Dream interpretation about Blood, Friends, Fun, Eye, Face, Field, Looking, Picture, Walking, Eating
in the dream i just had, i was out with my friends. we were getting ready for something thing and we were having fun. then out of the corner of my eye i saw deon walk in. it seemed like he was startled to see me there being happy. so out of nowhere he threw something at me and the scene changed completely. we both were now standing in a baseball field and i was alone. i had on a different outfit and everything. him and his team just started throwing baseballs at me, hoping i would give up, but i ate each hit, only really protecting my face. once they ran out of balls, i stood up, covered in blood and dirt. i still looked strong. the scene changed again and this time me and him were in a cafe. he looked very enamored with me and i looked bored. he was saying something that was uninteresting to me and i just turned him down, in a way that embarrassed him. then i woke up.
Dream date:
4 Mar 2024
Emotional tone:
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