Dream interpretation about Giants, Sad, Friend, Friends, Moving, Car, Party, Beach, Driving, Flying, House, Stairs, Water, Gates, Looking, Top, Going
I was in a car with my best friend. An SUV and we were going to this party at our friends house. When we got thwre, the gate to a condo neighborhood was open but the people on these stairs told us to go up and the car took a right and drove up rhis narrow flight of stairs. At rhe top, there was a giant beach area but with no water. I got out of the car and my best friend drove it to the beach. Then i was sitting around a table looking at the beach listening to my other friend talk about sad things and i cant go out on the beach area because its all roped off. Then people come and tell us we have to move the car but now my friend does not want to drive it down the stairs
Dream date:
5 Mar 2024
Emotional tone:
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