Dream interpretation about Fear, Dinosaur, Jungle, Running, Riding a horse
Here's what I can recall from my dream so I'm in this very vibrant lush jungle and there's huge trees and vines and is giving prehistoric times and it's funny that I say that because in this dream I am riding on a velociraptor the historically accurate ones with the feathers cuz I know the Jurassic Park version ones are not the actual accurate real versions look similar but not the actual thing The one I'm writing is the actual real thing it looks just like how archaeologic say it will look today if it was still alive and I'm just writing on it and it's comfortable with me it sees me as his companion friend it has a whole saddle set that I mounted on it and I'm writing it as we're running through this lush vibrant jungle running he's jumping from tree falling tree from falling tree that are laying on the grounds huge rocks he's even climbing stuff cuz his arms are long enough and he's strong enough or it could be a she knowing me it probably would be a she and it seems like we've been companions for a long time possibly I could have raised her from her hatchling stage and from this point moving for I'm just going to stick with the idea of the raptor being a girl in Believe cuz I like it and it feels right as we're running through this jungle having a good time exploring and join each other's company a huge tyrannosaurus Rex comes out of nowhere and tries to eat us but every attempt it made when open its jaws and trying to close them chump them upon us he missed we were 2,000 agile and I was shooting my bowl and my Winchester rifle some form of a rifle that's similar to a Winchester but it had way more power and accuracy without no recoil and I was aiming at particular critical parts on the T-Rex instead of just blindly shooting and wasting arrows and ammunition on his thick hide cuz it was pretty thick some areas I did try to hit and want to wear of the bullets kind of either ricocheted off or didn't go deep enough to where it even make it flinch so I had to get more precise strategic and only deal critical hits so I took my aims and I was aiming in its mouth near his eyes and definitely around his feet cuz I remember as a child I don't know if it still historically accurate but if a T-Rex is running at high speeds and they trip or something that could be life-threatening which would explain why me and a raptor were running so fast and trying to lure it in places where it could fall and after that we got away from it and we return to our adventure I don't know if there's a village out in this world or where we're heading but we're going with determination motivation and excitement enjoy what could this dream possibly mean for me
Dream date:
11 Mar 2025
Emotional tone:
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