Dream interpretation about Family, Apartment, Celebrity, Couple, Phone, Bread
I was camping with some friends and we were at a riverbank over looking the view of the river. It was beautiful. Then we split in two’s or couples to hike on the trial without backpacks. One of the guys kept rambling off the same words. I can’t remember what he was saying but it was annoying! We split on our on journey and I’m walking with my lover. We seem to really be enjoying ourselves. Then I see another couple and it looks like they were try to set up camp but they recognize someone or another tent setup but before they could check it out they were snatched by the celebrity R. Kelly! Then the dream tools back to the riverbank we were waiting for everyone to come back. They came speeding in vans and they was a search for my friends. But I’m not sure if we found them because the dream switched me to a luxury apartments and I was on the phone with my sister and I was talking to her about my lover and the trip! My neighbor saw me and gifted me groceries. I was walking and talking on the phone with my sister headed to my apartment. When I walked inside and put the groceries down. I looked out the window I seen my brother, he was coming to visit. But then there was a knock at the door and it was my dad, my brother, and two of my granddaughters. I got off the phone with my sister and visited with my guest. My granddaughters wanted a sandwich so I got up to fix them a sandwich. There was a lot of bread on the counter. The first part was molded alittle bit so I threw that away. And I just decided to use the bread my neighbor had gifted me. Then I woke up!
Dream date:
11 Mar 2025
The content above was generated by AI, under the supervision of experts in dream interpretation. The AI model was developed using the latest advancements in psychology and dream analysis.
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