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29 Feb 2024



End of the world type Armageddon.

29 Feb 2024



I was on vacation with my family, not sure where we were going or where we were at. The dream started with us entering these huge elevators. I knew almost everyone in this dream in some capacity whether through passing or I had/have some relationship with (family, friends, past co-workers, social media friends, acquaintances, etc). As we were waiting for the first elevator I noticed that the numbers didn’t go in order and our family was directed to go to the 12th floor, but instead of the numbers going 1-12 for each floor, the 12th floor was at the bottom with the button for that floor being black, then there was a red button for a number smaller than 12. I thought that to be odd, but it didn’t phase me. So once the elevator doors opened, my family and I entered in and it was SO spacious inside, however the capacity limit was only for up to 6 people at a time, again really odd, because usually capacity is by weight and not the number of people on the elevator and the size of the elevator you could essentially fit at least 50 people on. So now my family has to split up in order for us to get to our floor (what I’m assuming is our hotel floor). I wasn’t related to anyone in my elevator ride, however I knew most of the people on the elevator, I asked each one of them which floors they were on and everyone that I knew said β€œ12th floor,” again, I thought no way we’re all going to the same floor. The elevator itself was really bright and everything was white, there were no windows or anything, but it was almost too bright. It was a stark contrast between the waiting area for the elevator and the elevator itself. Once we exited off the elevator the 12th floor was a bit darker, in color and in mood, I don’t even remember getting reunited with my family or even going to my room, the dream switched to me being kidnapped and taken underground to work as a slave. I’m not sure how long I was gone for. I noticed that everyone working underground as β€œslaves” were people of color and the people in charge of us were not. I was so confused when I got there until I started talking to the slaves, their stories on how they got there was similar to mine, they were on vacation with their families and were staying (or supposed to be) on the 12th floor until they were kidnapped right after getting off the elevator or them exploring the hotel/cruise ship. I was baffled, there were thousands of us underground digging, we were supposedly trying to find certain hidden artifacts in Africa, so a company would attract people from all over the world to stay at their resort or cruise line for a cheap or free price just to kidnap and make them slaves in some way until they found everything they were looking for. Once I learned this I started trying to escape, I learned the higher or closer to the surface you work the more valuable the slave owners saw you and the more privileges you received when connecting with family and friends. So that’s what I did, I would make friends with the people over the slaves and then get promoted up, I’d also put in a good word for the slaves that helped me and were nice so they could get closer to the surface too. Along the way I met and were reunited with so many people, no one in my dream had passed away, in reality all of these people to my knowledge are still alive. I’m not sure how much time had passed but I was able to make it to the surface, the surface was enclosed, it looked like a SAMS or Costco store and there were hundreds of people in it, mostly white, there were very few people of color. Everyone was in these long lines, so I joined a line and because the wait was for hours I became fast friends with the people in front of me. Not sure if we ever exchanged names, but it was 2 girls in their 20s and a boy around their age. I asked what the line was for and they said to check in for your floor. I asked if they already knew their floor number and they said last time they got the red floor, but they’re not sure about this time and they’ll find out when they get to the desk. I then asked if someone had a phone I needed to check to see if my grandma made it or if she was in line, so one of the girls handed me her cell phone, the phone looked like an early 2000s brick phone. Every time I tried to make a call, the call never went through but each time the girl made a call or text on her phone the call or message went through perfectly fine. I ended up staying in line with these people, getting to know this hotel through them since they’ve previously been here. They were all so nice but I still didn’t trust them with the information I knew about that was going on underneath the building. Once we finally made it to the front of the line, I bid them farewell and headed to the elevators, this time taking a different set and allowing the person in front of me choose their floor and hoping on with them. In this elevator it was still bright like the other but more people could be on at once and they had a back window that showed the outside. The window faced a Chik fil A lot. I knew 2 girls and a guy on the elevator with me. The 2 girls (one was a friend of a friend and the other was an old co worker) and the guy I’ve known all my childhood through school and we’re Facebook friends. The two girls were people of color, one being Asian and the other Latina. The guy is white, when I asked about their floor number, they looked at me crazy and said the orange floor. Once we made it to the orange floor and I stepped off the elevator I woke up from the dream.




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29 Feb 2024

Running away
Black women


Wow I had a dream I was in a riot. It was started by cheerleaders over racial tensions. See a baseball player who kept being slow to do things actually was faster in the balloon popping contest we did. Meanwhile a cheerleader named Ashley took forever to light a match that was used to pop the balloon. The baseball player Tim finished much faster. The entire game was over before she light the match. We made fun of her as you normally would. But Tim said something about her being a typical cheerleader and she said how dare you make fun of my race. I was like but cheerleaders are not a race! It got crazier as the sky turned black and fire rained down. I remember people throwing molotovs and burning the country side it looked like Jango unchained. As I made my way up a small hill narrowly avoiding fires with a group of kids from highschool I found myself worried I would get my face burnt off. I entered this city it was a big city, like Atlanta or Brooklyn or Chicago I don’t know. And they were setting fire to a bridge trying to burn it down and on the bridge was a train... there was so much structural damage that the train surely would collapse the bridge. I ran towards safety as others played around at the bridge waiting for destruction. I almost got hit by a train but this automated robot that plows the tracks (this isn’t something we actually have irl) was slowing trains to plow. It was above the rail hanging off the bars that the metro trains have you know, where the electric flows into the train itsself. Like a subway. And it had a little hand that would flip snow off the tracks but it was super slow and pretty pointless. I ran across the tracks but when I did I got attached to them. There was a jetpack looking object on my back that attached me to the train and allowed me to basically follow the tracks completely hovering above them like a rollercoaster 🎒 that has you dangling instead of sitting. I wanted free and got free ran off the 3-4 lanes of track and to freedom. I heard do not say these words can’t remember what the words were. I believe it was something like denoting that i wanted back on the tracks. I said them to test it and immediately was reattached to the train tracks, almost getting hit by the train. I got detached but kept saying the words just to get thrown back. Eventually, I overcame the words and was able to resist the pull back to the tracks. I went down into what looked like an old train tunnel an underground rail road. I remember seeing myself in the mirror I was Tilly from a game I played serveral years ago set in the 1899. Tilly was a slave during slavery she ran away and joined a gang of outlaws. Why I was a black woman in this dream idk this dream was wild 🀣 I had a flashlight and when it was shined on the walls it said something. Apparently I was to follow this rail road to the CIA headquarters and tell my story and give intell to the agency. But had a strong fear not to for fear of human safety 🀷🏼 No idea what the info was as I abruptly woke up.

29 Feb 2024



I dreamed I was with a healer. For sister umoja ivi collaborating with Elder umoja ivi. Soon he said that there is medicine, I will put it on your hand, then you will look at your palm, after a while you will see someone and then you will order him to come and talk to him. He put the medicine in my palm and then I looked, I could not see anything. After a while, when Grandpa came together, it seemed that he was very expert in these matters. Iko was preparing some things so that we could continue with our exercise, she was preparing the pot and growing as she cut it, I was just as excited as the house was shaking. Soon he said that I will put this Daya in the palm of your hand and then watch if you see someone there, then he will become a monster, tell him to run and come out here, let's talk to him. I said ok and he had to give medicine and then I looked at the palm for a long time and I saw signs like someone wanted to happen but he couldn't happen. Again, I felt fear. After that, MY brother came and he was explaining his experiences there, he talked about things that made me more and more worried until I couldn't continue doing the exercise. He used to say that one day I put this medicine on my palm and then I saw someone and I told him to come out and let's talk here. He appeared, but we were just as we were. Another time there were many monsters surrounding us, tall and scary looking, then when I was talking to the monster that I called, I saw him grow bright. I entered my body and then I found myself back where I grew up. After that, I was filled with anxiety until my sister saw that I was starting to feel fear. He said there is another good way to call them and be quick, you will not feel fear. He had to direct me and I told you that you are looking into my eyes when you see that I am changing and becoming an old man. He started talking to me, I looked into his eyes and soon I saw that he was changing and becoming an old man in his eyes and then I started talking to him and told him all my problems. But from then on, I don't remember what I talked to him about.

29 Feb 2024

Old friend


driving to visit my hometown and not seeing where the lanes had change. and driving wrong at first. not noticing at first how much it had changed. playing soccer with the employees when i first got there. tho they were wearing masks. so i couldn’t see who they were. but when they kicked me to the ball, i missed the ball. and didn’t kick it. or barely kicked it if i did. deff was embarrassed. tho the place looked more like a walmart. there were trains there. and where there i saw and old friend of mine who happened to worked there now. this was someone i used to live with. but she helped me know where i was going by taking the train with me. tho i had this white cream on my face. that was to help heal my skin. but i acted like i forgot i had it on my face. tho i knew i put it on there on purpose. i was feeling insecure about my skin. and even asked her at one point if i looked okay. tho we missed our train stop. bc i thought we both left our jackets in our seats. and at least one of us did. bc the other jacket they yelled back wasn’t the color of my jacket.

29 Feb 2024



I dreamt about a friend filling a I dreamt about my mum. My sister and I were in our childhood home and had a small argument with our mother. My mum left somewhere to have a drink in the meantime a big truck came in our garden. I told them is the wrong address but seems it was the right one.they came with a grilling table, a big one and 5 dogs haski, well trained. My mother when drank a bit more called an placed the order. I was annoyed by my mum order and surp9how much costs everything I went to Atm, get the money but started to wonder what should we do with 5 big dogs, so I negotiated with to pay for 5 but take only 3 as my mum is d and can't take care of them. In the meantime mother came home, was ashamed by her order and wanted to be accountable and pay for it, but I prayed already. The dogs were beautiful, well trained but demanding as well.

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