Dream interpretation about Stealing, Car, Movie, Town, Parking Lot, Wall, Crack, Familiar, outside, Renovation, Clean, Holes, My House, Super
I went to the movies with Pooja and Tenisha. We went to town by car. It was a lot of hassle to find a parking garage. It was also difficult to find a spot in the parking garage, but we eventually found one. We went to the exit and there was a very long escalator to the outside. It was the longest escalator I had ever seen. We went to see an unknown French movie. But the movie seemed familiar and very similar to Spirited Away. I saw Yubaba in the movie, but no one believed me when I said it was a spoof of Spirited Away. I was very frustrated because I was sure the movie was stolen. Then I started doing renovations in my house. We had to paint the walls and sealed the cracks. One of the corners was very bad and there was still an old sealant layer on it. I pulled off the old caulk and it was super slimy. There was a lot of slime coming off the wall. When that was cleaned I saw that the holes in the corner were too deep and large to fill.
Dream date:
4 Mar 2024
Emotional tone:
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