins, and it was really nice, but I remember having this feeling that he was one of my exes that my family wouldn't approve of, but he wasn't, and he isn't, and my family liked him. After that, right after we had gotten married, there was this guy, Brahim and I, we were walking towards the exit, and there was this guy that came up to us, and he was threatening us, and Brahim attacked him because the guy had a knife, and he was threatening us, so Brahim protected me, and made sure I was okay, and I ran, but I ended up coming, like I could hear the guy running really fast after me, and I wasn't fast enough, so I hit behind the door, and he ran past me, and then turned around and threw the knife at me, but thankfully, it didn't hit me, and I picked it up, and I think I stabbed him with it, after we fought for a little bit, and then I remember trying to, like I think I killed him, or knocked him out, and I remember trying, like waking up, pulling his body, like down the hall.

19 Oct 2024



I'm not sure my son and I were out somewhere, but we stopped to get something to eat. In the line, I pulled out my phone to check which card I had available funds on, so when I got to the front, the lady kept repeating, it's ok, I know how it goes, and I said no it's fine I got it so I started looking for my credit card to buy some Jamaican cheese patties, but I couldn't find it. I emptied my wallet, but it wasn't there, and I knew my son and I were starving. While this happened, the lady kept repeating the exact words, and I started panicking. Then suddenly, my son shouted oh yeah, I have it in my pocket, but when he pulled it out, it was cut in half. I started crying and then made my way out of the line. When I looked back, the lady was crying too and told the next customer she needed a minute. I walked out, and my son came out behind me with a big brown bag full of cheese patties, saying that the lady gave it to us for free! We ate, and on the walk back home, I ran into some school friends who invited us to watch fireworks. They were twin musicians with whom I was in the choir in high school. A little later, the rest of the members (now adults) invited me too, and I told them I was already asked. We were standing in a neighborhood surrounded by collapsed buildings. They were all just a shell of what they used to be. Then, one of my schoolmates said the celebration was also happening in Florida and that we might be able to see it from here. During all this, all I could think about was how I would thank the lady who gave me and my son the free food, but I didn't have her name. I could only remember that she was white and petite with blonde hair, but I would thank her one day.

19 Oct 2024



I acted like I knew it was a dream telling my dream characters that they were my dream characters and but I wasn't lucid. It was like it was just the dream my mind decided to play. I remember being amazed when talking to them about their memories and that they remembered other dreams but I can't remember any details. I think I thought that I had multiple dreams but it was just one so when they remembered between dreams it was just bc it was all in the same dream. But I had a girlfriend and it was a girl from my high-school who used to flirt with me in my computer class. I remembered controlling the attitude and thoughts of people in the dream. There was a moment where a group of my dream characters ran to me across a small wooden bridge and I wanted to be alone with my gf so it told them they liked me so much but they wanted to run from me likeba game and then they did. I specifically remember the face of the child I told that to as he was the closest in to me in the group and he ran back over the small wooden bridge looking back smiling. Me and the girlfriend were walking together a lot in the dream and I believe we met at a party in an apartment. We were in bed once but no sex, just laughing and enjoying each other's company.

19 Oct 2024

School Bus


Tom and I were in this huge room sitting on a bed drinking coffee. It was really early. Lots of other people were in the room as well hanging out on other beds and chairs. I saw Rachel come around the corner walking her little dog. I tried to catch her eye but she was talking to others. I was okay with that cause I was still trying to wake up. Then we were on a school bus with her and Tom was sitting on the bench with her and I was across the way. The bus was taking turns really sharply and his arm was around her to hold her steady. He asked and made sure it was okay with her and with me. I said, of course! We are on a bus full of swingers, I think your putting your arm around her is nothing. I didn’t care at all. We were headed toward and area in town with a row of bars and Salvador had opened a new bar. Rachel said you had to pick the right time to go cause sometimes it was overrun by hippies and not so fun. I was thinking of texting Sal to ask if I could write an article about his bar. I was going to keep the email short so his wife wouldn’t be angry if she read it.

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