Dream interpretation about Falling, Torture, War, Girl, Boy, Step, Color, Box, Against, Going, Breathing
I was going to war. It was red soldiers against green soldiers. The red soldiers represented boys and green represent girls. Of course I was one of the green soldiers. Once we went to war, we almost won, but a few of us got captured and I was one of them. Once they captured me. They put me in a box and a voice told me to choose random color.Then, I chose green, but I fell out of the box, strapped to a parachute falling for a few seconds. After that, they chose to keep torturing me. So when they put me in a room and there was a button that had a three color pattern that I had to press. Once I stepped up to press it, I stopped breathing for as long as I could hold my breath. And this happened two more times until I woke up.
Dream date:
29 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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