14 Nov 2023
I can’t recall clearly since, it’s not fresh anymore.
I was in a back seat in a nine seater long car. And my dad was on one of the front seats.
I think we talked about something. But I don’t remember driving somewhere.
Then I was walking down a street with a friend, whom I can’t recall exactly who it was. Could be a non existent person in real life.
We were talking about our elementary school years and about a school mate who I liked and respected also in real life. He had a crush on me in real life too. But I heard that he was bullied for being different or a little weird. And that made me a little sad. And I think this relates to my boyfriend since he has been bullied at school in his early years.
As we walk passed an office building, there were many people from the office standing in front of it having a lunch break, smoking and talking.
But I noticed around that building, dead pigeons were all over the street, almost covering it.
The pigeons seem to be cut in the neck area. It was a bit eerie.
And we kept talking and walking, I think mostly about our elementary school years.
From here on, I can’t recall exactly what happened in my dream.
But somehow I was betrayed by that very friend and the friend’s identity was turned out to be not whom I had expected. It feels like it may relate to a friend in real life, whom now I don’t have a good opinion of, because on pondering I realized that the friend is not really a good person. I just gave her a chance because I didn’t assume bad intentions and tried to see the good in her and excuse her behavior.
Back to the dream, now it seems like the friend wants to torture me and even kill me. The friend had a weird super power and was almost like a non human being. I think the friend had almost tentacles like arms too.
I don’t remember how the dream progressed from there exactly, but I think I managed to somehow get out of the situation with my wit.