27 Nov 2023
I lived in a fictional world. I wasn't the real me in all aspects, but I lived this dream first-person. In this world, I had many friends (in reality, I only have a few). We were all avid reader, but I read a lot more books than everyone else. I learned about this place where you could find all books at an extremely cheap price. This place was weird: an infinite space of flatness, with an infinite number of bookshelves, one next the other, in a straight infinite line. Because this place is so weird, you may get lost there if no one's with you. But only I felt the need to buy books so often, so I had to go alone. One time, I went totally alone and in trying to get a book I really craved, I made the selves fall. They all started falling in a domino effect, it was like a tsunami of books of shelves fell upon me... And I suffocated, and died. No one could know till the next day, until they realized I never came back. I woke up in the afterlife, where there's a whole new world. The one in charge of that would decided to build me an afterlife body that resembled exactly mine. The science behind the creation of afterlife bodies was fascinating, but being gifted with a new body was not. That body wasn't a means of freedom but one of control: in exchange for being able to interact with objects, you had to devote your life to doing tasks for those in charge. Although I could know all about the real world and even navigate it, I couldn't interact with it. I couldn't say goodbye. If only I didn't compulsively buy books, I wouldn't be in this situation. It's rare, but accidents like this happen in that weird library. I now find myself wanting to escape the body and the afterlife.