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21 Jan 2024
Walking to a party as a surprise to have fun with little kids. But when I walked in it was a teacher that I am interning. One of the boys had temporary inflated lungs, and needed help breathing. He had tubes going into his lungs to help him breathe. He was scared that he was not going to make it. I told him about a time I thought I was on my death bed, but ended up just fine in the end. I helped the kid to not be afraid and to keep fighting. He then snuggled up next to me since he couldn’t run with the other kids.
I was in a room with the guy I had a crush on and his twin brother. My crush left the hotel room and his twin that was still in the room with me, found out that his twin was with a girl. I was sleeping and the brother (not my crush but his twin) came in the room and I had mistaken him for my crush. I was talking to him for a few minutes and his phone flashed and it said (My name) Nia, with a zoomed out picture of me on the lock screen. He said “That’s the girl” and left me in the hotel room by myself. My friend appeared in the dream and she was in the bathroom getting ready. She knew where the boys were and was reluctant to tell me. Her mom said something like “If you know why don’t you just tell her”, and convinced her daughter to tell me. My friend then told me, the twin I was crushing on was walking outside holding hands with a girl.
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Someone gave me a new born baby to hold, but I noticed the baby was so skinny and long and the baby wiggled, and moved so much I dropped him. And the baby started crawling away crying, until someone else picked the baby up and fed her.
My boyfriend at the time, facetimed me and had balloons up, a cake and everything decorating the room. He was celebrating my birthday and his nana’s birthday. His mom was also there!
Me and my friend were left at the house by ourselves with a lady sleeping in our bed. Me and my friend went and ate snacks, entertained ourselves, and ate popsicles and icecream. Then a famous youtuber (whom we knew in the dream) was pulling up to the house and we rushed to cover everything up and hop in the bed, my friend was still up when the youtuber came in the house. I was in the bed pretending to be asleep and my friend was talking to the youtuber.
I had a recurring dream of me running and losing power in the process. It was like I was running slower and slower unless I did something like pulling on tall blades of grass as I ran to get my power and speed back up. Also in the dream I was fighting but it seemed like I couldn’t hurt the person with my punches. Like they were forceful up until I actually made contact and ended up soft every time I made contact.
I was at a party with a guy and my ex was there. He kept looking at me and he was talking to his friends about him going to text me. He texted me on snapchat, I said “wassup”. Then me and the guy I was with were getting ready to leave the party and my ex ended up riding with us. And the guy I was with didn’t know that was my ex in the car, but I convinced them to go to this pizza place downtown and eat.
I had a dream my child was being sexually abused and I wasn’t able to do anything to stop it because I wasn’t there
I had a dream that my sisters were little babies getting raped by my boyfriend at the time and some more men. It hurt so much that I ended up blowing the building up after I got the out of it and then I woke up.
I had a dream that my mate was with 2 of the women he used to have sex with. One he dated the other he just slept with.
I had a dream that i started my menstrual cycle and it was gushing from my vagina non stop.
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