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20 Jan 2024



I had a dream that my brother saw a shadow in his room and I kinda seen it too but then he came out his room and he said it was our deasese mother




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

20 Jan 2024



So I was at a Korean boarding school I met this girl and we became best friends, she goes to class but I stay in the bedroom but before she went to class she told me to get my chemistry book off a teacher, I explored the school for a bit to see where all the classes were but after that I went outside to go on a walk and got lost, I saw Dean Lewis but I ignored him because he seemed busy but as I kept walking I saw Cole and evilyn Lebrant so I took a photo with them and walked back, as o was walking back I ran across dean Lewis again and he was setting up a wedding music video thing and there was a bunch of little kids, I sat down in the front row and waited for what to do, eventually I got called up to the front to answer some questions, one of the questions was how many years of dance I had and when I answered the teacher pulled a lever and made me fall into a trap door with a pipe connected too it so I slid down the pipe and as I was going down someone coming up got in my way and I almost fell but I made it down without falling, when I got to the bottom everyone was singing memories and I didn’t know what to do so I joined them, half way through I knew I had to leave so I tried to leave but failed so I just kept singing until I messed up the song and got so embarrassed that I ran back to the school, when I got back into the school bedroom I checked my phone and the time was 12:24pm and everyone around me started waking up, I checked the photos I took before with Evelin and Cole lebrant and they were all deformed and Sam Golbach was in the background of one of no reason. I got bored and went to go get my chemistry book so I walked past a teacher and she told me to put my name down on a list in her phone, as I did that someone walked past me and said they were going to the library, I was also headed there so I followed him and inside the library was a bathtub filled with books, I went back to the bedroom area and went to bed.

20 Jan 2024

Running away


There was this house, and it was snowing. Me and my friends get out of this house and go outside. Outside, there are these outdoor lanterns and I touch them one by one and they turn on. We go into a snowy forest. There, we see a man fighting a monarch in this weird cement whole in the ground with a small ladder in it. The monarch has a dog with him. Who is standing on the outside of the whole with me and my friends. The man crawls about of the whole and pounds on the ground near the whole. The cement starts crumbling. A dark abyss appears and the monarch falls. The man who was fighting the monarch gets sucked into the abyss as well. We see the dark abyss clear, and there is this giant sewer like whole with dark muddy water in it. The body of the man falls into it. The dog runs away. We keep walking. We hear screaming and shouting and explosions. It’s still snowing. We see these old graffiti on military bunkers and forts and forts. Suddenly, me and my friends see a grenade thrown over our heads. We start running. We see a funeral for the monarch. But for this funeral, all people were dressed in white. We started going back to our house. On the way, we made a shortcut through a stranger’s backyard. Then we returned to the snowy house.

20 Jan 2024



I had a dream that I was in a grocery store near my old house. I saw my old best friend there who I have a tumultuous relationship with now. She was very angry with me for no reason, and yelled at me at check out and got kicked out. Everyone told me I shouldn’t be her friend anymore. I came back to this grocery store years later after getting pregnant, and the father said he wanted nothing to do with the babies. He got arrested and this grocery store also housed the jail. I saw old people I went to school with while trying to get a stroller for my babies. This happened to be the day he was getting out of jail. We picked him up. He expressed still not wanting to be a dad until we got to the car where he laid in the snow. I went to check on him and we made up, and had sex in the snow at night. When we were done and got up to go I noticed a building was on fire. A bunch of police came to try and put the fire out. We decided to go home on foot, leaving my children and the grandmother in the car. as we were going home we saw a bunch of people on the side of the road telling us to be careful because they were crazy people on the loose, who were robbing people and killing them. We got home and we told everybody in the house about this and we tried to lock all of the doors so that they wouldn’t be able to get in, but they got in through the back. it was a group of people. they came and held us hostage, and picked who was going to assist them in their crimes. I was told to get in the closet lay on the ground and take my birth control by a lady who was sympathetic. I came from a different perspective of the people who were on the side of the road previously, and they were all trying to get in to see what was going on. the robbers killed most of them and took some of them and the main robber came out of the house, and decided that he didn’t want to be part of the plan anymore so we were all partially free in the house. we wanted to leave, but we were all told that we had 24 hours to get the robbers some money that they wanted or they were going to kill us all. the father of my kids in the dream left to go try and figure things out as well as I did but when I got there to where we were going, I saw a bunch of people that I used to know as I was going down a long staircase of a college dorm to the bottom floor where I was told that I couldn’t get help for the rest of the people because I did not have real citizenship. suddenly I was out of the building, and I saw the father of my children again, and I was in a pool getting fruit from the store with my coworkers from my job. Then suddenly I was in a spaceship with the father of my children and in outer space, and then the dream ended after I got a knock on the door in the dream.

20 Jan 2024



I had a weird dream where I was in my own apartment and lived away from home but in my area there was murders. I could see how my family was going about their life my dad lost his driver license and my grandma got targeted by the killer. The killer would leave cryptic messages and send her clothes that she was seeing out in public to prove that they were stalking her. My Mommom’s blew up her house to live with my mom and dad and I eventually decided to move back and protect my family. A police came to the house I for some reason and they were just checkin on us by my dad didn’t have a license I guess that was illegal and so the cop was tryin to arrest my dad. The cop asked for a pen, I didn’t have a pen but for some reason I felt like there would be a pen in the basement. I walked down stairs and immediately got chills, I felt as if this was the perfect spot to be killed by the killer from earlier. I got scared and ran back up once the lights started flickering but then told my sister to keep an eye on the light switch so I could go back down to the basement. I went back down but the lights went out again and I saw this really creepy girl going through this tiny window like it was seran wrap and her mouth was wide open. It was so scary the way she looked like a thing you’d find in the movies, she didn’t look right, I ran back up stairs screaming and told my sister to run. We were all in the kitchen, my family and the cop and I was expecting the cop to protect us but he said he would rather team up with the killer because I was so slow about getting the pen and I think he was mad about my father. The woman who was so creepy coming through the window was now upstairs and looked human but she had a knife and so my siblings tackled her. One sibling was on her chest and my little sister looked like she was about to stab her but I was afraid that if they stabbed her taht she would stab them back so I just told them to wait for me to help them. The scary woman tried tricking my little sister with pink strawberries that had bugs in them that would kill her but she refused to eat them. The woman kept trying to give her something but now it was red strawberries but I stepped in and threw my sisters away from the creepy woman. I stabbed the woman with a curved knife before getting up from the ground and throwing the knife into her chest. The woman proceeded to get up too but I just kept looking and getting knives to throw at her, each one stabbing her. She eventually fell to the floor on her stomach and so I sat on her back and proceeded to stab her over and over again. I could see the wounds I made on her and it felt so real that I even felt sick seeing the blood pour from her open wounds where I could see her flesh but I knew I wanted to survive so I had to kill her. I wanted to make sure she was dead so I stabbed her until she stopped moving, my hands were bloody and I stood up, I could see her twitch a little before I think she died. I felt sick but at least my family was sick, it was a weird vivid dream though doing that made me sick

20 Jan 2024

My crush


The whole family was at the house and everybody was okay with Jason going to prison. He had kicked me really hard in the chest and left like huge marks on me. His mom was in the bedroom with Lita but she was like a bird and she was holding her hostage. I knew that when the police came I would get her back but she was like, he's not going to prison. And we were like, yes he is, he's definitely going to prison. There was tons of people here. There was a guy that helped me out with something and he had left. He came back to help me and I told him I'm so sorry that he had to come back. And I said, you know, I'm so sorry that you had to come back but I think I had a crush on him. It was really weird though. He was very, very upset, very mad that he wasn't going to prison. That was the big thing. He was very mad. We all knew what was happening. He was a really bad guy in my dream. He wasn't the Jason he is now. There was something bad about him. A reason that we all wanted him to go to prison. That was it. Everybody was, there was a lot of people there, a lot. I want to say that there were some junkies there. I want to say there were some people using drugs. There were stories about me using drugs. I just was, I don't know, I think I remember like maybe somebody talking crap about my past. And they were talking bad about me but I was like that was my past. I don't know. I don't know if that was the case or if that was my past. I have no idea. That's all I can really remember.

20 Jan 2024



I had a dream that i entered a church and was trying to exit once i realized it was a church but it was so full of ppl with a hige confusing layout. Then i made it into a room with an indoor pool. Thats when the layout started making sense with the shower rooms and such. Thats when loads of teenagers started pulling in and i remembered when i was a teenager in school it at church doing group activities like this. I thought to myself I’m not a teenager anymore and started making my way towards an exit but i still couldn’t find it that’s wheni realized the entire pool room was full floor to ceiling with water and i was swimming around. The teenagers started noticing me and pointed out i wasn’t breathing. I swam over to what i thought might be a door but it was a reflective window and it showed me my dark silhouette under water with my hair floating around like Ariel the mermaid. I thought my hair looked beautiful so i swam around some more and breathe in with no problems but then i knew i couldn’t take another breathe underwater. This time it has to be air. I continued to look for the exit and i heard a teenage girl with blonde hair say “her eyes are fluttering, she needs to breathe soon”. I remembered the shower rooms i came in from and made my way to them. I opened the door and took a deep breathe.

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