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25 Mar 2024
I remember I had sexual activity with a girl but I would see flashes of it like I was not in control of body. After it was over, she fell in love with me and I did not feel the same way. The next day I was at home with my mom and brother and the girl came to my house unannounced wanting to have sex with me but she wanted to have sex with me the way I fuck her. I was refusing and telling her to leave but she did not listen but instead go into my room and sit on my bed touching my stuff in my room an use it as a masturbation tool in my room but really she was waiting for me in my room because she thought that I was going to have sex with her. I waited outside of my room until she was done and was leaving but everything she used as tool for pleasure she would give to me after that she left and I was afraid of going outside. Then I woke up.
i went on a trip with my brother mum and dad and dad had gone to rugby training and wasn’t home. we we’re walking around the huge airbnb when a horrific storm started, we went out to see whether dad would be okay and figure out how hard it would be to pick him up. the storm suddenly got worse and you couldn’t even stand outside, as we turned to go back inside loads of cars started swerving to where we were stood at extreme speeds. my brother jumped out of the way to safty but a car appeared behind me and my mum and i threw her out of the way as far as i could and the car smashed into me. i lead there dying on the floor worrying whether mum had made it and if i had failed her by not saving her and then i woke up
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This dram seemed to be broken down into a few different parts but me and this girl that I didn’t know or had ever seen before ended up ended up breaking into this random upstairs flat which turned out to be my girlfriends mother and step fathers place of living. The only thing we ended up sterling though was weed? My girlfriends mother and step father are against weed so don’t know why they would have it. Ofcourse I end up sleeping with this girl as well who was a busty goth lady who seemed to take a liking to me. The last part of the dream shifted to a ship which had the YouTubers willne and ms Rachel on there who were filming a YouTube video togeather on a ship. On the side of this ship was a radiator (the same one we all have at home that heats up the house)
Last night I dreamt that Micky (my beloved cat) was my human baby and I was at a market at the seaside. It was lovely.
I remember that I was over my grandma house sitting and hanging out with her and I was not alone their was my cousin and aunties there too. There was a monster the enjoys request or question it will do what you asked it to do, then smile really creepily and kill you when your back is turned. I remember walking back and forth to my grandma house and to the location of the monster. The monster would try to trick me to ask it a request or question; I remembered not being a fool and falling for its trap. When I left the location of the monster it was night and there was an explosion like a firecracker I hid behind a car so I didn’t get hit by debris. After it ended I started running back to my grandma house as I half way there my mom came running towards me with fear and worry asking where I was. Then saying,”we half to go.” Then she take my hand rushing us to the car. Then I wake up.
I am standing in a courtyard area with a few raised gardens. I am holding a gardening hose and waiting for someone to let a big German shepherd outside so that I can bathe it. My sister is standing out there with me and we are laughing. As the door opens, the German Shepherd sees the water And freaks out and starts jumping all in the gardens as I am trying to spray it down with water. Dirt is going everywhere and getting on everything. We chased the dog off and let it run away. Then we go inside to get cleaned up because we are about to takeoff and go to space later that day. Then the dream cuts too me sitting in a seat, reclined back. My dad is sitting with his back on my legs. Suddenly there is a black widow in the window seal next to my dad and I tell him to kill it before it bites him. He takes a credit card and tries to smash the black widow, but it falls on my leg and he jumps up and I am trying to hold my leg still so that he can kill it, but I’m afraid it’s gonna bite me.
I was sliding down a rainbow with a rat in a unicorn costume wearing a leprechaun jacket When we hit the bottom of the rainbow we landed with a pot of gold and a whole bunch of sweets and treats people were watching us we were taking the gold and putting it in our pockets and the leprechaun was chasing us
I watched everyone on the planet die all my family and friends died a horrible painful death in front of me
I dreamt about being at my friend, visiting her and spontaneous decoded to go on vacation in Spain. Even though we planned to go together I took a plane alone, as she went there with another plane. The aircraft I took was massive but with only few people, so instead of flying to another biger city to take more passengers we were taxing on the high way. Everything seems to be going well
So me and my mom moved into a new apartment complex. As me and my mom were on a tour we went to the rooftop, as I walked around I looked behind me and nobody was there. It was just me. And then I here a bark. I turn around and there are 2 cages 1 has a chihuahua in it and the other has a pug. I walk over to them and let the chihuahua first. Then when I stick my hand through the metal bars of the pugs cage, the pug grows another eye and 4 more legs. It’s skin turns green and eyes turn red and it attempts to hit me but I get my hand out. As I try to run away I realize i am moving in slow motion. I see the pug is trying to break the bars of the cage. I try to scream but I couldn’t. Nothing came out. And the pig escapes and eats me limb by limb. And when I die. That’s when I wake up.
Un consensual Sex i feel i was unconscious in that Dream it was with a familiar woman that i knew like one of my long distance friends she was well i guess raping me in my Dream and it’s recurring does this mean something? It’s a nightmare
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