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18 Apr 2024
I had a dream where Brooke and I went to a beach bar concert thing and at the end I was like we should get a drink and she said she couldn’t cause she was driving and that I couldn’t bc she couldn’t. I told her that I’d give her the money back for the drink and she expected me to hand her the cash. When I didn’t have it she got upset and stormed off. I’m listening to Sueco apparently and he starts singing about his mom and on the board is a diagram. Something about how preparation leads to faster efficiency and da da da or whatever. If I’d remember it it would be helpful. Then the next morning I was talking to Yazan in the rain and I was telling him how when I was younger I used to have “rain days” much like snow days. Where is go out in the rain and play and then I’d come back inside and shower and it was nice. Him and I were talking and it was a good conversation with substance I didn’t want it to end. But it did. Somehow Yazan became this older guy I work with a Walgreens but in my dream we were related ? Or very close as in I saw him as like an uncle or something. Anyways he kept asking me what bridges went where and how far away they were. I asked him if he was trying to find an alternate route home, and he said yea. So I started walking him across the bridge pointing to three different T stops. One on the other side of the road that could only be accessed by the stop before it (stupid-it was exit only) and the next one which was accessible by the same side of the road but you had to cross the tracks and wait on the platform on the other side to board. I was in the middle of telling him that and he starts walking down the stairs towards the track and began crossing it and stopped midway through. I thought he got confused and told him to come back or go across. I started to go down there and then I looked at the sign and saw the train was arriving so me and some of the T workers panicked and were yelling at him to come back…. But he didn’t. The train flew past and I looked and he was in half, I fell to my knees and began sobbing and the workers started talking and laughing as if that didn’t happen.
In my dreams I'm visiting family at my mums house and I'm standing and watching, waiting for the house to tip over or crumble to the ground, I fond if that doesn't hurt me then the sun gets too hot to bare and I get frazzled to a crisp by the sun rays, I feel like my dreams are trying to kill me all the time, I think I'm going to seek professional help at this point as I'm now loosing sleep over the matter!
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My parents were fighting and my mom implied that my dad cheated. We are all adults in this dream. It was at the end of a family movie night. My mom was angry. My dad was flippant. My brother left the room and I started asking questions and got very heated. Before any questions were answered I woke up
Some condo with my mom and it was like a huge tsunami was coming right before it hit us i woke up. Another dream - also in a condo. I'm hiding from these crazy dragons clearly wanting to eat us.. I had to jump off the balcony and obvs hit the cement lol
I had a dream I was in my childhood church. I have not been to this church in years. In the dream I was standing in the front of the church and I was annoyed and was rolling my eyes while the pastor was speaking. He looked at me and started preaching to me. People in the church was looking at me in shock because I have not been there in years. They were surprised I was back in the church
I had a dream that my grandma was panicking about a zombie being in the backyard
17 Apr 2024
I dreamt I couldn't find my boyfriend anywhere
Claire Raines took me to her apartment and on the way she said “have you heard of pie bear” I say “no” and she says “yeah pie bear comes around and eats people while looking for pie”. So I said “wow I’m feeling a little uncomfortable being her I wanna go home. She got offended that I was scared of pie bear and she thought I thought she was gonna kill me.
I was walking out of a house and a spider web got on me and wrapped around my neck with a big yellow and white spider on it. I didn’t try to get it off. I froze and let it wrap around me. Once the spider was on my neck I woke up.
i was at school and i was trying to hide from the assistant principals and the male one found me and was really angry and put me in the in school suspension room and i didn’t want to be in there. i wanted to keep walking around cause if i didn’t and sat down i would start to panic and cry. then while i was in there a kid poured their whole tray of food into my shoes. i left and tried to hide in the other hallway behind a door but a teacher came and found me and opened the door so i left and then another assistant principal came this time a female. she was worried and looked almost sad, she had a big frown on her face. i was scared to have a mental breakdown so i just kept walking and then i saw the coach’s. The assistant principals left me with them, and suddenly i felt super panicked but i love them so im not sure why. they said a kid that i know told them about the kids who dumped the tray in my shoes and they will talk to me everyday and they are there for me. they were following me around and smiling, they looked super happy. i love the coaches but i feel like i have let them down.
I was almost trapped inside of a tornado and I was so scared I was squeezing my eyes shut and pretending it wasn’t there but I could feel myself struggling to breathe from the impact of the wind
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