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4 Mar 2024
My girlfriend who came back, left me in my dream I became extremely anxious and wanted to die. I traveled with friend at the ski. I was with a friend in Biarritz, the food wasn’t good enough to die. My father helps me. I handled the travel but I forgot myself in the process. I gotta go on stage. My friend wanted to invite me to sleep over but I had to get back home.
i felt a really strong and sharp pain on my lower stomach in my dream, didn’t know what was happening, turns out i was going in labor but in my dream i didn’t know i was pregnant, i had triplets i named them riccardo eros and emily, they were so cute and so good outside, they never cried, they were always smiling, i felt like a hole in my chest when i woke up and didn’t have my babies
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DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up. card
I was driving in my car down the highway and was in a car accident, I got trapped in my car and couldn’t get out, then the car caught on fire
Late to work, stolen car, someone stole my yogurt with red strawberries and blue berries, I saw some old and new friends, and an old boss, I was assisting at a Photoshoot
I can't remember most of my dream. What I do remember is i was standing outside near a field. By the way the sky looked i couldn't tell if it was sunrise or sunset. Then, someone gave me a piece of honeycomb. I've never had one before, but in my dream it tasted perfectly. Later on in the dream, I dropped my phone onasphalt. My phone and screen protector was fine. But my phone case broke. I was outside with a black sweatshirt on, and I was with 2 or 3 other women who were sitting and leaning on the hood of a car.
Went to watch the six musical again. Can’t remember anything else.
Me and my dad were getting ice cream and then we looked at the chocolate sauces and saw one that was really cheap. We bought it and brought it home. We read the dessert and it says it uses natural ingredients and is to honor this 16 year olds death. We thought that was really sweet. Later on, some one put it on their ice cream and started to look at the bottle, they started to gag and ran to the bathroom. Later when the bottle was shaken it turned into this light brown- tan color and it turns out it wasn’t chocolate sauce, it was human. It was made with the 16 year olds flesh. It was basically forced cannibalism
I was playing guitar with Tim Henson and had all my musical compositions and songs to show and I was going to be one of the faces of Ibanez. Then I had a art show but at the end everyone was at a coachella style event I was about to start performing
I went to the movies with Pooja and Tenisha. We went to town by car. It was a lot of hassle to find a parking garage. It was also difficult to find a spot in the parking garage, but we eventually found one. We went to the exit and there was a very long escalator to the outside. It was the longest escalator I had ever seen. We went to see an unknown French movie. But the movie seemed familiar and very similar to Spirited Away. I saw Yubaba in the movie, but no one believed me when I said it was a spoof of Spirited Away. I was very frustrated because I was sure the movie was stolen. Then I started doing renovations in my house. We had to paint the walls and sealed the cracks. One of the corners was very bad and there was still an old sealant layer on it. I pulled off the old caulk and it was super slimy. There was a lot of slime coming off the wall. When that was cleaned I saw that the holes in the corner were too deep and large to fill.
in the dream i just had, i was out with my friends. we were getting ready for something thing and we were having fun. then out of the corner of my eye i saw deon walk in. it seemed like he was startled to see me there being happy. so out of nowhere he threw something at me and the scene changed completely. we both were now standing in a baseball field and i was alone. i had on a different outfit and everything. him and his team just started throwing baseballs at me, hoping i would give up, but i ate each hit, only really protecting my face. once they ran out of balls, i stood up, covered in blood and dirt. i still looked strong. the scene changed again and this time me and him were in a cafe. he looked very enamored with me and i looked bored. he was saying something that was uninteresting to me and i just turned him down, in a way that embarrassed him. then i woke up.
I was sitting at a table it was my moms kitchen table. I was talking with friends and we were sharing a meal. They were asking me if I grew up around with any black friends. I told them about my childhood friend Veronica who was black and Hispanic. One of the ladies was sharing a dish she said that was her mothers recipe
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