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24 Mar 2024



What does it mean if your man is cheating on you

24 Mar 2024

New Job


In this dream I was a magical friendly librarian witch. I had a library that had cds and books and I remember Sting the musican was there along with other students. I was excited I got a new batch of material and showed off vinyl to the group and he was looking for his album when he was single performer, and I showed him his area and then ended up being pleased. Then we had a runway where myself and a few others were judging some outfits of students and I was encouraging all students outfits, even though some where not well put together than others. I wanted the students to feel proud of their work. Then I made friends with another librarian. She was darker skin and had curly hair, and I’ve never met her before in real life. But she carried herself very professionally and cautious but she was nice to me at first. We worked together in another library what was also a kitchen. I myself was very friendly, outgoing and a little zany, which made us opposites but we still worked together. When I left work and came back I noticed the hard work we did was all gone, and empty. All the students and people where not there. I flew up (l can levitate and fly) to look around and she wasn’t there and also everyone too. Then I flew to these fancy doors where one student was dressed up and she guarded the door. She didn’t want me in, and I used my powers to use telekinesis on her and move her to the side. It was difficult but it worked and I opened the door. There was everyone there, all dressed up preparing tables and the rest of the restaurant. From there I was angry that I was left out of the event, bc everyone knew and I didn’t. Students mouth dropped knowing and unknowing what was going on. I moved students with my telekinesis powers to the side as I flew to find out where the other chef librarian was. I slammed the doors open to the kitchen and I see her dressed up in a purple gown with her hair up. Some students where siding with me while others stayed quiet and didn’t participated and just followed the other librarians orders. I was angry and asked her why she left me out, why she didn’t tell me ahead of time so I can help and she didn’t want me to be there simply bc we had different views. But I knew that bc we were different it made us more stronger but she didn’t budge. She wanted to fight me physically but my light was stronger and I worked on my magic unlike her. I walked with other students who supported my and I used my magic to change my outfit. I was wearing a white, sparkling long gown and I had long, blonde hair with a silver and gold tiara with spring blossoms on my head. I asked if I looked okay to the students. I used my aura of strength, beauty, and power to make a statement.




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24 Mar 2024



I was in a place close to the sea and I was getting ready to go into a submarine to go into the sea. The waters were full of waves, massive waves, and once I get into the submarine, I don't remember what happens. Then the dream cuts off to a different part. Now I'm in a big space in the middle of buildings and me with four or five other people are gonna fight against other four or five people for some ideal that we have that is different. I knew these people in real life but can’t remember who they are. At a certain point I fight their leader and I end up really hurting him. But then once I hurt him, we all stopped, checked if he was okay. Like if it was a sparring session and it wasn't a real fight anymore. I had hit him so many times and so hard in the face, he was on the ground and couldn't breathe very well.

24 Mar 2024



I was on this weird vacation. I was in this frozen land but also at work. I had moved into my classroom for a short period of time but for some reason my classroom door wouldn't lock. So I got to work on fixing it. Once it was fixed I went exploring. But I had to make it through this prison type place. I ended up getting a huge beating before I got out. Then I was running with these kids. It seemed as if I was baby sitting the kids. One slipped on a super muddy slope and landed covered in clay Mud half under this bolder and half out. She didn't get hurt but I pulled her put and got her cleaned up. Then we kept going. We got to this convince store that didn't want to serve us. I managed to get them to sell us a small snack so we could he on our way. Then I get back to the place I was staying and I'm in one kahki pant leg and one Jean pant leg. Everyone is looking at me and making some remark or another. I fire back with some smart ass remark about my day which shuts them up. Before I walk inside everyone seems to be trying to solve a riddle or something. I laugh and say I know that. Wanna know the answer? I go inside and laugh to myself about all these people trying to answer this question. Then all of a sudden im on this lake or ocean.. but im not in a boat I'm just on someone who's swimming as fast as a speed boat. And we and dodging and weaving through all these icebergs. Then we stop and have a conversation about how someone told people that throwing clear plastic and glass into this ocean was okay because it collects itself to make its own icebergs. And it wasn't true. So we were trying to clean up what we could. Then we ran across this one iceberg that had greenery growing on it. Which made me ask the question "are icebergs just islands growing"?

24 Mar 2024



I was in white city I felt drawn to get to the top of the central castle the place was very cold and covered in snow but still full of people and I had somewhere to go where my family was. The path ahead to the center was clear was I was coming up to a bridge of ice that had a waterfall flowing through and under it. I was going to cross it but was stopped suddenly by two strange and eccentric looking guys that said they wanted to give me a hug. I found it creepy and looked around to see that all the people that were around before were gone. I told them no thanks and that their request seemed creepy. and pushed by them to cross but the ice bridge broke in the middle and I fell through into the freezing water. Luckily the rails of it were thick enough to keep me from being taken down by the current I kept calm and swam to get out on the other side. And once I did, there they were waiting for me. they helped me to my feet and brought into a building, my legs felt so weak like they didn’t want to hold me up anymore. They helped me get to a soft couch in front of a fire. I felt bad for being rude and judging them too quickly and apologized. Then I got woken by an alarm

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