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16 Apr 2024



At Bobbi’s. Eat and then I have to rest. Leave Beth, Jen, and Kakii to clean up. Come down and now they are packing. There is a store next door. Everything goes sale. People are buying her plates and pottery. I can’t handle packing up the kitchen. I want really sad. It seemed like bikes were involved




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16 Apr 2024

Old Man


At the beginning of the dream, I’m in this bank that looks a lot like a mansion inside and I’m walking through these rooms where it looks like important people are having meetings with their clients. They may be bankers or maybe higher up people? But one of the men gave me a look like I wasn’t supposed to be in that area so I walked out. The bank is slowly morphing more into a mansion, and I come across this dog and it was friendly at first, but then when I was starting to play with it, it began to get really aggressive and was growling, and I was trying to hold it down so it wouldn’t bite me, but it kept getting agitated and almost bit me. And then there was a noise in one of the other rooms and it distracted the dog and the dog got up and went to go investigate it. As the dog was doing that, I’m looking outside the windows and there’s a cathedral right outside of one of them with stained glass windows brightly colored. There’s beautiful wood work around the windows that match the hardwood floors. I pull my phone out and wanna grab a picture but my hand is so shaky and I thought I heard footsteps and someone coming so I put my phone away. No one ends up coming just yet. The dog walks back out and is not aggressive with me anymore and there’s still noises coming from the room that it was in and it keeps staring at the room. I definitely feel a presence in this area. I am too afraid to see what’s going on. I’m getting concerned. I went to one of the bathrooms, which seems to be a reoccurring theme as well. I walk back out into the main area and then i hear footsteps again and see a shadow emerging from that room and an old man walks out of that room that the dog was looking at and this man is giving off creepy vibes. I don’t remember what he said to me, but I just remember feeling uncomfortable.

16 Apr 2024



I was at home in my bedroom with my friend, the lights were on and it was night time outside, we were playing games together when I got thirsty, I left my bedroom to go to the kitchen, the rest of the house was so dark I could barely see, from the kitchen in my grandparents doorway I saw a tall and dark silhouette with two glowing white eyes. It didn’t say or do anything but as soon as I looked at it I felt chills and sensed it’s negative energy. I went to sit down on the couch and hope it would leave me alone. I was on FaceTime with my friend and he was not talking either. The monster slowly moved toward me before rushing at me. It phased through me and it was so terrifying. There was a rush of noise as it happened then it was gone and it was dark again. I started to get up then saw it around the corner in the hallway. It ducked away and I ran down the hallway into my bedroom. My friend was no longer there. He was on the phone with me instead. My lights were off and my room was as dark as the rest of the house. I closed the door and locked it then I got in my bed in my blankets and still didn’t feel safe. Several minutes passed and under the door, through the light of the nightlight in the hallway, I saw a shadow standing right in front of my door. The feeling of dread and fear came back as I stared at it. The same dark shadow slowly appeared through my door and was standing and watching me from the corner of my room. i just held my blankets tighter and watched it. Then woke up.

16 Apr 2024



I was at this family gathering (the inlaws of my first wife). We were listening to someone preaching i think. Scott was doing needle point (which seemed a bit odd). The sole of one of my shoes was starting to fall off and I was trying to figure out how to repair it. I didn't think I had enough money to just buy a new pair of shoes. But I could feel this one separating as I walked. I was looking for glue when everyone announced that we were all going somewhere. I went to grab my shoes hoping that the sole would stay on a bit longer. When I felt something sharp. These were the wrong shoes. This pair also needed repair because the nails that hold the soles on were popping into the shoe. I noticed that there were some screw on caps thar were missing from some of the nails. I wondered if they could be replaced. We had to go though, I remembered there was a pair I had to use at work. I could wear these. These should be fine because I hardly ever wore them. As i was heading out the door. I noticed My son was the sitting next to a device of scott's wasn't leaking water all of the floor making a huge puddle. Scott had probably forgotten to turn it off. I was a little disappointed that Wolf did not tell me about it. I said he should have and reaches over the couch to turn the thing off. I felt bad that Diane and Dan would have to deal with the mess later and we all left.

16 Apr 2024



I was at the school and there was a really bad tornado happening nearby. My grandma was there and my coworker was there, and my bf was with me too. My coworker, grandma, and some retired military guy were standing outside and my coworker was flying a very large remote controlled plane. He was supposed to stop the tornado with it by flying it around it. My grandma and the military instructor were worried the other pilots’ efforts wouldn’t be enough and that the tornado would come to our school. We could see in the distance it was gettin closer, maybe 5-6 miles away. My bf and I were supposed to go inside but we got in my car instead. Mimi told me not to go anywhere but then told me to go down 60 to an inn where Id be safe. I didn’t know where I was going but dream me seemed to. I woke up right as my bf and I started to drive away. I don’t know if the tornado was scarier or if it was the aspect of leaving Mimi behind to potentially die that was. I was so scared to leave without my grandma I was worried I’d never see her again. At the same time I would have rather leave with my bf than stay.

16 Apr 2024

Blonde hair


I had a dream that I got married to someone that I can't really like think about right now and we were being chased by the world essentially because we took a honeymoon and then went on a cruise but everybody was looking for us and chasing us and we couldn't really like have our honeymoon I think it was because they didn't approve of him especially my family and yeah you Um, I just wanted to have sex with him after the marriage, like whatever, after our wedding. And we couldn't, like, we were being essentially like pulled apart so that we wouldn't have sex. We were on a cruise as well. And there was like war, there was like a lot of, yeah, there was war and there was like people getting killed. Part of the war was because I had married this person, this guy. He was blonde, I didn't really know who he was. Part of the war was because of that. It was all so intense and in a way I just wanted to be with him the more we faced difficulties

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