24 Mar 2024
In this dream I was a magical friendly librarian witch. I had a library that had cds and books and I remember Sting the musican was there along with other students. I was excited I got a new batch of material and showed off vinyl to the group and he was looking for his album when he was single performer, and I showed him his area and then ended up being pleased. Then we had a runway where myself and a few others were judging some outfits of students and I was encouraging all students outfits, even though some where not well put together than others. I wanted the students to feel proud of their work. Then I made friends with another librarian. She was darker skin and had curly hair, and I’ve never met her before in real life. But she carried herself very professionally and cautious but she was nice to me at first. We worked together in another library what was also a kitchen. I myself was very friendly, outgoing and a little zany, which made us opposites but we still worked together. When I left work and came back I noticed the hard work we did was all gone, and empty. All the students and people where not there. I flew up (l can levitate and fly) to look around and she wasn’t there and also everyone too. Then I flew to these fancy doors where one student was dressed up and she guarded the door. She didn’t want me in, and I used my powers to use telekinesis on her and move her to the side. It was difficult but it worked and I opened the door. There was everyone there, all dressed up preparing tables and the rest of the restaurant. From there I was angry that I was left out of the event, bc everyone knew and I didn’t. Students mouth dropped knowing and unknowing what was going on. I moved students with my telekinesis powers to the side as I flew to find out where the other chef librarian was. I slammed the doors open to the kitchen and I see her dressed up in a purple gown with her hair up. Some students where siding with me while others stayed quiet and didn’t participated and just followed the other librarians orders. I was angry and asked her why she left me out, why she didn’t tell me ahead of time so I can help and she didn’t want me to be there simply bc we had different views. But I knew that bc we were different it made us more stronger but she didn’t budge. She wanted to fight me physically but my light was stronger and I worked on my magic unlike her. I walked with other students who supported my and I used my magic to change my outfit. I was wearing a white, sparkling long gown and I had long, blonde hair with a silver and gold tiara with spring blossoms on my head. I asked if I looked okay to the students. I used my aura of strength, beauty, and power to make a statement.