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26 Nov 2023



I was taking care of the baby of a friend. But I had a very strong bond to the baby, taking care of it and nursing it. The baby already talked a bit with me and we were trying to get away from something or someone




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26 Nov 2023



I had a dream that this crazy couple had killed everyone in my neighborhood and I was the last one left . And they chased me through my house trying to get me but they couldn't because I was too quick and had so much adrenaline. They kept trying to get me with their knives which was traumatic. I climbed on tables and shelves just to get away. At some point I made it out of my house and into the neighborhood asking for help but no one was there. My girlfriend was thankfully out of town . The way they killed people was horrible. I ran but they trapped me in . So I ran back to my house . And hid . They came back and slept in my bed knowing I would return. As they slept I charged my phone and my gf had texted and she said "are you okay?" I couldn't respond. I felt like I was going to pass out. My phone made a noise and it alerted one of the killers . I hid . But I got found. They threw a few sharp items . I dodged them all except for one. It pierced my foot. This has been going on for 2 days. No sleep. I'm injured , intoxicated and scared. I have no exit. Just as I text my girlfriend telling her not to come home for a while . I hear breathing behind me . I wake up.

26 Nov 2023



It first started when I was at a beautiful park in the wake of dawn, but I felt that serenity changing as some man approached me, a highly suspicious one. He kept talking to me and every time I walked away, he came closer. It had looked like he was just about to be arrested too, so I didn’t understand why he was being allowed to follow me. I started running and he ran, caught me, and threw me up in the air. While I was in the air, the police got him in the car but he whispered “death,” as in I should’ve die upon the fall, particularly on the police car. I didn’t, a briefly good moment where I flipped last second before falling where I would’ve died. By then the scene changes from again briefly good, where the officers shoved the offender through metal wiring, but he seemed to stay alive even though I’m witnessing this repeat. I’m running again at this point.

26 Nov 2023



I was on Concert from a Singer called nimo. I have never seen him in real life but my dream I knew what he looked like. So he sang this song and we had intense eye contact and then he put his arm around me and from this moment and he was always by my side and I was a bit drunk so I just thought it was funny and then there was this girl who pulled me away from him and somehow I was really thankful and then I tried to ignore him the rest of the day. But then we sat together on a bench and he looked at my phone I was on Snapchat and wanted to send a snap to him and then he saw my number one Snapchat person and I just wanted to get up to dance and then he pulled me back and said “ stop stop stop who is that” and I looked up him and said my boyfriend because he is and then he was so shocked and jealous that he just sat on the bench while I walked away and wanted to dance

26 Nov 2023



Me and my fiance was in our own house and on the montn of December we were visited by michivious little elf's that would hang around outside at night I did like them because they were annoying and making me mad they were the size of small goblins that was slightly transparent like ghost they would laugh and share joys of Christmas constantly. My fiance said if you be mean to them they will manifest things to hurt you but if you are kind to them and giving them treats and gift even tho they are pest and annoying they will manifest gifts for you So my fiance said be kind to them so they can leave . So I decided to be kind to them by apologizing to them for my behaviour towards them even though I hated them so much I also gave them gifts and treats and they started being less annoying and more kind . As I walked away from the window I saw two versions of my fiance one version was my real fiance and the other the one that was chained up cause he was a villain elf taking the form of my fiance he was alot sexier then real fiance he was dressed in punk fashion and had white and black coloured hair he were choker that defined his face I was captivated by this version of my fiance and was at awes with him Then all of a sudden they swapped spot and my real fiance ended up chained up and pulled out the window while I was stuck with the fake but more sexier clone version of my fiance . But I knew that I couldn't just let them take the my fiance away So I decided to follow the elf's best I can while being followed by my fake fiance I tried to tell the elf's that they have the wrong one even tho they managed to make quite a distance between me . While the clone just followed me happy and just smiling I ended up following the elf's through a portal before it closed the elf's just ignored me Any down the line I ended up finding my fiance in a prison cell and I was happy to find him after a very long time of searching for him . I was able to enter the cage and I called for him he seemed happy to see me I ran and hugged him felling nothing but happiness to see him again then I saw his eyes wondering and following the female jail warden and she would gaze at him . And there I realised he had feelings for another . I asked him do you like her ? He said yes I was upset and distraught I asked do you want to break up and he said yes my heart felt so hurt I asked why ? He replied and said you broke up with me as soon as your started flirting with the clone of me I left the cell upset and came face to face with the clone who stayed by my side and just smiled at me and wiped my tears away . Comforting me I turned to the cell and told the my real fiance that I'll get him out because he doesn't deserve to be in here he just nodded as I walked of with his slightly comforting and more kinder clone In the end I ended up helping my real fiance out of jail .but he started dating the warden and having her kids when I went to go see him one last time and found that my fiance was over weight and a grumpy when he saw me I just wanted to say my last good byes and then remembered one last thing to prove to the elf's that they had the wrong person I remembered that my fiance had a rash that can identify the real one In the end I ended up finding out that the real one was the one that was with me the whole time thespighly sexier version I was baffled and I was annoyed that he never told me he was the real one the whole time the so called clone was my real fiance as for the other one he ended back up in jail I asked him why didn't you tell me and why did you lete go through this trouble to get the one that was the clone the whole time out of the cell He looked at me and smiled gently place his arms around my waist saying I was feeling entertained watching go through such a process to apparently save me from elf prison that I just wanted to watch and follow you where ever U go he walked with me happily holding my waist as we left the scene So technically I tried to save his clone from jail who was slightly more rude even tho the real one was with me the entire time supporting me through this struggle to apparently "save him "

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