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23 Jan 2024

Gun Point


I was in this house that had class rooms attached. As I was walking down this hall, I stopped in front of a wood stove and opened the door. As I saw a reflection of a girl to my left, I noticed she was lying on the floor, passed out. There was a man laying next to her and I felt he was there for all of the wrong reasons. As soon as I tried to approach him, the girl on the floor transformed into an elderly lady, close to the man’s age. At this point, I felt I needed to leave. I grabbed my daughter and went outside. As soon as my daughter and I were outside, we heard screams inside the house. My daughter told me we needed to leave, and in a blink of an eye, that same man came out of the house with a gun pointed in my face. I put my hands up and told the guy don’t shoot, I’m not the person you are looking for. I picked up my daughter and brought us to safety.

23 Jan 2024

Running away
High School


I was in a friend group of four in high school. Two of the friends, a male and female were dating and our third friend felt left out so they made sure they reassured her and included her because she expressed that she felt excluded. But I sat there as the fourth friend by myself and I felt all the pain of truly being excluded because I was too afraid to express that I really am the friend that most people ignore because I’m shy and don’t say much. The third friend saw me run away from the table in our high school cafeteria, but she was the only one who ran after me, the other two friends didn’t. Someone was laying in a bed down the hall at the high school as if they were sick and in the hospital. I went outside and listened to the birds and to the third friend talk about being in tune with nature and some guy named Derek




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

23 Jan 2024

Make up
Old Man
Light (Not Dark)


I saw multiple small dreams. However, I only remember one of them. Where I was helping an old man with white robe and white long hair. We both were on a platform made up multiple white blocks. The platform was surrounded by water. All of this setting was inside a ware house. I was forcing the old man to drink the water which was surrounding us with a sea shell. Water temperature which surrounded us wasn’t consistent in temperature. And it was pitch black I couldn’t see the bottom of water. But there were two light inside water orange light for watm water and blue light for cold water. I was filling the shell with the cold water and forcing him to drink because his throat was burning. There was another dream where I was on the terrace of my house. Fighting with a super villain. But I wasn’t very strong so I had to hide multiple times.

23 Jan 2024

New Job


I had a dream that me and my husband were talking and his brother came into town. I asked if Lauren was with him and he said yes. Next thing I know she walks in and ask how I was doing. My husband dad comes in and switches trucks with Timmy giving his younger brothers truck and takes back his. He announces that he finally quit that previous job and got the new one finally. We were all excited, but I was having a hard time catching .up with what was all going on and my husband tells me again while I was driving his brother's truck. Me make it home and while we were settled down I was doing laundry and my husband was still talking to his dad. His dad goes off telling us this story (along with my mother) and explains to us this evil spirit that came in once. There was only one recorded death and one witness in the whole world. While he is telling the story I watch a young again woman trying to take care of a wound on her hand and right when she tries to and sword appears in her hand and the she slices her throat. She tries to tell her husband as soon as he walks in the door but couldn't. I come back and started talking to his Dad and asking questions about it. My daughter comes running up and shows me her hand that she was bleeding there. I went to try to put a bandaid on it, but something told me not to. Then I heard a deepalicious voice warning me that if I put a bandaid on her or any of the other girls there that he would take them. I got scared and told my husband and his dad. He ignored it and told me that it will be ok its just a story. So the whole day I had to fight with my daughter avoiding treating her in any way including when she complained about her stomach hurting. I saw the medicine, but told her I can acknowledge it or treat it. I couldn't even tell her why, cause she would end up dead. At some point I grabbed a bandaid and pretended to put a bandaid on her and then all was fine afterwards. Then fast forward I'm heading in to grab my clothes and realize my husband set a side out for me. I get them on and head outside where I come across my sister and some other family members. They were all getting together and talking outside, but then my sister kept getting asked about her propane tank by a friend of mine Tommy. Not sure why he kept asking her, but simply got into the conversation about where he could find one and comparing the costs. We were under this huge metal canopy attached to the house. I start to walk away and saw there were plants growing on the ground and I became curious about what it was. Tommy told me it was delayed growing lettuce, but I could have sworn it looked like sugar cane. I pick one and proceeded to look at it then one of the girls came forward and separated it revealing it to be sugar cane. She then explains we will have to get rid of it because if others would find out they would take the babies and then not grow them properly. Which wouldn't be good to the ones currently growing. I understood and then I felt this pull in my chest. This excited feeling and knew who was just about to be here. The girls asks me what's wrong and I explained to her that someone I loved very much was coming and I never got the opportunity to be with him until now. Justin was his name and I told her about how happy I am here compared to where I was with my husband. That it wasn't like I didn't love him, but was not happy and was mistreated a lot. Then everybody starts packing up to leave and next thing I know I'm sitting with a red headed man on the larger side inside what looked like a bath on the road. He wanted me to shave him and clean him up, but at some point while shaving him I cut his arm and while grabbing a towel to stop the bleeding realized I had cut him twice. Then I woke up.

23 Jan 2024



I woke up at a house and saw we were going into war a man helped me evacuate everyone this included my mom, my kids and my boyfriend. I was looking for survivors when the army started going into my house. We hid in the closet but there was a window. We glanced at the window but kept quiet. There were foot steps above us kinda stomping around to see if they can break through the floor. It did not break so they decided to break the window. When he came in the man killed him quite and I looked at him. Some of the gear the dead man had I had. He wore tech gear. The man who i still don’t know put on the dead man gear and I put on mine I wore my motorcycle helmet which was the closest to theres and then the chief of the army called me over. He was speaking English and Russian. I don’t speak Russian so I said chief i stopped speaking Russian years ago. He said okay and brought me to the place where I hid my family. I was able to convince him there was nothing there and head outside. Before I left I made sure to grab my boyfriend necklace. Just in case I die

23 Jan 2024

New Job


My family bought an old mansion that was built in the 1800s. I was exploring it and found a room sealed off from the rest of the house that was perfectly preserved from not being revealed. It was the original part of the house, an apartment that was so small that it didn't even have room for a cutting board in the kitchen, so there was one that folded up into the wall. I looked at all the old cooking books before walking up to the bedroom and saw that the couple of that house still lived together. They were immortal and didn't want to leave their house, so they sealed eachother off from the rest of the world in that house, a new one being built over it. They were suprised that I found their secret, but took me in and taught me how to be immortal and have powers too

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