28 Nov 2023
Tonight I had a dream that I was living in a house with a lot of people. It was some people that I knew and some people that I didn't know. There was a big backyard and front yard in this house. And there was two people that I knew and one was my colleague that I have a crush on Lucas And there was also his friend a guy friend I don't didn't know him So we were planning to go on a trip somewhere. and in the beginning of the day I went to Mannheim. Mannheim is a city that is the home of Lukas Or it's where he was born. He now lives in the same city as me. My sister was also in this dream and she was always going where I was going. So when I was in Mannheim, I was there with my sister and I went to fix the keys. The keys that I had were very weird. They were like plastic and I had problems with using them to open the door. so I decided that I will fix it so I gave it to the guy and my sister skis as well that he produces new ones from metal He said it will take a day and I should come back tomorrow so I drove back and went back to the house where there was a lot of people When I got there, there was a party at this house. And outside of the house, in the backyard, there was people from weird Middle Eastern countries. and they were using their key and it was not a key that I had anything to do with but they were using their keys and putting it inside of this powder It was a powder that was from a pharmacy because it had a prescription stick to it. And when I asked what it was we're like it will get you high I considered for a second because sometimes I want to have some cocaine but in this case I decided I will not take this weird powder I don't even know what it is And I should restrain from taking any drugs. So I went past them and went into the house One of the girls that took the drugs went inside as well And then she said to another girl after a few minutes that she doesn't feel good, so it's a good decision not to take the drugs I thought what they might have been taking is this laxative which actually completely messes up your stomach and is going to spend the rest of her night in the bathroom I was happy I didn't take it and then I met Lucas he was inside as well I told him what I saw outside and he asked if I took any as a joke. It was sad that he had such a bad opinion of me. But it was just a joke, so I laughed it off and said of course not, I don't do such things. I then asked him if he wants to go to this gym which is in Mannheim tomorrow because it just takes one hour and a half to drive there. and I wanted to drive there with my car but I knew that he would want to drive with his because it's a little bigger but mine has a lot more power and it's more fun The car that I had in the dream was the same one that I have now. It's a car that I really like. It was my black Audi And I really love driving and wanted to show off my skills to Lucas we then got in the car and started driving and Lukas was sitting in the back together with his friend and we were starting to go to the gym I forgot one thing before we went to the gym. I decided to put on some of my gym clothes and my gym clothes I look really good in so I was feeling really confident and when my sister saw me she said I look really cool And my sister in this dream was younger than she is now and she was also muscular and had a really nice butt. I told her that, and she says she goes to the gym every day. And I thought, maybe I should focus on doing more exercising in my life now. so we started driving towards the gym and it was fun and this is where the dream ended