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21 Aug 2023

Car accident


i dream i was in a car accident

14 Aug 2023



At some point in my dream I remember being in some sort of huge odd store, sitting near a group of people who were friends with one another. I, sitting near but not too close to this long crowded table just look around aimlessly in confusion and trying not to make anyone of which I don't know personally uncomfortable in any way. Every now then my wandering eyes notice another person sitting in between everyone on the opposite side of the table of which I was positioned; staring at me almost intriguingly, observing what seemed like even my every detail in behavior or something. I on instinct get very nervous and awkward and immediately redirect my gaze elsewhere trying to think nothing of it, only for this to happen a couple more times. Soon after a different person from the same side of the table as I but positioned farther off, gets up and walks towards me giving me their full attention with a genuinely bright and warm smile. I redirect my attention in reciprocation and turn my body and gaze towards this person as they get closer and they start making many gestures with their hands, never speaking once during any interaction yet displaying such energetic and friendly energy. I try my best to understand and communicate anything lost in translation. Nearly less than a minute of this and I finally figure out that they are telling me to turn my chair facing towards a wall I originally had my back against before; I swiftly do as instructed, confused. I notice as I do this the person from before upon me being approached by someone else, also moved their chair still opposite of me but only a little farther the other side of me still keeping eye contact. Immediately after I am turned sitting, facing towards the wall the person who gestured me to do so returns to their seat and the previous person from before stands behind me with both hands to the wall over my head almost trapping me. This instantly caught me off guard especially with their chest against my back, (I am not very fond of much physical touch or affection and get flustered and awkwardly tense easily... I do on many specific extents tolerate specific amounts of this or just genuinely don't mind too much in some cases with some people even in just as a compromise; as to most people, such things are very natural, normal, comfortable and or comforting, so I do try my best to find a way to meet in between and create a middle ground). I instantly feel flustered, embarrassed, confused, nervous, and awkward. As I don't know how to react, I awkwardly laugh hoping no one could see my face. The next moment is almost the perspective of watching what happens after this, through the eyes of this person; they start to run their fingers through the top of my hair calmly. As, this is one of my many insecurities I quickly try to explain that my hair is overly greasy, oily, damaged, disgusting even naturally with possible skin and scalp conditions in hopes they'd be discouraged from doing so, and maybe not think as less of me and my unfortunate hair struggles. Although I'm pretty sure my tone of voice whilst saying these things made it obvious of just how much I am self conscious of this especially when many others also expressed thisπŸ˜•. Yet even so they remained somewhat calm yet sounding and seeming slightly defensive tone while expressing their response (I genuinely couldn't hear their words clearly for whatever reason but would feel bad asking for them to reiterate). It sounded as if they say something along the lines of not minding any of this or that no one else would know (of what specifically, I still don't know) and showed this by lightly touching and hanging their hair above mine. In a blink of an eye they are lightly resting against me, hands to the wall again, and their body draped over mine (similarly to before). I turn and see the table, of which some people turn their attention towards us, the person who made the gestures before notices as well and makes an amused grin. I'm still not sure what to make of this and or why of all things to happen, it is this?




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10 Aug 2023



My sibling procured a costly horse from Dubai, christened Bombay. The horse, Bombay, was paraded within the confines of a living chamber, meant to amuse the gathering and amplify my sibling's image. Among the party guests, prominently present were myself, Gia, Thomas Brookes, Jamie Brookes, and the equine caretaker. During this parade, Bombay incurred an injury, triggering my apprehension regarding the horse’s well-being. However, my sibling rebuffed my concerns, characterizing my reaction as excessively emotional. Frustrated by the lack of receptiveness, I abandoned my endeavor to aid the equine. Gia subsequently pulled me aside, revealing that although consensus existed about the equine's mistreatment, a reluctance to voice objections prevailed. I thus assumed the mantle of dissent and ensured Bombay's repose, applied a cold compress to its hoof, and summoned a veterinary specialist.

24 Jul 2023



It was homecoming, and I’m going to it with my sister and some girl named Katelyn. We arrive at the place it’s at, but it’s way before the dance actually starts, so my sister and Katelyn go inside, while I go sit outside, and text my dad making sure he’s bringing our dresses. A minute later Katelyn comes back outside saying she has to go find a green shirt because apparently her multi-colored top wasn’t allowed due to it being against fashion law or something like that. Suddenly we’re in Walmart looking for a green shirt, but don’t find one, so Katelyn walks out the store, headed to another one in hopes of finding this green shirt. In the meantime, I head back to where I was sitting, which were these warehouse type shelves outside the door that goes to the dance, and I pull out a book/notes for studying and doodle in the margins. Next thing I know, this guy shows up and starts throwing a rubber bouncy ball in front of me, and he then says, β€œYou do realize how much it would hurt if you got hit by this.” And then I say, β€œI don’t really care, you wouldn’t hit me.” So he challenges me to let him throw it at me in order to prove his point that it would hurt. So I let him, and when he throws it, my arm decides to block it. He says, β€œThat’s cheating.” So I respond, β€œNo it’s not, besides I’m busy studying, like you should be.” He says, β€œYou’re not even studying, you’re just doodling.” I say, β€œSame thing.” So he sits down next to me, and we start talking. I don’t remember what we were talking about, only that he was half Russian. Then I get up to go do something, and come back, and tell him to scoot over so I can sit where I was again. A little while later I’m outside, walking with this girl, and we’re headed to this house from the Forest Gump movie. When we get close to the house, we walk past a row of FBI vehicles, and the girl asks me why they’re there, to which I respond, β€œThey’re here to protect the guy who lives here because he’s really important.” So then we’re walking to the backyard, and suddenly I see those caution tapes in front of us, and then someone fires a warning shot in front of us. So I just scream sorry, and we start walking away. Then this lady from the FBI chases us down and tells us why that happened. Then, we come up to this house, and while we’re walking I have a strange feeling that he’s the sister of the Russian guy I met earlier, but I never actually confirm it in the dream. Next thing I know, we’re doing some kind of excavation in a neighbors front lawn, and we find these pieces to different statues, that look like they need to be put together. The statues seemed like they’d make a Mickey Mouse, a dog (blood hound maybe), and something else that I don’t remember. Anyways, the FBI lady is too worried to actually put the statues together without backup, and then calls backup while letting me and this girl leave. Now I’m at a theme park really late at night, and it looks like it should be closed. We surprisingly get let into it, but only to the area with restaurants and a, looks to be, broken down Ferris wheel. My parents tell me and my siblings to go on the Ferris wheel, so we do, and it’s not like a normal Ferris wheel, but one where you have to hand onto the handle bars while you go around. Anyways, me and my siblings go on it for a while, with another girl who joins us, and then my dream ends.

4 Jul 2023

Running away
New Job


I wasn't in my dream but felt like I was a teen boy, who was running underwater and saw a group of teens gathered somewhere and a younger boy shouting learning is stupid. A black woman, who was the headmistress of the school, was very angry and was beating him. She had a black husband, but he was very passive. Time passed. That boy was gone. The group of teens and the new boy were werewolves and were training. They were running and swimming. Then they stopped to rest and said this was useless. One blonde teen said learning is stupid anyway. Everyone gasped and reminded her about the headmistress' rules. An old thin tall woman with a lavender scarf on her head was worried. The blonde tried to run away but the angry woman came. She gave a water hose to the new boy and ice came out of it. The blonde sat quietly. Her face was shown in detail. She had blue eyes, very pale skin, red lips and long blonde hair. She was smiling. Then she realized her legs were frozen, she couldn't move and her eyes were freezing too. The blonde quietly screamed and sang , hoping she won't die, then froze to death. The setting changed. The new boy and a latin girl were running around as werewolves underwater at the same place. It was many years later. They entered the school. The girl wanted to enter a room, but the boy hid her and told her that there is a werewolf in that room and it's possible it's not an acquaintance. Then a red helium balloon appeared. The boy werewolf caught it and looked in it and saw my uncle's face. He thought it was the werewolf's face but the girl werewolf said it was his normal human face. Then they saw the werewolf from their hiding place, going to bed. The boy werewolf and the girl werewolf were good but i had a bad feeling about the asleep one.

19 Jun 2023



(For context I work in a small boba shop). I was in one of the bathrooms in my apartment with huge jugs of ingredients and cups to make two or three different boba drinks, (that for some reason I was making orders in the bathroom??) Well there was another dude with me standing kind of across from me who I assume was helping me with the orders and soon I got tired and leaned against the wall next to a cat chilling on the counter kind of bored, chilled there for a moment before the dude slowly walked up behind me does the same thing. After a minute he kind of hugged me from behind and rested his head against my shoulder/back for what felt like an hour. Im very awkward and didn't know why they were doing this (if they were feeling sad, content, tired, etc.) but although strange I didn't want to be rude or mean to anyone. So I kind of just shifted my body a little more towards facing the dude and lightly hugged him back for a quick moment in hopes he'd feel a bit better and just pure confusion. Still don't really know why this happened or who he even is honestly.

29 May 2023



I vaguely remember later in my latest dream being in what felt like an uncomfortablely revealing outfit that accentuated my chest, all while being in a strange restaurant-like environment for what seemed to be a tech related class where most of the other kids my age spoke an Asian language. Noticeably one of the kids sitting close greeted me and even handed me a gift, in which I frantically looked at my surroundings to find something I could give in return. I saw in my possession a small clear object with really cute tiny squishy things and handed it to them in return. They replied with "so cute!" and I still don't know if they were calling me or my gesture cute or just the gift. A little later on I am in another area inside this open but divided place where it seems it's just for "adults" ,searching for I don't know what. Soon I find myself back in the seat I was before in the same area with everyone else just trying to both figure out and play around with whatever is on the computers everyone is just kind of given yet already there. Some time passes before these two mean girls get in a short conflict with someone or something just beside me that happened faster than I can react. The one sitting closest with darker hair grabs my arm and before I realized I swiftly grab and squinch her arm while using my strength to push her away. She immediately looks surprised and struggling when she comments "why are you so strong?!" to which I act completely out my control (feelings, expressions, and actions) "I am so tired of you always being rude and looking down on everyone...!". It doesn't take long before she quickly gets up and runs out of the door of the building as I followed behind her to the door, I turn around to head back whilst avoiding eye contact and the other mean girl is suddenly really quiet with eyes locked at her computer screen. I tidy some things that got knocked over and try to sit down when a supposed teacher walks up to everyone and checks in to whatever we were supposed to be doing. As he got me I almost quickly and nervously tell them I have got plenty done and some in progress to which they act like I'm ahead or doing better than everyone else in their work. Soon I find myself blinking into another oddly forestry looking place with a Minecraft spider in real life in front of me, I back up and the spider crawls in squared shaped hole in the ground and does this game-like effect whilst I immediately think "oh no it's doing it's burial!" and quickly try back up as much as I can when a bunch of realistic spiders, lizards, and bug hybrids start swarming at my feet chasing in little loops. I had nothing much but a decent stick sized item to fend them off and start swinging and swatting them which somehow with game-like mist effect actually worked. My dream cut shortly after a little longer of this whilst in the middle of me trying to find any way to get away.

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