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1 Jan 2024
I was in a room full of people but their faces where blurred and I was speaking directly to a friend of mind secretly telling them that I was pregnant with their baby.
I dreamt that my friends and I were on a beach, hanging out and sun tanning. All of a sudden these dolphins came out of the water and started to attack us trying to drag us back into the water. My friend and I were able to get a way but these two guys we were with were not and the dolphins pulled these guys back to sea. My friend and I were freaking out screaming for help. All of a sudden we see a whale rescue the two guys and let's them onto his back. My friend and I rushed to the lifeguards to tell them what's going on. And they take a boat out to the water to help bring the two guys back to shore. But then all of the whales started acting crazy and freaked out and dove under the water with the two guys on its back. Then I woke up
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I was outside a house. There were two brand new cars. A couple of people who I think are family were outside with me. It was night. I felt afraid because I hear some sort of growling. I jumped on one of the cars and immediately I heard someone yelling at me to get off their car before I damage it. I kept apologizing. But didn't get down because of the growling. I think it was a dog. The other people walked inside. I jumped off the car and followed but someone was walking slow eating off of a plate and almost got attacked by the dog. They didn't seem afraid or bothered. I had to take their plate to let them in without letting the dog in. I'm struggling to shut the door behind them and asked them to get their plate and then hold the door closed for me so I could lock it. Now they seemed bothered but they did ehat i asked. Then I'm in a room with some family and some non family. The person who yelled at me to get off their car was mad at me and venting to another person. When I walked up she stopped talking but I spoke up anyways and told her I said I was sorry and i wasnt thinking. She asked if I was gonna take responsibility if there were any extra charges and I said I would figure it out but I'd need a receipt. She continued to belittle me so I snapped, tapped her arm with the rubber oven mit I was wearing and yelled at her that she doesn't get to scream at me and if they didn't want me here I would gladly leave. I went to a room where my stuff was and started packing. An older lady with glasses came in trying to calm me down. She offered me one of her purple pills and said it helps her not get angry at the person and that it would make me calm so I wouldn't be able to drive. I said I didn't want it and threw it towards the door and kept packing. She walked out the door. I woke up.
boyfriend was playing a video game and found a girl he liked playing with. they ended up playing for 3 days straight and dillon didn't pay attention to me at all. i felt myself crying vividly in this dream. when i asked what was going on he would ignore me or keep playing. i went to take a shower and he told me he was leaving to meet the girl. when i got out, the house was full of trash and food everywhere.
i was on a school bus and wasn't allowed to leave. i was waiting on dillon my boyfriend and i didn't know what he was doing. the bus driver got out of the bus and came to the side of the bus to put a box through my window with a snake on it. she then kicked me off the bus and said i wasn't allowed to wait any longer and i was banned. i found ny boyfriend inside ny parents house taking a shower. he aslo had a snake next to him.
I was home and a big black snake was chasing me but I wasnโt scared I was more worried or confused
My friend Lyndsay asked me to come hang out so I did. I wasn't there very long before she wanted to go to another friend's to hang out. I didn't want to so I said she could go and I'd leave. I was carrying a lot of stuff out when her friend came in and walked right past me. Lyndsay was outside . She didn't offer to help me carry my stuff to the car and I didn't ask for help. I could see my car next to a white truck. Lyndsay thought the white truck was mine. My car is blue. It wasn't far but I did have to walk a little to get to it.
I dreamed that someone was pulling something out of my left knee
I had a dream that the famous actrcess Emma Watson broke into my house. She wanted to know who her hero was and she found me. So Emma Watson had intercouse with me wanting to start a new life. When the next couple she was not knowing that she was excepting to have a child with Will Moffett. She called him and he was happy as can be to start a life together.
I donโt remember much but I was walking up staircases and the last staircase was so narrow that my legs kept getting stuck.
a girl was missing on tv and i came to a house with my family and i think i was a hairdresser and i donโt remember the rest
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