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17 Apr 2024
I dreamt I was being pulled by a chain and transported from one area to another. Once I go to a location I saw that my lock was stuck and I couldn’t release it. I called my husband but he wasn’t anywhere. I was so annoyed and mad and scared bc if I didn’t move fast enough someone is going to topple on top of me and I’ll be dragged over. I screamed for help and some guy helped me out instead. He unlocked the link from the chain and I was able to be free. I was so frustrated because my husband didn’t help me and some other man did so easily.
I’ve had a similar dream multiple times before. Same place and scenario. Just different people and events. The dream takes place in my hometown by my grandpas house. And there is a underground monster similar to a sand dune that I have to attack. If it defeats me. I go back to where I started and have to start again. This time however I am not the only one who knows of its existence. An older gentleman and Deadpool are both trying to kill it too. Towards the end of my dream it shifted from the monster to me swimming with some people. I was looking through a females perspective and I was in a place and area that I feel like I’ve dreamt before. Then after a bit of that. I was back in town where I then woke up
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I went to see my highschool crush and left without saying a word. After the visit I went to a school and got into a shoot out with terrorists. I killed all of them and ran from the cops. I went back to my barracks room where my team leader walked in and I hid my injuries from the recent gunfight. The next day I went to work like normal.
Steve was hiding in a space in our house for 8 years and we all thought he had died but he was just hiding. I told his mom first, then two of his sisters but not until a little bit after and one sister was mad I didn’t immediately tell her but I was just in shock that he was alive.
My sister, my brother, and I are living alone. Not in my house, but I’m a big two story house that used to be a friend of mines. We stay on the top floor at all times in this dream. This dream is reoccurring. There’s always a tall, black, hairy monster outside stalking us. He’s always on the balcony and he often finds ways inside. When he does, we run and hide until he’s outside and we can run and lock the door he came in from. However he always gets back in. Unlike all the other times, this time in this dream I touched him. He didn’t hurt me but he got super happy and tried to pull me outside. That didn’t seem right so I pulled away and tried to lock the door but it wouldn’t lock. I ran and the dream ended.
i was at my old house and my sister and mom were still living there but my dad wasnt. my mom told me that my dads old friend was going to be visiting but i didnt like that thought because he never introduced himself to us. my mother agreed and realized how creepy it was so we went to the post office to stop all of his mail from coming. then we blocked him but we had to block him twice so that he would really stop. but we had to talk to my sister so that she could understand and not get mad. then i woke up
Father was an alcoholic but died woman ( the mother) goes to a tarot meeting than the ghost of the father kills the her children.
a dream that i went to the hospital again and this time a nurse took me and two other girls off the unit we were on and gave us numbing shots in our tongues and gums.
I dreamt that I was going to an indoor water park with lots of big slides. It felt like the early 2000s and I was with my fiancé and at some point, after I had fun in the slides with him, there were lots of kids everywhere, playing, and one of them came out of nowhere and hugged us because apparently we were her parents. She looked very pretty and it could indeed have been our kid. At some point when I was in the slides, I was alone and there were nobody anymore because they were closed and it was trippy.
yeah I was dreaming that I was watching the vegan teachers content and she turned into a bunny rabbit and it and I was like it explains why she is a total vegan and then she decided to hop around and start eating like rabbit food and stuff because she became a bunny rabbit
I dreamt when am back in Uganda and then I see a money trailof only 5riyal going near the toilet I picked them up one by one it was a lot after me and my sister entered the house of the person who used to be our neighbors and then I saw a boy I know he told me he has alot of money like that at his home I told him. Go and bring it and he said ok it took him one hour to come back after he bought the money and other stuffs in the bag then I waked up after I dreamt my stepmothers house and he was making cake she covered it in barkcloth and then my sister told me that dad heard a fight with my sister and told her to go back to his familys house that she should stop leaving with them and then dad called me and my sister and he gave us , five thousand note that we buy ourselves drinks after a girl came with a witchcraft things and two five thousand notes that dad gave it to us I took only the money and went to ask dad dad told me that he had only given me three thousand note and then I gave him the five thousand notes and he gave me back two two thousand notes after I wake upj
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