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24 Mar 2024

Oral sex


I ounce had a odd dream as a kid that me and a group of my friends approaching a a sheep with multiple male genitalia spread across its coat of wool and we randomly started to give oral sex to different ones before I woke up in discuss and confusion




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23 Mar 2024



About two weeks ago, I had a dream that I was in a car with my brother, my brother was the designated driver, he had his girlfriend with him in the passenger seat, and I was sitting in the back. When he started driving, he was driving really fast as we were trying to escape from someone who was chasing us. I couldn’t remember who was chasing us in the dream, but it was somebody who was trying to hurt us. Speed of the vehicle kept progressing, and I begged my brother to stop driving so fast, he ignored what I was asking him to do and kept driving faster and faster. we were in our old neighborhood and he was driving through the grass and the front yards in between each house, and then right as I woke up out of my dream, my brother was calling me on my phone in real- life.

23 Mar 2024



I had a very vivid dream that i have had before but not as detailed as tonight. The dream is i wake up at school that is magical but a series of murders has been plaguing the area. After class i watch a student leave the cathedral building and head towards the practice range / garden that is walled off by pretty green hedges. The guy disappears through the hedges and another student a girl follows behind with her wand in her hand. A few minutes later i follow suit and when i pass through the hedges the male student has been impaled in wrapped in thrones against a state of an angel , dead, while the girl is nearby practicing her magic against a dummy in the garden. I ignore the statues student and go to the girl talking to her abt her magic that everyone is afraid of and is sure she is the one murdeint all the students. i eventually ask her if she killed the guy and she said yes that she does it for the other world as she wants to ascend and be accepted by them. I don’t say anything to that but ask why she is telling me this. She says there is certain people w an aura showing they are blessed. By the otherworld or they are chosen. she says i have this aura and that she picks students like me to help do the tasks of the other world. She says that my time is coming soon but it’s not something she can help or do anything abt and that she is jealous cause my aura is so strong the strongest she’s ever seen. There is then yell and we run out of the training gardens to see a group of students battling teachers on the roofs of the cathedral. The girls eyes go white and she mumbles to herself before grabbing my hand and telling me it’s my time and that other world needs me now. She drags me through the halls S everyone chases us. We go down some stairs further and further until it so dark that it doesn’t feel like the stairs are there anymore. And when the light finally comes i am surrounded by strange people in a big building surrounded by plants and sunlight. The group sends the girl back up the stairs and she obeys. A bigger girl steps out of the group of people and tells me i am the prophecy to become something very special but she won’t tell me what , that if i am the one i will pass all the tests. We then cross a magical greenery bridge in the fog that leads to door once the door opens it reveals an office like setting. They tell me we must wait for the main spell master to get here before proceeding w the test but that i must remain in the little batheroom area because spies and enemies will try to stop the prophecy. But the girl from earlier that led us through the green area says that she wants to show me more of the underworld so we leave and walk around and explore its beauty but while we do this a cockroach like creature is following us around swiftly and is missing its opportunity to kill me by seconds. Me and the girl find a closet to sit in chill as we had been running around. Me and the girl quickly become sexual and begin scissoring in the closet but are interrupted by her eyes turning white as she alerted the main spell caster is here. She leads me back to the bathe rooms after we get dress the bug getting ever so close when we reach the bathe rooms one of her coworkers scold her asking where i been and kill the roach that had been following us. I sit in the stall on the toilet and the a guy doctor hooks me up to an iv where my blood begins to siphon out i begin to get scared and look around as they watch me i ask them if im going to die and they look nervously but hopeful at me. I then black out i wake up in another office like area that is in skyscrapers in the sky. The girl i had sex w from earlier tells me i passed the first test and excitingly tells me i may be prophet they were hoping for but that i must meet all the other leaders of the otherworld. i ask if she is one and she says yes she is leader of the green area. We head towards the meeting and for some reason on our way there i have all my bags w me ? That are spilling out with papers and drinks and as we get closer to the meeting i down size and lose a bunch of it. As we are sitting at the meeting we are missing one of the leaders who takes a very long time to get there while we wait the leader of green area that has been with me shows me some of their customs of greetings and how to salute and formally/ respectfully talk. The leader gets there and she looks at me with hate and disgust telling the others we need to stop poking for some prophet cause it’s waste of time and resources. As she’s saying this we all stand to greet her and i stand to doing the formal greeting i was taught. She laughs at me and says i’m in her spot. I apologize and look for a place to sit before she grumbles that it’s fine and sits down. They discuss the next part of the test is in ladies area that doesn’t like me and that enemies draw ever closer and we must rendezvous immediately. That they are just waiting on vechiles and to ofcourse stay alert while we wait. Me and the leader from the green area are sent to a room where we begin fucking again. Until we are interrupted by saying the cars are ready. We go down a series of eleveators my bags are making me slow and u begin just leaving them only having one. When we get to the bottom they put me in a car and put me to sleep. From this point on the dream is new. Everything i have described before i have dreamed before, now this is a new story. I awake and we are some streets in a neighborhood, being chased by some SUVS while we are surrounded by others. The leaders state we must do tactics to get passed them as they don’t which car has me. We then split off into the woods and drive dangerously through trying to lose them when we eventually do. Once we break out of the clearing we are driving on a beach. Where in the distance there is a large sandstone altar that gets ever closer as we drive. My heart sinks as f at takes over again. The girl i’ve been having intercourse grips my hand saying if i passed the first test i surely will pass the next . But as we arrive i wake up.

23 Mar 2024

My crush


kind of about eric ig in another universe. briefly shows me / "toni" (short for tonisha i think) meeting and flirting with him for the first time in a theater esque situation at 15. similar shit goes down and i just don't see him after being reprimanded a few months before my 18th things haven't really improved. i'm in a sort of wayward teens program and we're on a field trip. i have a rambunctious beast friend similar to kayla who takes her daily meds but still acts weird. i've mastered the art of not taking i think we're visiting a hospital or living facility of sorts, and i'm aimlessly wandering until i see a familiar name somewhere. i realize he's staying there and don't really tell bff but try to but she's busy talking with one of the male wayward teens she likes. it's kind of a race to evade both building staff and the crew watching the teens but i make it shortly after some religious folks leave the room. i'm panicked thinking he's in hospice but slowly walk in. just by my heels he goes "toni?" i think he's "quenton" in this dream but we sort of awkwardly look at each other before he smiles and we catch up and gossip and he's fine i think just staying in an exclusive residential suite bc he wants to "find himself" and i guess can afford to. at some point things get hot and flirty and kind of weird in the you're still so beautiful but all grown up way but its so sexy to me lol. in the dream some actually ?? stuff happens and bff is there and i think i was just very in real life horny lmao so my dream had a porn like scene anyways it gets back to some sense of reality when again in the dream he leaves halfway through ~activities saying he'll be back and me and best friend cry like wtf but a more normal scene in this hellscape would be i fall asleep after and he says something i can't really decipher and when i wake up he's gone and the alarms are going off in the hospital again my dream gets crazy and there's an action sequence and the hospital explodes ?? but let's say i and some other patients from either program / facility escape without jumping out of a tall ass building. bff somehow makes it out too and she's pissed at me first bc her crush didn't make it out or got bright back to the state custody but we eventually shrug and kind of become street urchins idk if i have family or she does but we spend the next few weeks kind of making the city outside of the "dishonorable youth" program. initially im trying to find him but there are no leads and bff convinces me to give up. it hurts and i wander one more night in a shady alley that's somehow relevant (lmao i think its a college bar area near where he claimed to live during the catching up scene, suggestive / creepy comments and all) and these two east asian guys ask me what a sign says and i'm like "black cherry?" (it looks like a bar) they laugh and speak another language so i walk away and decide that's it, he's gone xmas eve comes, the day before im assuming my / toni's 18th birthday and there's a sliver of hope that there will be a Christmas miracle but im starting to wake up at this point so the last actual dream part was me standing in what was kind of like central park of ny all lit up and i was looking at this really tall light post that's bulb was super bright and i pretended it was a shooting star before bff is like let's get wasted my own ending i think is that i wake up hungover as shit with this guy snapping and going "hello?" and i think he's my shooting star come true on my birthday morning so im like "quin"?? and he says "who?" as the sleepiness leaves my eyes and he's just some college guy from a bar we went to. i blink before smiling and replying "ah, nobody" other parts in the dream that were probably "in order" before my own ending but i couldn't make sense of it in a linear manner include coming back to the hospital that's now in good condition with better security and we make a joke to the receptionists about the incident months prior which makes them confused first then surprised. i think we go the equivalent of jk, oh can we get these drinks? i also think i made note of not seeing his name on the visiting sheet as an option or something so it could have been during the "where's pedo" montage alternative ending i get some sort of real closure? it's been years of no contact atp and i think nye following my 21st and i see him at the event and he sees me. i don't feel the same butterflies and anxiety but just.. weird so i go somewhere less crowded to drink water and this time he followed me. vague small talk, some awkward silences, and then we both say im sorry. and he's like why are u sorry and while i feel like i have a reason i stop and frown and i just don't know. he goes you aren't because you don't need to be and talks about the regret of ruining my adolescence and that's why he ran bc while the night was fun and thrilling it wasn't right and wouldn't end in good for anyone. like how i'm on track in community college after getting my ged (which i mentioned during small talk) and he's in therapy and trying to talk to ppl his age *awkward pained but genuine laughter* we nod and look away nervously while ppl filter in and out of what's probably someone's penthouse kitchen. the ball drop is soon and he says my name and i instinctively look despite feeling ashamed be almost a dog on call, following every command. he says something goofy to lighten the mood but i interrupt and kiss him as the countdown starts. its brief but passionate and at five i go "goodbye, quenton" and run off to the glass/window walls as one approaches. bff is there with u troubled youth boy toy who's turned it around and she grabs my hand and i squeeze back as it's the new year. there's celebration and cheer and yelling and we hug and bff asks "so what's your first resolution" looking her in the eye with a smile and refusing to acknowledge the confused but all too familiar set of eyes i'm sure is on my back "to never look back" toast, cheers, etc noises as she looks confused momentarily but shrugs and smiles bc she may not get it but she /gets it/ and i do too, finally

23 Mar 2024

Light (Not Dark)


I was standing outside of a pool that was a part of a resort I was staying at. There was someone standing in the water and the water was a deep orange color, like the water was heavy in iron or spice or something that would make it that color. I was talking to the person in the water, talking to them about how the waters are extremely healing and good for a person. When I jumped into the water the part I jumped into seemed to have no bottom to it and I sunk down and kept sinking. I remember looking up and could see that the person I was talking to was standing on a ledge within the pool water while I was in the bottomless part. As I sunk down I saw that the part that was closer to the surface was the expected blue pool coloring for the floor of the pool, as I sunk down I saw the blue walls fade away into rock formations. The water was warm and even though I was sinking further and further down I didn’t feel scared. The light from the surface dimmed as I fell deeper into the water. I was able to hold my breath without feeling exhausted. Once I was in complete darkness, I began to swim back up to the surface.

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