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8 Nov 2024



I had a dream where I was on call with my online friend and I've never seen his face in real life but in the dream I randomly looked at my phone and saw his face clearly, I'm sure it was just a random face but I don't know.




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8 Nov 2024

Water Park


I was at a waterpark that reminded me of somewhere I've been as a kid and I was at the top of the water slide. I was chatting with a whole bunch of people who would go down the slide just to grab something on the other side. And the only way out from the other side is to come back up the waterslide. So people would impossibly go down one by one and come back up while other people were on the slide still, and they were begging me to go with them. But I remember having this dream before and I didn't fit into the end space so I drowned and I was afraid of that happening again so I just stood there being scared. As I was standing there, the people would look at my legs and knees in disgust. I looked down to see tattoos all on my legs, colorful and glittery. I was also disgusted as that was not my style. I was also super scared because I didn't remember getting the tattoos at all nor being at a tattoo shop. I kept telling the people how scared I was because I was losing my memory and it seemed like no one cared, as more and more tattoos popped up on my body. When I looked up again, all the people were gone, and my internal voice was telling me to go down the slide. Again, I was scared, but without people judging me, I went down. I found myself at the end of it, able to fit into the caged box at the end of the slide. I thought that it wasn't as fun as it was when I was a kid and able to fit down here, but it was cool that I made it. But I wasn't able to travel all the way back up the slide before I woke up

8 Nov 2024

Building (Place)


I was a construction worker at a factory, and their elevator was really slow. And there's eight levels to this factory. So we had to add labels to each floor, saying that it was under construction. Well, each sticker had a number. Started with 30, then 20 and then I was sent to the top floor to place the final sticker. And I like it up there I saw a giant crack in the floor right in front of the elevator so I turned to a worker and said "see this is your problem, but don't worry we'll fix it real soon, we just need to first remove all of this" then the workers sent back to me "don't worry math lovers be like" and then all of the workers jumped on the elevator platforms at the same time and all of it collapsed. So I pulled out a calculator and realized that all the numbers on the stickers added up to the number of employees. Then I realized I was now stuck on the 8th floor and then I woke up.

8 Nov 2024

Sea Shell


I was on an excursion with my highschool. We were somewhere in the middle of nowhere, me and my former best friend were roaming around in a forest near a body of water, I don't know if it was a lake or the sea or a river. I was collecting seashells and found a huuge dead crab with a shell, the crab was still in there but it was dead, it looked really creepy. Then we went to a really big meadow and me and all classmates played a game where we were stomping on Spaghetti barefoot and the loser had to eat from the spaghetti. EW ???!! When we were leaving I went back to our establishment and I was sharing a room with a guy that bullied me in highschool and we were both packing our stuff and he was done before me cause I was trying to fit all of the seashells I collected into my stuff. Generally I had huge difficulties packing and he was watching me and making fun of me which pissed me off and stressed me out even more. When I thought I was finally done I realised that I had forgotten my whole jewellery box (whyever I would take that whole thing on a school trip) and it was just way too big it never would've fit and there was no time left so I had to leave it behind.

8 Nov 2024



I was with some influences and they were hosting a private party which was like a game show. The room was purple and I didn't get along with one of the girls there. My boyfriend decided to break up with me over text while I was at the dinner table with everyone in the room and then I accidentally broadcasted it on a projector so three people on the table told me it and everyone looked at me weirdly. After this I had to make a bed in one of the rooms but this girl kept stopping me and destroying it so I attached her with a chair and the items I was building the bed with and I decided to leave the house. It was still night time when i was at that house. After this I travelled to a more light and tropical area and it was then day time and I brung my cat with me. I bumped into an influencer while out with my cat and we got loads of photos but then I accidentally dropped my cat and he ran away. I did not know where he went and there was loads of cats that looked like him in the area so it was really difficult to find him. With this there was loads of water in the area so I was frantically looking for him but I could not find him and I started panicking. My cat is a house pet and does bit know what it is like to be outside so that triggered my anxiety majorly.

8 Nov 2024



Just woke up had a interesting dream my car keep running out of gas and 8 hadn't been using it . The next day still in my dream I find my car with windows down and stuff inside on the seat I started going threw it and decided that it was my ex husband stuff I went inside and called to confront him. Then I see a green van blocking my car in the driveway I go to investigate ๐Ÿ”Ž. Find my oldest brother there he said he was hungry so I let him come inside. While making him something to eat asked him about my car as well. He was pretending not to hear what I was asking so I muted the TV and asked again he said he had been driving my car I asked how do toy have keys to my car? Again he pretending not to hear the question I asked. Finally he says yes I said give them back to me.. when he finally hands over the keys I'm was like how didi you get them. He said the fire pit at mom's I was like what. They were melted but the keys were usable. There was also other things on the key ring I had been missing. The only person I could think of was my ex. Then as I'm waiting up all I can remember in my dream at the end was repeated my ex name going F*#@ing Joe Rady until I woke up

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